

   code goes here     code goes here    

当只给出其属性名称(如abcdef )时,如何删除元素?


 string xmlInput = @"   code goes here     code goes here   "; // create the XML, load the contents XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(xmlInput); // find a node - here the one with name='abc' XmlNode node = doc.SelectSingleNode("/Snippets/Snippet[@name='abc']"); // if found.... if (node != null) { // get its parent node XmlNode parent = node.ParentNode; // remove the child node parent.RemoveChild(node); // verify the new XML structure string newXML = doc.OuterXml; // save to file or whatever.... doc.Save(@"C:\temp\new.xml"); } 
 XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("input.xml"); var q = from node in doc.Descendants("Snippet") let attr = node.Attribute("name") where attr != null && attr.Value == "abc" select node; q.ToList().ForEach(x => x.Remove()); doc.Save("output.xml"); 

.Net 2.0

 XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load("input.xml"); XmlNodeList nodes = doc.SelectNodes("//Snippet[@name='abc']"); 


  XElement xEmp = XElement.Load(@"C://Users//Khulu//Documents//Visual Studio 2012//Projects//AMD//Schedule//ToDo.xml"); // xEmp.Add( new XElement("ToDo", new XElement("Item", item), new XElement("date", date), new XElement("time", time), new XElement("due", due), new XElement("description", description)) ); xEmp.Save(@"C://Users//Khulu//Documents//Visual Studio 2012//Projects//AMD//Schedule//ToDo.xml");` XElement xEmp = XElement.Load(@"C://Users//Khulu//Documents//Visual Studio 2012//Projects//AMD//Schedule//ToDo.xml"); // xEmp.Add( new XElement("ToDo", new XElement("Item", item), new XElement("date", date), new XElement("time", time), new XElement("due", due), new XElement("description", description)) ); xEmp.Save(@"C://Users//Khulu//Documents//Visual Studio 2012//Projects//AMD//Schedule//ToDo.xml");`