使用jquery.countdown.js + Asp.net调用serverTime时无法获得正确的时间?

   $(function() { var shortly = new Date('April 9, 2010 22:38:10'); var newTime = new Date('April 9, 2010 22:38:10'); //for loop divid /// $('#defaultCountdown').countdown({ until: shortly, onExpiry: liftOff, onTick: watchCountdown, serverSync: serverTime }); $('#div1').countdown({ until: newTime }); }); function serverTime() { var time = null; $.ajax({ type: "POST", //Page Name (in which the method should be called) and method name url: "Default.aspx/GetTime", // If you want to pass parameter or data to server side function you can try line contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", data: "{}", async: false, //else If you don't want to pass any value to server side function leave the data to blank line below //data: "{}", success: function(msg) { //Got the response from server and render to the client time = new Date(msg.d); alert(time); }, error: function(msg) { time = new Date(); alert('1'); } }); return time; } function watchCountdown() { } function liftOff() { }  

  [WebMethod] public static String GetTime() { DateTime dt = new DateTime(); dt = Convert.ToDateTime("April 9, 2010 22:38:10"); return dt.ToString("dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss"); } 

回调在回调前触发; 你必须使用回调来设置一些值。 在成功或失败的回调中,您需要将日期传递给HTML元素或分配全局变量。