

表单有一个richtTextBox。 我希望worker-thread将字符串传递给表单,以便每个字符串都显示在文本框中。

每次在工作线程中生成一个新字符串时,我都会调用一个事件,现在应该显示该字符串。 但我不知道如何传递字符串! 这是我到目前为止所尝试的:

///// Form1 private void btn_myClass_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { myClass myObj = new myClass(); myObj.NewListEntry += myObj_NewListEntry; Thread thrmyClass = new Thread(new ThreadStart(myObj.ThreadMethod)); thrmyClass.Start(); } private void myObj_NewListEntry(Object objSender, EventArgs e) { this.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { // Here I want to add my string from the worker-thread to the textbox! richTextBox1.Text += "TEXT"; // I want: richTextBox1.Text += myStringFromWorkerThread; }); } 

 ///// myClass (working thread...) class myClass { public event EventHandler NewListEntry; public void ThreadMethod() { DoSomething(); } protected virtual void OnNewListEntry(EventArgs e) { EventHandler newListEntry = NewListEntry; if (newListEntry != null) { newListEntry(this, e); } } private void DoSomething() { ///// Do some things and generate strings, such as "test"... string test = "test"; // Here I want to pass the "test"-string! But how to do that?? OnNewListEntry(EventArgs.Empty); // I want: OnNewListEntry(test); } } 


 public class NewListEntryEventArgs : EventArgs { private readonly string test; public NewListEntryEventArgs(string test) { this.test = test; } public string Test { get { return this.test; } } } 


 class MyClass { public delegate void NewListEntryEventHandler( object sender, NewListEntryEventArgs args); public event NewListEntryEventHandler NewListEntry; protected virtual void OnNewListEntry(string test) { if (NewListEntry != null) { NewListEntry(this, new NewListEntryEventArgs(test)); } } } 


 private void btn_myClass_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyClass myClass = new MyClass(); myClass.NewListEntry += NewListEntryEventHandler; ... } private void NewListEntryEventHandler( object sender, NewListEntryEventArgs e) { if (richTextBox1.InvokeRequired) { this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { this.NewListEntryEventHandler(sender, e); }); return; } richTextBox1.Text += e.Test; } 

我冒昧地使NewListEntryEventArgs类不可变,因为这是有道理的。 我还部分更正了您的命名约定,简化并更正了权宜之计。




 public class MyEventArgs : EventArgs { public string MyEventString {get; set; } public MyEventArgs(string myString) { this.MyEventString = myString; } } 




 ///// myClass (working thread...) class myClass { public event EventHandler NewListEntry; public void ThreadMethod() { DoSomething(); } protected virtual void OnNewListEntry(MyEventArgs e) { EventHandler newListEntry = NewListEntry; if (newListEntry != null) { newListEntry(this, e); } } private void DoSomething() { ///// Do some things and generate strings, such as "test"... string test = "test"; OnNewListEntry(new MyEventArgs(test)); } } 


 private void myObj_NewListEntry(Object objSender, MyEventArgs e) { this.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { // Here I want to add my string from the worker-thread to the textbox! richTextBox1.Text += e.MyEventString; }); } 

通常,您需要inheritanceEventArgs并添加string属性,然后使您的事件类型为EventHandler ,但这是BackgroundWorker的经典案例。

此处示例: http : //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc221403(v = vs95).aspx

在这里: C#backgroundWorker报告字符串?