

1.132000 6.000000 


 decimal myDecimal = Decimal.Parse(node.Element("myElementName").Value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 
  • 如何将myDecimal打印到字符串中,如下所示?

     1.132 6 


您可以尝试编写自己的十进制规范化方法,但这可能非常棘手。 使用.NET 4中的BigInteger类它是合理可行的,但没有它(或类似的东西),它确实非常难。


 using System; using System.Numerics; public static class DecimalExtensions { // Avoiding implicit conversions just for clarity private static readonly BigInteger Ten = new BigInteger(10); private static readonly BigInteger UInt32Mask = new BigInteger(0xffffffffU); public static decimal Normalize(this decimal input) { unchecked { int[] bits = decimal.GetBits(input); BigInteger mantissa = new BigInteger((uint) bits[0]) + (new BigInteger((uint) bits[1]) << 32) + (new BigInteger((uint) bits[2]) << 64); int sign = bits[3] & int.MinValue; int exponent = (bits[3] & 0xff0000) >> 16; // The loop condition here is ugly, because we want // to do both the DivRem part and the exponent check :( while (exponent > 0) { BigInteger remainder; BigInteger divided = BigInteger.DivRem(mantissa, Ten, out remainder); if (remainder != BigInteger.Zero) { break; } exponent--; mantissa = divided; } // Okay, now put it all back together again... bits[3] = (exponent << 16) | sign; // For each 32 bits, convert the bottom 32 bits into a uint (which won't // overflow) and then cast to int (which will respect the bits, which // is what we want) bits[0] = (int) (uint) (mantissa & UInt32Mask); mantissa >>= 32; bits[1] = (int) (uint) (mantissa & UInt32Mask); mantissa >>= 32; bits[2] = (int) (uint) (mantissa & UInt32Mask); return new decimal(bits); } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Check(6.000m); Check(6000m); Check(6m); Check(60.00m); Check(12345.00100m); Check(-100.00m); } static void Check(decimal d) { Console.WriteLine("Before: {0} - after: {1}", d, d.Normalize()); } } } 


 public static class DecimalExtensions { public static Decimal Normalize(this Decimal value) { return value / 1.000000000000000000000000000000000m; } } 


这符合给出的例子,但很不好。 (我认为)


有什么其他要求吗? 您是否要操纵值并将操纵值显示为此小数位数?


  //use like so: myTextbox.Text = RemoveTrailingZeroes( myDecimal.ToString() ); private string RemoveTrailingZeroes(string input) { if ( input.Contains( "." ) && input.Substring( input.Length - 1 ) == "0" ) { //test the last character == "0" return RemoveTrailingZeroes( input.Substring( 0, input.Length - 2 ) ) //drop the last character and recurse again } return input; //else return the original string } 


  //use like so: myTextbox.Text = myDecimal.ToString().RemoveTrailingZeroes(); private string RemoveTrailingZeroes(this string input) { if ( input.Contains( "." ) && input.Substring( input.Length - 1 ) == "0" ) { //test the last character == "0" return RemoveTrailingZeroes( input.Substring( 0, input.Length - 2 ) ) //drop the last character and recurse again } return input; //else return the original string } 

添加了input.Contains( "." ) &&来自Jon Skeet的评论,但请记住这会让这个速度变得非常慢。 如果你知道你总是有一个小数而且没有像myDecimal = 6000;那样的情况myDecimal = 6000; 那么你可以放弃那个测试,或者你可以将它变成一个类,并根据输入是否包含小数等来拥有几个私有方法。我最简单,“它工作”而不是Enterprise FizzBuzz


 // decimal has 28/29 significant digits so 30 "#" symbols should be plenty public static readonly string TrimmedDecimal = "0." + new string('#', 30); // ... decimal x = 1.132000m; Console.WriteLine(x.ToString() + " - " + x.ToString(TrimmedDecimal)); // 1.132 decimal y = 6.000000m; Console.WriteLine(y.ToString() + " - " + y.ToString(TrimmedDecimal)); // 6 

在小数点上使用toString(“G29”)怎么样? 这正是你想要实现的目标!