BindingList .Sort()表现得像List .Sort()

我正在尝试编写一个可用于我的应用程序的SortableBindingList。 我已经找到了很多关于如何实现基本排序支持的讨论,以便BindingList在DataGridView或其他绑定控件(包括StackOverflow中的这篇文章)的上下文中使用时进行排序:

这一切都非常有用,我已经实现了代码,经过测试等等,并且一切正常,但在我的特殊情况下,我需要能够支持对Sort()的简单调用,并让该调用使用默认的IComparable。 CompareTo()进行排序,而不是调用ApplySortCore(PropertyDescriptor,ListSortDirection)。


具体来说,我有一个名为VariableCode的类和一个名为VariableCodeList的集合类。 VariableCode实现IComparable,其中的逻辑基于几个属性等适度复杂…

public class VariableCode : ... IComparable ... { public int CompareTo(object p_Target) { int output = 0; //some interesting stuff here return output; } } public class VariableCodeList : SortableBindingList { public void Sort() { //This is where I need help // How do I sort this list using the IComparable // logic from the class above? } } 

我在Sort()中重新调整了ApplySortCore方法的尝试失败了,但是阻止我的是,ApplySortCore期望PropertyDescriptor进行排序,我无法弄清楚如何使用IComparable .CompareTo()逻辑。




  ///  /// Sorts using the default IComparer of T ///  public void Sort() { sort(null, null); } public void Sort(IComparer p_Comparer) { sort(p_Comparer, null); } public void Sort(Comparison p_Comparison) { sort(null, p_Comparison); } private void sort(IComparer p_Comparer, Comparison p_Comparison) { m_SortProperty = null; m_SortDirection = ListSortDirection.Ascending; //Extract items and sort separately List sortList = new List(); this.ForEach(item => sortList.Add(item));//Extension method for this call if (p_Comparison == null) { sortList.Sort(p_Comparer); }//if else { sortList.Sort(p_Comparison); }//else //Disable notifications, rebuild, and re-enable notifications bool oldRaise = RaiseListChangedEvents; RaiseListChangedEvents = false; try { ClearItems(); sortList.ForEach(item => this.Add(item)); } finally { RaiseListChangedEvents = oldRaise; ResetBindings(); } } 

模拟属性只是为了进行排序可能有点过头了。 首先要看的是Comparer.Default 。 然而,可能最简单的事情是:

  • 将数据提取到List或类似的
  • 对提取的数据进行排序
  • 禁用通知
  • 重新加载数据
  • 重新启用通知
  • 发送“重置”消息


 public void Sort() { // TODO: clear your "sort" variables (prop/order) T[] arr = new T[Count]; CopyTo(arr, 0); Array.Sort(arr); bool oldRaise = RaiseListChangedEvents; RaiseListChangedEvents = false; // <=== oops, added! try { ClearItems(); foreach (T item in arr) { Add(item); } } finally { RaiseListChangedEvents = oldRaise; ResetBindings(); } } 



 public static void SortAscending(this BindingList bindingList, Func sortProperty) { bindingList.Sort(null, (a, b) => ((IComparable

)sortProperty(a)).CompareTo(sortProperty(b))); } public static void SortDescending(this BindingList bindingList, Func sortProperty) { bindingList.Sort(null, (a, b) => ((IComparable

)sortProperty(b)).CompareTo(sortProperty(a))); } public static void Sort(this BindingList bindingList) { bindingList.Sort(null, null); } public static void Sort(this BindingList bindingList, IComparer comparer) { bindingList.Sort(comparer, null); } public static void Sort(this BindingList bindingList, Comparison comparison) { bindingList.Sort(null, comparison); } private static void Sort(this BindingList bindingList, IComparer p_Comparer, Comparison p_Comparison) { //Extract items and sort separately List sortList = new List(); bindingList.ForEach(item => sortList.Add(item));//Extension method for this call if (p_Comparison == null) { sortList.Sort(p_Comparer); }//if else { sortList.Sort(p_Comparison); }//else //Disable notifications, rebuild, and re-enable notifications bool oldRaise = bindingList.RaiseListChangedEvents; bindingList.RaiseListChangedEvents = false; try { bindingList.Clear(); sortList.ForEach(item => bindingList.Add(item)); } finally { bindingList.RaiseListChangedEvents = oldRaise; bindingList.ResetBindings(); } } public static void ForEach(this IEnumerable source, Action action) { if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); if (action == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("action"); foreach (T item in source) { action(item); } }
