Google云端硬盘。 上传文件时刷新授权令牌

在将大文件上传到Google云端硬盘时刷新授权令牌的方法是什么? 例如:当前授权令牌的到期时间是“06:00 AM”。 文件上传始于“05:15 AM”。 因此,在“06:00 AM”,应用程序获得exception,因为授权令牌无效。


///  /// Uploads a file with a specified path. ///  /// The start folder. /// The path of destination file. /// The local file to upload. /// The uploaded file. private File GdUploadFile(File startFolder, string path, FileInfo localFile) { if (startFolder == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("startFolder"); } if (localFile == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("localFile"); } if (!localFile.Exists) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File not found", localFile.FullName); } var config = GetConfiguration(); if (config.TraceLog) { Destination.Logger.LogDebug(string.Format("{0} \tUpload file \"{1}\" to \"{2}\"", Destination.Name, localFile.FullName, path)); } string pathToFile = string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) ? localFile.Name : path; string remotePath = ExtractFilePath(pathToFile); var fileFolder = GdCreateFolderByPath(startFolder, remotePath); var fileName = ExtractFileName(pathToFile); DriveService service = GetDriveService(); var body = new File { Title = fileName, Description = "My File", MimeType = BackupFileMimeType, Kind = DriveFileKindType, OriginalFilename = fileName, FileExtension = localFile.Extension, Parents = new List { new ParentReference { ETag = fileFolder.ETag, Id = fileFolder.Id, Kind = fileFolder.Kind } } }; FilesResource.InsertMediaUpload request; var source = new MediaFileSource(localFile.FullName, BackupFileMimeType); using (var fileStream = source.GetDataStream()) { if (config.TraceLog) { Destination.Logger.LogDebug(string.Format("{0} \tUploading \"{1}\"...", Destination.Name, localFile.FullName)); } request = service.Files.Insert(body, fileStream, body.MimeType); if (config.TraceLog) { int postedPercent = 0; request.ProgressChanged += p => { var currentPercent = (int) (p.BytesSent/(double) source.ContentLength*100); if (currentPercent != postedPercent) { string msg = string.Format("{0} \tPosted {1}% ({2} bytes)", Destination.Name, currentPercent, p.BytesSent); Destination.Logger.LogDebug(msg); postedPercent = currentPercent; } }; } var connection = Destination.Connection as GoogleDriveDestinationConnection; Debug.Assert(connection != null, "connection != null"); request.ProgressChanged += p => { bool refreshAuth = connection.ForceRefreshAuthorization(); var auth = request.Authenticator as Google.Apis.Authentication.OAuth2.OAuth2Authenticator; if (auth != null && auth.State != null && refreshAuth) { var state = connection.AuthorizationState; auth.State.AccessToken = state.AccessToken; auth.State.AccessTokenExpirationUtc = state.AccessTokenExpirationUtc; auth.State.AccessTokenIssueDateUtc = state.AccessTokenIssueDateUtc; auth.State.Callback = state.Callback; auth.State.RefreshToken = state.RefreshToken; auth.State.SaveChanges(); if (config.TraceLog) { Destination.Logger.LogDebug("Authorization state for the upload request is updated"); } } }; request.ChunkSize = ChunkSize; request.Upload(); if (config.TraceLog) { Destination.Logger.LogDebug(string.Format("{0} \t\"{1}\" uploaded", Destination.Name, localFile.FullName)); } } return request.ResponseBody; } 

考虑进行可恢复上传( )。 需要时刷新令牌,并从上次停止的位置继续上传。

我无法找到无效授权令牌问题的满意解决方案。 所以我创建了自己的开源轻量级库,用于处理Google云端硬盘上的文件。 该库直接调用所有REST函数,并完全控制上载或下载过程。 它通过每小时刷新授权令牌来解决问题。 该库目前在我公司的Sql Server备份产品的数千个安装中使用,它非常稳定并已成功解决了这个问题。 您可以从这里获取源代码和示例: https : //