

我已经搜索了很多我知道使用task.run(); 是不可能的,因为它不包含在.not 4它是.net 4.5的新function我也知道Task.Factory.StartNew(); 可以使用而不是使用task.run(),但它有很多风险作为隐式线程,我知道使用显式线程也很好选择一个


 public void PatchUpdates() { try { foreach (DataGridViewRow OfficeListRow in DGV_OfficeList.Rows) { string OfficeIPAddress = OfficeListRow.Cells[3].Value.ToString(); foreach (DataGridViewRow FileListRow in DGV_FileList.Rows) { string SoruceFileNamePath = FileListRow.Cells[4].Value.ToString(); string DestinationFileNamePath = @"\\" + OfficeIPAddress + @"\usb1_1\test\" + Path.GetFileName(SoruceFileNamePath); //check if connection to remote server is available var vResult = CheckOffice(OfficeIPAddress); if (vResult == 1) { DGV_OfficeList[4, DGV_OfficeList.CurrentCell.RowIndex].Value = "Connected"; File.Copy(SoruceFileNamePath, DestinationFileNamePath, true); //copy files... } else if (vResult == 0) { DGV_OfficeList[4, DGV_OfficeList.CurrentCell.RowIndex].Value = "disconnected"; break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } 


  public int CheckOffice(string _ipAddress) { int timeout = 120; string data = "PingTestData"; byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data); Ping PingSender = new Ping(); PingOptions options = new PingOptions(); options.DontFragment = true; PingReply reply = PingSender.Send(_ipAddress, timeout, buffer, options); if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } 


 public void PatchUpdates() { try { foreach (DataGridViewRow OfficeListRow in DGV_OfficeList.Rows) { string OfficeIPAddress = OfficeListRow.Cells[2].Value.ToString(); foreach (DataGridViewRow FileListRow in DGV_FileList.Rows) { string SoruceFileNamePath = FileListRow.Cells[4].Value.ToString(); string DestinationFileNamePath = @"\\" + OfficeIPAddress + @"\usb1_1\test\" + Path.GetFileName(SoruceFileNamePath); Thread foregroundthread = new Thread(() => CheckOffice(OfficeIPAddress)); foregroundthread.Start(); //check if connection to remote server is available if (CheckOffice(OfficeIPAddress) == 1) { DGV_OfficeList[3, DGV_OfficeList.CurrentCell.RowIndex].Value = "Connected"; //file.copy(sorucefilenamepath, destinationfilenamepath, true); //copy files... } else if (CheckOffice(OfficeIPAddress) == 0) { DGV_OfficeList[3, DGV_OfficeList.CurrentCell.RowIndex].Value = "disconnected"; break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } 


  var task = Task.Run(() => { var result = CheckOffice(OfficeIPAddress); this.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { if (result == 1) { DGV_OfficeList[4, DGV_OfficeList.CurrentCell.RowIndex].Value = "Connected"; //file.copy(sorucefilenamepath, destinationfilenamepath, true); //copy files... } else if (result == 0) { DGV_OfficeList[4, DGV_OfficeList.CurrentCell.RowIndex].Value = "disconnected"; } })); } ); 

————————————————– ——-更新—————————————— —————

  public void PatchUpdates() { try { foreach (DataGridViewRow OfficeListRow in DGV_OfficeList.Rows) { string OfficeIPAddress = OfficeListRow.Cells[3].Value.ToString(); int RowNum = OfficeListRow.Index; foreach (DataGridViewRow FileListRow in DGV_FileList.Rows) { string SoruceFileNamePath = FileListRow.Cells[4].Value.ToString(); //string DestinationFileNamePath = @"\\" + OfficeIPAddress + @"\usb1_1\test\" + Path.GetFileName(SoruceFileNamePath); string DestinationFileNamePath = @"F:\test\" + Path.GetFileName(SoruceFileNamePath); //TestPurpose Thread t2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { int vResult = CheckOffice(OfficeIPAddress); UpdateUI(vResult, RowNum, SoruceFileNamePath, DestinationFileNamePath, OfficeIPAddress); })); t2.Start(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } 


  public void UpdateUI(int vResult, int RowNum, string SoruceFileNamePath, string DestinationFileNamePath,string OfficeIPAddress) { try { var timeNow = DateTime.Now; if ((DateTime.Now - PreviousTime).Milliseconds  { if (vResult == 1) { DGV_OfficeList[4, RowNum].Value = "Connected"; //File.Copy(SoruceFileNamePath, DestinationFileNamePath, true); //MessageBox.Show("Pingable " + OfficeIPAddress); //TestPurpose } else if (vResult == 0) { DGV_OfficeList[4, RowNum].Value = "Disconnected"; //MessageBox.Show("Not reachable"); //TestPurpose } }), vResult); PreviousTime = timeNow; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } 



