
我有一个gridviewMain。 每当我单击第1行的CLOSE linkbutton时,我想获得值aa。 单击第2行上的关闭获取bb的值。 有任何想法吗。

ABC aa xx 3 CLOSE bb yy 4 CLOSE cc zz 5 CLOSE 



假设您正在使用BoundFields作为前三列,并且您想要处理LinkButton -click事件(而不是GridView RowCommand ):

 protected void CloseLinkClicked(Object sender, EventArgs e) { var closeLink = (Control) sender; GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow) closeLink.NamingContainer; string firstCellText = row.Cells[0].Text; // here we are } 

如果您正在使用TemplateFields并且值aa在Label中(例如LblValue ):

 Label lblValue = (Label) row.FindControl("LblValue"); // lblValue.Text = "aa" 

使用数据键。 更简单:



 var rowIndex = 0; var someValue = GridView1.DataKeys[rowIndex]["SomeValue"] as string; 

您需要将CommandName分配给GridView标记中的LinkButton列。 从那里你还需要连接OnRowCommand事件来处理你的Close命令。


 Markup:         Code-Behind: void ContactsGridView_RowCommand(Object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { // If multiple buttons are used in a GridView control, use the // CommandName property to determine which button was clicked. if(e.CommandName=="Add") { // Convert the row index stored in the CommandArgument // property to an Integer. int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); // Retrieve the row that contains the button clicked // by the user from the Rows collection. GridViewRow row = ContactsGridView.Rows[index]; // Create a new ListItem object for the contact in the row. ListItem item = new ListItem(); item.Text = Server.HtmlDecode(row.Cells[2].Text) + " " + Server.HtmlDecode(row.Cells[3].Text); // If the contact is not already in the ListBox, add the ListItem // object to the Items collection of the ListBox control. if (!ContactsListBox.Items.Contains(item)) { ContactsListBox.Items.Add(item); } } } 



  protected void grid_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { int rowindex = int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); ((TextBox)(grid.Rows[rowindex].FindControl("txtgvunit"))).Text } 
