
我仍然忙着编组一个从c ++到c#的非常复杂的结构。

c ++中的结构如下:

typedef struct { DWORD Flags; DWORD TimeCode; DWORD NodeMoving; Matrix NodeRots[NUM_GYROS]; Vector Position; DWORD ContactPoints; float channel[NUM_CHANNELS]; } Frame; 


 typedef struct { union { struct { float x, y, z; }; float Array[3]; }; } Vector; 


 typedef struct { union { struct { float xx, xy, xz; //This row is the right vector float yx, yy, yz; //This row is the up vector float zx, zy, zz; //This row is the forward vector }; float Array[3][3]; //[row][col] }; } Matrix; 


 [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public unsafe struct Matrix { public float xx; public float xy; public float xz; public float yx; public float yy; public float yz; public float zx; public float zy; public float zz; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public unsafe struct Vector{ public float x; public float y; public float z; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public unsafe struct Frame{ public uint Flags; public uint TimeCode; public uint NodeMoving; public fixed byte NodeRots[NUM_GYROS]; public Vector Position; public uint ContactPoints; public fixed float channel[CHANNEL_ARRAY_SIZE]; public unsafe float[] Channel { get { fixed (float* ptr = channel) { float[] array = new float[CHANNEL_ARRAY_SIZE]; Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)ptr, array, 0, CHANNEL_ARRAY_SIZE); return array; } } } public unsafe Matrix[] nodeRots{ get{ fixed (byte* ptr = NodeRots){ IntPtr ptr2 = (IntPtr)ptr; Matrix[] array = new Matrix[NUM_GYROS]; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { array[i] = (Matrix)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr2, typeof(Matrix)); IntPtr oldptr = ptr2; ptr2 = new IntPtr(oldptr.ToInt32() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Matrix))); } return array; } } } 

Frame结构的值Flags,TimeCode,NodeMoving和NodeRots已正确传递。 成员位置,ContactPoints和通道未正确编组。 我认为我必须对职位成员做点什么,但我真的不知道这个错误究竟是什么。

我已经告诉过你了。 你不能随便一个fixed byte


 public fixed byte NodeRots[NUM_GYROS]; 


 public fixed Matrix NodeRots[NUM_GYROS]; 


 Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)ptr, array, 0, CHANNEL_ARRAY_SIZE) 


 Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)ptr, array, 0, CHANNEL_ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(float)); 

然后对于nodeRots getter,您实际上不需要Marshal.PtrToStructure ,因为您的结构可以直接封送。

 [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public unsafe struct Frame { public uint Flags; public uint TimeCode; public uint NodeMoving; public fixed float nodeRots[NUM_GYROS * 9]; public Vector Position; public uint ContactPoints; public fixed float channel[CHANNEL_ARRAY_SIZE]; public unsafe float[] Channel { get { fixed (float* ptr = channel) { float[] array = new float[CHANNEL_ARRAY_SIZE]; Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)ptr, array, 0, CHANNEL_ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(float)); return array; } } } public unsafe Matrix[] NodeRots { get { fixed (float* ptr = nodeRots) { Matrix[] array = new Matrix[NUM_GYROS]; for (int i = 0, y = 0; i < array.Length; i++, y += 9) { array[i].xx = ptr[y + 0]; array[i].xy = ptr[y + 1]; array[i].xz = ptr[y + 2]; array[i].yx = ptr[y + 3]; array[i].yy = ptr[y + 4]; array[i].yz = ptr[y + 5]; array[i].zx = ptr[y + 6]; array[i].zy = ptr[y + 7]; array[i].zz = ptr[y + 8]; } return array; } } } }