


// this is the receiver class Calculator : IReceiver { int x; int y; CommandOptions command; public Calculator(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public void SetAction(CommandOptions command) { this.command = command; } public int GetResult() { int result = 0; switch(this.command) { case CommandOptions.ADD: result = this.x + this.y; break; case CommandOptions.SUBTRACT: result = this.x - this.y; break; case CommandOptions.MULTIPLY: result = this.x * this.y; break; } return result; } } // command abstract class Command { protected IReceiver receiver; public Command(IReceiver receiver) { this.receiver = receiver; } public abstract int Execute(); } class AddCommand : Command { public AddCommand(IReceiver receiver) : base(receiver) { } public override int Execute() { reciever.SetAction(CommandOptions.ADD); return receiver.GetResult(); } } enum CommandOptions { ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY } interface IReceiver { void SetAction(CommandOptions command); int GetResult(); } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { IReceiver receiver = new Calculator(500, 25); //#Issue:The SetAction() method of the receiver is accessible. //receiver.SetAction(CommandOptions.ADD); receiver.SetAction(CommandOptions.MULTIPLY); Command command = null; Console.Write("Enter option 1-3: "); int commandOption = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch(commandOption) { case 1: command = new AddCommand(receiver); break; case 2: command = new SubtractCommand(receiver); break; case 3: command = new MultiplyCommand(receiver); break; default: command = new AddCommand(receiver); break; } Console.WriteLine(command.Execute()); Console.ReadKey(); } } 


我的问题是:我的实现是否违反了命令模式的目的,并且我的实现是错误的,因为我能够在我的客户端代码中访问它? 如果是这样,我该如何改进这种实现。

我拍摄了一些文本编辑(即没有运行它,期望语法错误:))你的代码。 这是我如何模拟你的问题。

一些要点 –

1)让命令执行操作。 在您的情况下,您有命令类,但计算器保存计算逻辑。 而是将命令操作封装在命令类本身中


3)IReceiver现在保存传递给Command的值。 在这种情况下,由于我们的运算符都是二进制的,我只使用了X和Y.对于其他情况,可以是数组或任何其他复杂类型。



 //this is the receiver class Calculator : IReceiver { int y; int x; public Calculator(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public int Calculate(int commandOption) { Command command = new CommandFactory().GetCommand(commandOption); return command.Execute(x , y); } } //command interface ICommand { int Execute(int x, int y); } class AddCommand : Command { public override int Execute(int x, int y) { return x + y; } } class MultiplyCommand : Command { public override int Execute(int x, int y) { return x * y; } } class SubtractCommand : Command { public override int Execute(int x, int y) { return x - y; } } interface IReceiver { int X {get; set;} int Y {get; set;} int Calculate(int commandOption); } public class CommandFactory { public GetCommand(int commandOption) { switch(commandOption) { case 1: return new AddCommand(); case 2: return new SubtractCommand(); case 3: return new MultiplyCommand(); default: return new AddCommand(); } } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { IReceiver receiver = new Calculator(500, 25); //#Issue:The SetAction() method of the receiver is accessible. //receiver.SetAction(CommandOptions.ADD); //Receiver no longer exposes SetAction //receiver.SetAction(CommandOptions.MULTIPLY); Console.Write("Enter option 1-3: "); int commandOption = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(receiver.Calculate(commandOption)); Console.ReadKey(); } }