

13.1, round to 13.5 13.2, round to 13.5 13.3, round to 13.5 13.4, round to 13.5 13.5 = 13.5 13.6, round to 14.0 13.7, round to 14.0 13.8, round to 14.0 13.9, round to 14.0 


 doubleValue = Math.Round((doubleValue * 2), MidpointRounding.ToEven) / 2; 

如果需要13.1, round to 13.513.9, round to 14.0 ,那么:

 double a = 13.1; double rounded = Math.Ceil(a * 2) / 2; 


 double a = 13.3; var rn = a % 0.5 == 0 ? 1 : 0; Math.Round(a, rn); 

一个简单的方法,没有c#的内置方法(如果你想)它的写作我c ++(我曾经缺乏c ++中的圆函数)但你可以很容易地将它改为c#语法

 int round(float nNumToRound) { // Variable definition int nResult; // Check if the number is negetive if (nNumToRound > 0) { // its positive, use floor. nResult = floor(nNumToRound + 0.5); } else if (nNumToRound < 0) { // its negtive, use ceil nResult = ceil(nNumToRound - 0.5); } return (nResult); 


 num = (num % 0.5 == 0 ? num : Math.Round(num)); 


 static void Main(string[] args) { double[] a = new double[]{ 13.1,13.2,13.3D,13.4,13.5,13.6,13.7,13.8,13.9,13.58,13.49,13.55, }; foreach (var b in a) { Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1}",b,b % 0.5 == 0 ? b : Math.Round(b)); } Console.ReadKey(); } 


13.613.7最近0.513.5 ,所以你有正确的解决方案。


 var value = 13.5; var reminder = value % (int)value; var isMiddle = Math.Abs(reminder - 0.5) < 0.001; var result = (isMiddle ? Math.Round(value * 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero): Math.Round(value)*2)/ 2; 

我不知道这是否正确,但它确实有效。 如果你想要试试这个:

  double doubleValue = 13.5; double roundedValue = 0.0; if (doubleValue.ToString().Contains('.')) { string s = doubleValue.ToString().Substring(doubleValue.ToString().IndexOf('.') + 1); if (Convert.ToInt32(s) == 5) { roundedValue = doubleValue; } else { roundedValue = Math.Round(doubleValue); } } Console.WriteLine("Result: {0}", roundedValue); 
 var a = d == (((int)d)+0.5) ? d : Math.Round(d); 