简短回答:您的代码没有任何问题。 设计不好。


你有没有听过有人说“我一次只做一件事!” 那就是这里发生的事情。 您的Windows窗体应用程序的代码由1个线程执行,该线程一次只能做一件事。 在ping时,它会等待回复。 如果回复成功,则复制文件。 由于你有一个循环,它一直这样做,直到它完成所有行。

虽然它正在这样做,你可能在UI中点击其他东西,但你的线程“一次只能做一件事”。 它忙于在循环中完成这些工作。 因此,当您点击时,您只需要等待。


用简单的英语,你需要这样做。 想象一下你是一个线程:

我是UI线程,我的最终目标是保持UI响应。 我不希望UI冻结。 因此,如果我需要做除UI工作之外的任何事情,我会要求其他人这样做。 当其他人正在做其他工作时,我可以自由地做UI工作。

别人是另一个线程。 这是一个示例,请在代码中阅读我的注释并将其应用到您的应用程序中。 如果要运行此代码,请创建一个表单Form1其中包含名为label1的标签和两个按钮。 将ButtonClickHandlerAsync分配给一个按钮的单击处理程序,将Stop_Click给另一个按钮。

单击执行ButtonClickHandlerAsync的按钮时,整个操作开始。 当它正在工作时,您可以单击另一个按钮,它将显示一个消息框并保持响应。 顺便说一句,我从这里复制了这段代码,但是我在代码中添加了自己的注释,这样你就知道发生了什么。

 public partial class Form1 : Form { // We need this because this will allow us to interact with UI controls. UI controls can only be accessed by the thread that // created the UI control. In this case it is the thread which started the application so the main thread. private readonly SynchronizationContext synchronizationContext; private DateTime previousTime = DateTime.Now; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); synchronizationContext = SynchronizationContext.Current; } private void Stop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // I am the UI thread. I can do this because T2 is helping me do the loop. MessageBox.Show( "I am doing other things." ); } private async void ButtonClickHandlerAsync(object sender, EventArgs e) { button1.Enabled = false; var count = 0; // I am the UI thread. I have other things to do. So please run this loop by using a thread from the thread pool. // When you are done running the loop let me know (This is what the await does) // I am the UI thread so I am going to return back from right here // to the point where ButtonClickHandlerAsync was called from. (it was called by a click, so when it returns it will have nothing // to do. Therefore, it will be ready to react to another UI job such as another click or update the UI etc. await Task.Run( () => { // I am a thread from the thread pool. My name is T2. I am helping the UI thread so the UI thread can do other things. for( var i = 0; i <= 5000000; i++ ) { UpdateUI( i ); count = i; } } ); // I am the UI thread. Ok looks like the loop is done. So I will do the following 2 lines of work label1.Text = @"Counter " + count; button1.Enabled = true; } public void UpdateUI(int value) { // I am T2. I am helping the UI thread. var timeNow = DateTime.Now; if( ( DateTime.Now - previousTime ).Milliseconds <= 50 ) return; // I do not have access to the UI controls since I did not create them. So I am just going to ask the synchronizationContext // to do this for me by giving it a SendOrPostCallback synchronizationContext.Post( new SendOrPostCallback( o => { // I am the UI thread. I will do this. label1.Text = @"Counter " + ( int ) o; } ), value ); // I am T2. I will do this and then return and do more work. previousTime = timeNow; } 


您可以使用线程CheckOffice的线程执行CheckOffice并复制文件。 如果需要与UI交互,该线程可以使用synchronizationContext 。 当线程池中的线程检查办公室并复制可能需要很长时间的文件时,主UI线程可以保持自由做其他事情,特别是如果文件很大的话。

“我是UI线程。我没有时间等待ping回复。” “我是UI线程。我没有时间将文件从一个位置复制到另一个位置,这可能需要几秒钟或几分钟。我的工作是保持UI响应。”


我在OP写入.NET 4的限制之前写了上面的答案。但我很确定他们为此创建了一个NuGet包。 看到这里和这里 。

如果您不能使用asyncawait ,则上述相同的概念适用于线程。

 Thread t2 = new Thread( new ThreadStart(() => { for( var i = 0; i <= 5000000; i++ ) { UpdateUI( i ); count = i; } } ) ); t2.Start();