
我有以下问题:我有一个近500mb大的文件。 它的文字,全部在一行。 文本用虚线结尾分隔,它叫做ROW_DEL并且在文本中如下:

this is a line ROW_DEL and this is a line 


 this is a line and this is a line 


是否有可能像我在C#,Java或Python中提到的那样拆分此文件? 什么是最好的灵魂,不要过度使用我的CPU。

实际上500mb的文字并不那么大,只是记事本很糟糕。 你可能没有sed可用,因为你在Windows上,但至少尝试在python中的天真解决方案,我认为它将工作正常:

 import os with open('infile.txt') as f_in, open('outfile.txt', 'w') as f_out: f_out.write(f_in.read().replace('ROW_DEL ', os.linesep)) 

以块的forms读取此文件,例如在c#中使用StreamReader.ReadBlock 。 您可以设置要在那里读取的最大字符数。





由于ROW_DEL比任何可能的换行符( '\r''\n''\r\n' )都长,因此可以通过操作系统使用的换行符在文件中替换它。 这就是为什么我选择重写文件本身。
为此,我使用模式'r+' ,它不会创建新文件。

然后检查分隔符是否存在于块的末尾+ x个字符。


 text = ('The hospital roommate of a man infected ROW_DEL' 'with novel coronavirus (NCoV)ROW_DEL' '—a SARS-related virus first identified ROW_DELROW_DEL' 'last year and already linked to 18 deaths—ROW_DEL' 'has contracted the illness himself, ROW_DEL' 'intensifying concerns about the ROW_DEL' "virus's ability to spread ROW_DEL" 'from person to person.') with open('eessaa.txt','w') as f: f.write(text) with open('eessaa.txt','rb') as f: ch = f.read() print ch.replace('ROW_DEL','ROW_DEL\n') print '\nlength of the text : %d chars\n' % len(text) #========================================== from os.path import getsize from os import fsync,linesep def rewrite(whichfile,sep,chunk_length,OSeol=linesep): if chunk_length 


 text = ('The hospital roommate of a man infected ROW_DEL' 'with novel coronavirus (NCoV)ROW_DEL' '—a SARS-related virus first identified ROW_DELROW_DEL' 'last year and already linked to 18 deaths—ROW_DEL' 'has contracted the illness himself, ROW_DEL' 'intensifying concerns about the ROW_DEL' "virus's ability to spread ROW_DEL" 'from person to person.') with open('eessaa.txt','w') as f: f.write(text) with open('eessaa.txt','rb') as f: ch = f.read() print ch.replace('ROW_DEL','ROW_DEL\n') print '\nlength of the text : %d chars\n' % len(text) #========================================== from os.path import getsize from os import fsync,linesep def rewrite(whichfile,sep,chunk_length,OSeol=linesep): if chunk_length fR now at position %d\n' 'twelve == %r %d chars %s\n' ' -> fR now at position %d' % (chunk ,len(chunk), pch, twelve,len(twelve),m, ptw) ) pos = fW.tell() fW.write(y) fW.flush() fsync(fW.fileno()) print (' %r %d long\n' ' has been written from position %d\n' ' => fW now at position %d' % (y,len(y),pos,fW.tell())) if fR.tell() fR moved %d characters back to position %d'\ % (x2-pt,fR.tell()) else: print (" => fR is at position %d == file's size\n" ' File has thoroughly been read' % fR.tell()) fW.truncate() break raw_input('\npress any key to continue') rewrite('eessaa.txt','ROW_DEL',14) with open('eessaa.txt','rb') as f: ch = f.read() print '\n'.join(repr(line)[1:-1] for line in ch.splitlines(1)) print '\nlength of the text : %d chars\n' % len(ch) 

在处理块的末端时有一些微妙之处,以便检测ROW_DEL是否跨越两个块以及是否有两个ROW_DEL连续。 这就是为什么我花了很长时间才发布我的解决方案:我最终不得不写fR.seek(-x2+pt,1)而不仅仅是fR.seek(-2*x,1)fR.seek(-x,1)根据sep是否跨越(2 * x在代码中是x2,ROW_DEL x和x2是6和12)。 任何对这一点感兴趣的人都会通过更改if 'ROW_DEL' is in twelve部分中的代码来检查它, if 'ROW_DEL' is in twelve或者不是。