
需要将字符串值Jul 28 00:00转换为日期时间值,格式为yyyy-MM-dd AM 00:00



 string[] initDate = textBox1.Text.Split(' '); string[] time = initDate[2].Split(':'); DateTime dt = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.ParseExact(initDate[0], "MMM", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Month, int.Parse(initDate[1]), int.Parse(time[0]), int.Parse(time[1]), 0); string newDate = dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd tt HH:mm"); 


 var dateTimeString = "Jul 28 00:00"; var required = dateTimeString.ToDateTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd tt hh:mm"); 


 using System; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; ///  /// Miscellaneous and parsing methods for DateTime ///  public static class DateTimeRoutines { #region miscellaneous methods ///  /// Amount of seconds elapsed between 1970-01-01 00:00:00 and the date-time. ///  /// date-time /// seconds public static uint GetSecondsSinceUnixEpoch(this DateTime date_time) { TimeSpan t = date_time - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1); int ss = (int)t.TotalSeconds; if (ss < 0) return 0; return (uint)ss; } #endregion #region parsing definitions ///  /// Defines a substring where date-time was found and result of conversion ///  public class ParsedDateTime { ///  /// Index of first char of a date substring found in the string ///  readonly public int IndexOfDate = -1; ///  /// Length a date substring found in the string ///  readonly public int LengthOfDate = -1; ///  /// Index of first char of a time substring found in the string ///  readonly public int IndexOfTime = -1; ///  /// Length of a time substring found in the string ///  readonly public int LengthOfTime = -1; ///  /// DateTime found in the string ///  readonly public DateTime DateTime; ///  /// True if a date was found within the string ///  readonly public bool IsDateFound; ///  /// True if a time was found within the string ///  readonly public bool IsTimeFound; ///  /// UTC offset if it was found within the string ///  readonly public TimeSpan UtcOffset; ///  /// True if UTC offset was found in the string ///  readonly public bool IsUtcOffsetFound; ///  /// Utc gotten from DateTime if IsUtcOffsetFound is True ///  public DateTime UtcDateTime; public ParsedDateTime(int index_of_date, int length_of_date, int index_of_time, int length_of_time, DateTime date_time) { IndexOfDate = index_of_date; LengthOfDate = length_of_date; IndexOfTime = index_of_time; LengthOfTime = length_of_time; DateTime = date_time; IsDateFound = index_of_date > -1; IsTimeFound = index_of_time > -1; UtcOffset = new TimeSpan(25, 0, 0); IsUtcOffsetFound = false; UtcDateTime = new DateTime(1, 1, 1); } public ParsedDateTime(int index_of_date, int length_of_date, int index_of_time, int length_of_time, DateTime date_time, TimeSpan utc_offset) { IndexOfDate = index_of_date; LengthOfDate = length_of_date; IndexOfTime = index_of_time; LengthOfTime = length_of_time; DateTime = date_time; IsDateFound = index_of_date > -1; IsTimeFound = index_of_time > -1; UtcOffset = utc_offset; IsUtcOffsetFound = Math.Abs(utc_offset.TotalHours) < 12; if (!IsUtcOffsetFound) UtcDateTime = new DateTime(1, 1, 1); else { if (index_of_date < 0)//to avoid negative date exception when date is undefined { TimeSpan ts = date_time.TimeOfDay + utc_offset; if (ts < new TimeSpan(0)) UtcDateTime = new DateTime(1, 1, 2) + ts; else UtcDateTime = new DateTime(1, 1, 1) + ts; } else UtcDateTime = date_time + utc_offset; } } } ///  /// Date that is accepted in the following cases: /// - no date was parsed by TryParseDateOrTime(); /// - no year was found by TryParseDate(); /// It is ignored if DefaultDateIsNow = true was set after DefaultDate ///  public static DateTime DefaultDate { set { _DefaultDate = value; DefaultDateIsNow = false; } get { if (DefaultDateIsNow) return DateTime.Now; else return _DefaultDate; } } static DateTime _DefaultDate = DateTime.Now; ///  /// If true then DefaultDate property is ignored and DefaultDate is always DateTime.Now ///  public static bool DefaultDateIsNow = true; ///  /// Defines default date-time format. ///  public enum DateTimeFormat { ///  /// month number goes before day number ///  USA_DATE, ///  /// day number goes before month number ///  UK_DATE, /////  ///// time is specifed through AM or PM /////  //USA_TIME, } #endregion #region parsing derived methods for DateTime output ///  /// Tries to find date and time within the passed string and return it as DateTime structure. ///  /// string that contains date and/or time /// format to be used preferably in ambivalent instances /// parsed date-time output /// true if both date and time were found, else false static public bool TryParseDateTime(this string str, DateTimeFormat default_format, out DateTime date_time) { ParsedDateTime parsed_date_time; if (!TryParseDateTime(str, default_format, out parsed_date_time)) { date_time = new DateTime(1, 1, 1); return false; } date_time = parsed_date_time.DateTime; return true; } ///  /// Tries to find date and/or time within the passed string and return it as DateTime structure. /// If only date was found, time in the returned DateTime is always 0:0:0. /// If only time was found, date in the returned DateTime is DefaultDate. ///  /// string that contains date and(or) time /// format to be used preferably in ambivalent instances /// parsed date-time output /// true if date and/or time was found, else false static public bool TryParseDateOrTime(this string str, DateTimeFormat default_format, out DateTime date_time) { ParsedDateTime parsed_date_time; if (!TryParseDateOrTime(str, default_format, out parsed_date_time)) { date_time = new DateTime(1, 1, 1); return false; } date_time = parsed_date_time.DateTime; return true; } ///  /// Tries to find time within the passed string and return it as DateTime structure. /// It recognizes only time while ignoring date, so date in the returned DateTime is always 1/1/1. ///  /// string that contains time /// format to be used preferably in ambivalent instances /// parsed time output /// true if time was found, else false public static bool TryParseTime(this string str, DateTimeFormat default_format, out DateTime time) { ParsedDateTime parsed_time; if (!TryParseTime(str, default_format, out parsed_time, null)) { time = new DateTime(1, 1, 1); return false; } time = parsed_time.DateTime; return true; } ///  /// Tries to find date within the passed string and return it as DateTime structure. /// It recognizes only date while ignoring time, so time in the returned DateTime is always 0:0:0. /// If year of the date was not found then it accepts the current year. ///  /// string that contains date /// format to be used preferably in ambivalent instances /// parsed date output /// true if date was found, else false static public bool TryParseDate(this string str, DateTimeFormat default_format, out DateTime date) { ParsedDateTime parsed_date; if (!TryParseDate(str, default_format, out parsed_date)) { date = new DateTime(1, 1, 1); return false; } date = parsed_date.DateTime; return true; } #endregion #region parsing derived methods for ParsedDateTime output ///  /// Tries to find date and time within the passed string and return it as ParsedDateTime object. ///  /// string that contains date-time /// format to be used preferably in ambivalent instances /// parsed date-time output /// true if both date and time were found, else false static public bool TryParseDateTime(this string str, DateTimeFormat default_format, out ParsedDateTime parsed_date_time) { if (DateTimeRoutines.TryParseDateOrTime(str, default_format, out parsed_date_time) && parsed_date_time.IsDateFound && parsed_date_time.IsTimeFound ) return true; parsed_date_time = null; return false; } ///  /// Tries to find time within the passed string and return it