

public class Parent { public string FirstName {get; set;} public string LastName {get; set;} public string City {get; set;} } public class Child : Parent { public string PhoneNumber {get; set;} public string MobileNumber {get; set;} } 


 List lstParent; List lstChild = new List(); foreach(var obj in lstParent) { lstChild.add((Child)obj); } 


如果我理解你的“我只想自动填充它们”注释正确,你想要创建一个新的Child对象,其中填充了Parent的值,并使用新属性的默认值。 最好的方法是创建一个复制值的构造函数:

 public class Parent { public string FirstName {get; set;} public string LastName {get; set;} public string City {get; set;} } public class Child : Parent { public string PhoneNumber {get; set;} public string MobileNumber {get; set;} public Child (Parent parentToCopy) { this.FirstName = parentToCopy.FirstName; this.LastName = parentToCopy.LastName; this.City = parentToCopy.City; this.PhoneNumber = string.Empty; // Or any other default. this.MobileNumber = string.Empty; } } 


 List lstChild = lstParent.Select(parent => new Child(parent)).ToList(); 

请注意,这与@daryal的答案非常相似,但将父对象复制逻辑包装在构造函数中,而不是在new Child()调用中将其置于外部。

我这样做( 这只是一个例子 ):

 using System.Reflection; public class DefaultObject { ... } public class ExtendedObject : DefaultObject { .... public DefaultObject Parent { get; set; } public ExtendedObject() {} public ExtendedObject(DefaultObject parent) { Parent = parent; foreach (PropertyInfo prop in parent.GetType().GetProperties()) GetType().GetProperty(prop.Name).SetValue(this, prop.GetValue(parent, null), null); } } 


 DefaultObject default = new DefaultObject { /* propery initialization */ }; ExtendedObject extended = new ExtendedObject(default); // now all properties of extended are initialized by values of default properties. MessageBox.Show(extended.Parent.ToString()); // now you can get reference to parent object 


 class Parent { ... } class Child :Parent { ... public Child(Parent p) { foreach (FieldInfo prop in p.GetType().GetFields()) GetType().GetField(prop.Name).SetValue(this, prop.GetValue( p)); foreach (PropertyInfo prop in p.GetType().GetProperties()) GetType().GetProperty(prop.Name).SetValue(this, prop.GetValue( p, null), null); } } 


  public static void ShallowConvert(this T parent, U child) { foreach (PropertyInfo property in parent.GetType().GetProperties()) { if (property.CanWrite) { property.SetValue(child, property.GetValue(parent, null), null); } } } 


 foreach(var obj in lstParent) { Child child = new Child(){ FirstName = obj.FirstName, LastName=obj.LastName, City = obj.City}; child.MobileNumber = "some mobile number"; child.PhoneNumber = "some phone number"; lstChild.Add((Child)obj); } 
 var lstChild = lstParent.Cast().ToList(); 


 var lstChild = lstParent.ConvertAll(x=>(Child)x); 

但是,这两者都假设Parent列表实际上包含Child实例。 您无法更改对象的实际类型。



 Parent p = new Parent(); Child c = (Child)((object) p);