
我在C ++中的结构如下

/* this structure contains the xfoil output parameters vs angle of attack */ typedef struct xfoil_outputdata_struct { double *pAlfa; double *pCL; double *pCM; double *pCDi; double *pCDo; double *pCPmax; long nEntries; } XFOIL_OUTPUT_DATA; /* Here are the function prototypes for XFoil */ __declspec(dllexport) XFOIL_OUTPUT_DATA *xfoilResults(); /* get output from xfoil */ 


我的DLL Imports语句如下:

  [DllImport("xfoilapi.dll")] public static extern void xfoilResults(); 

它是否正确? 我无法控制C ++代码。 我只需要能够将结构体引入C#。 到目前为止,我所拥有的C#结构如下

 [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct xfoilResults { IntPtr pAlfa; IntPtr pCL; IntPtr pCM; IntPtr pCDi; IntPtr pCDo; IntPtr pCPmax; long nEntries; } 

如何使用C ++代码中的数据填充此C#结构?



 [DllImport("xfoilapi.dll")] public static extern IntPtr GetXfoilResults(); [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public class XfoilResults { IntPtr pAlfa; IntPtr pCL; IntPtr pCM; IntPtr pCDi; IntPtr pCDo; IntPtr pCPmax; int nEntries; // thanks to guys for reminding me long is 4 bytes } XfoilResults xf == new XfoilResults(); Marshal.PtrToStructure(GetXfoilResults(), xf); 

首先,导入函数的返回类型应该是IntPtr[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] xfoilResults_t

第二个重要的注意事项是,如果xfoilResults()正在分配和填充该结构中的数据,那么应该有一个第二个函数来清理该内存。 您还必须导入 – 并根据需要调用它,否则您将最终导致内存泄漏。


 IntPtr retval = xfoilResults(); var results = (xfoilResults_t)Marshal.PtrToStructure( retVal, typeof(xfoilResults_t)); //Do the following for each IntPtr field double[] pCL = new double[results.nEntries]; Marshal.Copy(results.pCL, pCL, 0, results.nEntries); //Don't forget to call whichever function is cleaning up the unmanaged memory.