

文档说块条目以单词“ LYRICSBEGIN ”开头并以“ LYRICS200 ”结尾,同时它表示应该存在ID3标签以存在Lyrics3v2标签……但它没有指定是否引用ID3v1ID3v2标签,或其中任何一个,反正我不明白那部分,因为Lyrics3v2标签是单一标签类型,不是ID3v1 / ID3v2标签类型的一部分,它在mp3标头上有自己的条目所以……我不明白它对ID3v1 / ID3v2 “依赖”意味着什么。



根据如何从id3中删除Lyrics3 v2标签? 答案是不”。 你会找到一个解决方法 关联 回答如下。


 ' ************************************************************* ' THIS CLASS IS PARTIALLY DEFINED FOR THIS STACKOVERFLOW ANSWER ' ************************************************************* Imports System.IO Imports System.Text Imports TagLib '''  ''' Represents the Lyrics3 tag for a MP3 file. '''  Public Class Lyrics3Tag Protected ReadOnly mp3File As Mpeg.AudioFile '''  ''' The maximum length for the Lyrics3 block to prevent issues like removing a false-positive block of data. '''  ''' Note that this is a personal attempt to prevent catastrophes, not based on any official info. '''  Private ReadOnly maxLength As Integer = 512 ' bytes Private Sub New() End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal mp3File As Mpeg.AudioFile) Me.mp3File = mp3File End Sub '''  ''' Entirely removes the Lyrics3 tag. '''   Public Overridable Sub Remove() Dim initVector As New ByteVector(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("LYRICSBEGIN")) Dim initOffset As Long = Me.mp3File.Find(initVector, startPosition:=0) If (initOffset <> -1) Then ' The Lyrics3 block can end with one of these two markups, so we need to evaluate both. For Each str As String In {"LYRICS200", "LYRICSEND"} Dim endVector As New ByteVector(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str)) Dim endOffset As Long = Me.mp3File.Find(endVector, startPosition:=initOffset) If (endOffset <> -1) Then Dim length As Integer = CInt(endOffset - initOffset) + (str.Length) If (length < Me.maxLength) Then Try Me.mp3File.Seek(initOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin) ' Dim raw As String = Me.mp3File.ReadBlock(length).ToString() Me.mp3File.RemoveBlock(initOffset, length) Exit Sub Catch ex As Exception Throw Finally Me.mp3File.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin) End Try Else ' Length exceeds the max length. ' We can handle it or continue... Continue For End If End If Next str End If End Sub End Class 


 Dim mp3File As New Taglib.Mpeg.AudioFile("filepath") Using lyrics As New Lyrics3Tag(mp3File) lyrics.Remove() End Using