

public class Foo { public void FooHasAMethod() { Console.WriteLine("it is me, foo!!!"); } } public class Bar { public Foo FooProperty { get; set; } } public class FooBar { public static void Main() { Bar bar = new Bar{ FooProperty = new Foo() }; CallPropertyByName(bar, "Foo"); } public static void CallPropertyByName(Bar bar, string propertyName) { PropertyInfo pi = bar.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName + "Property"); object fooObj = pi.GetValue(bar, null); ((Foo)fooObj).FooHasAMethod(); // this works /* but I want to use * ((Type.GetType(propertyName))fooObj).FooHasAMethod(); This line needs fix * which doesnt work * Is there a way to type cast using a string name of a object? * */ } } 

 Type fooObjType = fooObj.GetType(); MethodInfo method = fooObjType.GetMethod("FooHasAMethod"); method.Invoke(fooObj, new object[0]); 

如果您使用的是.NET 4,那实际上很容易= D

 dynamic obj = bar; obj.FooProperty.FooHasAMethod(); 


 object someBoxedType = new Foo(); Bar myDesiredType = Convert.ChangeType(typeof(Bar), someBoxedType) as Bar; 

现在,这个与实际类型Foo和Bar有很强的联系。 但是,您可以对方法进行泛化以获得所需内容:

 public T GetObjectAs(object source, T destinationType) where T: class { return Convert.ChangeType(typeof(T), source) as T; } 


 Bar x = GetObjectAs(someBoxedType, new Bar()); SomeTypeYouWant x = GetObjectAs(someBoxedType, Activator.CreateInstance(typeof("SomeTypeYouWant"))); 

使用激活器,您可以在运行时创建所需的任何类型。 并且通过推断尝试从boxedType转换为运行时类型来欺骗generics方法。


 ISomething propValue = obj.GetProperty("FooPropery").GetValue(obj, null) as ISomething; if(propValue != null) propValue.FooHasAMethod(); 


看看.NET 4.0 动态类型。

使用字符串无法进行强制转换。 但是你可以使用dynamic或MethodInfo来调用