
我正在编写需要使用RawPrinterHelper将数据打印到POS STAR打印机的C#应用​​程序。

我的打印工作正常,除非我发送像ŽĆČĐŠ这样的字符。 然后我打印出错误的数据。




我怎样才能在C#中将我的sting编码为命令提示符(EIDTor)中的那个。 因此,当我向打印机发送数据时,它会在Windows环境中打印出Desire字体。



我这样做了,对于其他人来说,使用C#直接在Star打印机上打印时遇到麻烦这里是Star IO Programming Tool的示例应用程序代码,用于使用他们的驱动程序。

using System; using System.Text; using StarMicronics.StarIO; // added as a reference from the "Dependencies" directory // requires StarIOPort.dll, which is copied to the output directory by the Post-Build event namespace TestEnkodera { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string portName = "LPT1"; string portSettings = string.Empty; string print = string.Empty; //Select code page //Decimal 27 29 116 n print += string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}", (char)27, (char)29, (char)116, (char)5, Environment.NewLine); print += "Đ Š Ž Ć Č ž ć č ć \n"; IPort port = null; port = StarMicronics.StarIO.Factory.I.GetPort(portName, portSettings, 10 * 1000); //byte[] command = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(print); //This was orginal code provided by STAR Encoding ec = Encoding.GetEncoding(852); //Here is way to set CODEPAGE to match with printer CODE PAGE byte[] command = ec.GetBytes(print); uint totalSizeCommunicated = WritePortHelper(port, command); StarMicronics.StarIO.Factory.I.ReleasePort(port); Console.ReadKey(); } private static uint WritePortHelper(IPort port, byte[] writeBuffer) { uint zeroProgressOccurances = 0; uint totalSizeCommunicated = 0; while ((totalSizeCommunicated < writeBuffer.Length) && (zeroProgressOccurances < 2)) // adjust zeroProgressOccurances as needed { uint sizeCommunicated = port.WritePort(writeBuffer, totalSizeCommunicated, (uint)writeBuffer.Length - totalSizeCommunicated); if (sizeCommunicated == 0) { zeroProgressOccurances++; } else { totalSizeCommunicated += sizeCommunicated; zeroProgressOccurances = 0; } } return totalSizeCommunicated; } } } 


看看这个链接: http : //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc488003.aspx

有时您将字符转换为字节以将它们发送到打印机。 您可能使用StreamWriter左右这样做。 现在你必须为这个“转换器”提供正确的编码,它最终会将字符转换为打印机的正确字节表示,以便扩展字符匹配。

编码列表(对于DOS代码页)可以在这里找到: http : //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.text.encoding.aspx – 一个常见的是ibm850(西欧)。

编辑:我在网上找到了以下信息,也许有帮助(我实际上认为代码页0“正常”是#850 Latin-1 ):

 Star Micronics Character Code Tables Reference Code Page | Description 0 | Normal 1 | #437 USA, Std Europe 2 | Katakana 3 | #437 USA, Std Europe 4 | #858 Multilingual 5 | #852 Latin-2 6 | #860 Portuguese 7 | #861 Icelandic 8 | #863 Canadian French 9 | #865 Nordic 10 | #866 Cyrillic Russian 11 | #855 Cyrillic Bulgarian 12 | #857 Turkey 13 | #852 Israel 14 | #864 Arabic 15 | #737 Greek 16 | #851 Greek 17 | #869 Greek 18 | #929 Greek 19 | #772 Lithuanian 20 | #774 Lithuanian 21 | #874 Thai