Unity3D StartCoroutine调用一个函数,该函数什么时候返回?

我知道Unity3D StartCoroutine调用的函数与StartCoroutine在同一个线程上运行,但被调用的函数何时返回原始调用者?

我环顾互联网寻找一个很好的Unity3D Coroutine示例,却找不到完整的示例。 UnityGems有一个很好的解释 ,但即使他们的例子也不完整。 所以我写了自己的例子。


using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class MainCamera: MonoBehaviour { void Start () { Debug.Log ("About to StartCoroutine"); StartCoroutine(TestCoroutine()); Debug.Log ("Back from StartCoroutine"); } IEnumerator TestCoroutine(){ Debug.Log ("about to yield return WaitForSeconds(1)"); yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); Debug.Log ("Just waited 1 second"); yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); Debug.Log ("Just waited another second"); yield break; Debug.Log ("You'll never see this"); // produces a dead code warning } } 


 About to StartCoroutine about to yield return WaitForSeconds(1) Back from StartCoroutine Just waited 1 second Just waited another second