as ParsedDateTime object. /// It recognizes only time while ignoring date, so date in the returned ParsedDateTime is always 1/1/1 ///  /// string that contains date-time /// format to be used preferably in ambivalent instances /// parsed date-time output /// true if time was found, else false static public bool TryParseTime(this string str, DateTimeFormat default_format, out ParsedDateTime parsed_time) { return TryParseTime(str, default_format, out parsed_time, null); } ///  /// Tries to find date and/or time within the passed string and return it as ParsedDateTime object. /// If only date was found, time in the returned ParsedDateTime is always 0:0:0. /// If only time was found, date in the returned ParsedDateTime is DefaultDate. ///  /// string that contains date-time /// format to be used preferably in ambivalent instances /// parsed date-time output /// true if date or time was found, else false static public bool TryParseDateOrTime(this string str, DateTimeFormat default_format, out ParsedDateTime parsed_date_time) { parsed_date_time = null; ParsedDateTime parsed_date; ParsedDateTime parsed_time; if (!TryParseDate(str, default_format, out parsed_date)) { if (!TryParseTime(str, default_format, out parsed_time, null)) return false; DateTime date_time = new DateTime(DefaultDate.Year, DefaultDate.Month, DefaultDate.Day, parsed_time.DateTime.Hour, parsed_time.DateTime.Minute, parsed_time.DateTime.Second); parsed_date_time = new ParsedDateTime(-1, -1, parsed_time.IndexOfTime, parsed_time.LengthOfTime, date_time, parsed_time.UtcOffset); } else { if (!TryParseTime(str, default_format, out parsed_time, parsed_date)) { DateTime date_time = new DateTime(parsed_date.DateTime.Year, parsed_date.DateTime.Month, parsed_date.DateTime.Day, 0, 0, 0); parsed_date_time = new ParsedDateTime(parsed_date.IndexOfDate, parsed_date.LengthOfDate, -1, -1, date_time); } else { DateTime date_time = new DateTime(parsed_date.DateTime.Year, parsed_date.DateTime.Month, parsed_date.DateTime.Day, parsed_time.DateTime.Hour, parsed_time.DateTime.Minute, parsed_time.DateTime.Second); parsed_date_time = new ParsedDateTime(parsed_date.IndexOfDate, parsed_date.LengthOfDate, parsed_time.IndexOfTime, parsed_time.LengthOfTime, date_time, parsed_time.UtcOffset); } } return true; } public static DateTime ToDateTime(this string dateValue, DateTimeFormat dateFormat = DateTimeFormat.USA_DATE) { DateTime date; dateValue.TryParseDateOrTime(dateFormat, out date); return date; } #endregion #region parsing base methods ///  /// Tries to find time within the passed string (relatively to the passed parsed_date if any) and return it as ParsedDateTime object. /// It recognizes only time while ignoring date, so date in the returned ParsedDateTime is always 1/1/1 ///  /// string that contains date /// format to be used preferably in ambivalent instances /// parsed date-time output /// ParsedDateTime object if the date was found within this string, else NULL /// true if time was found, else false public static bool TryParseTime(this string str, DateTimeFormat default_format, out ParsedDateTime parsed_time, ParsedDateTime parsed_date) { parsed_time = null; string time_zone_r; if (default_format == DateTimeFormat.USA_DATE) time_zone_r = @"(?:\s*(?'time_zone'UTC|GMT|CST|EST))?"; else time_zone_r = @"(?:\s*(?'time_zone'UTC|GMT))?"; Match m; if (parsed_date != null && parsed_date.IndexOfDate > -1) {//look around the found date //look for  hh:mm:ss  m = Regex.Match(str.Substring(parsed_date.IndexOfDate + parsed_date.LengthOfDate), @"(?<=^\s*,?\s+|^\s*at\s*|^\s*[T\-]\s*)(?'hour'\d{2})\s*:\s*(?'minute'\d{2})\s*:\s*(?'second'\d{2})\s+(?'offset_sign'[\+\-])(?'offset_hh'\d{2}):?(?'offset_mm'\d{2})(?=$|[^\d\w])", RegexOptions.Compiled); if (!m.Success) //look for  [h]h:mm[:ss] [PM/AM] [UTC/GMT] m = Regex.Match(str.Substring(parsed_date.IndexOfDate + parsed_date.LengthOfDate), @"(?<=^\s*,?\s+|^\s*at\s*|^\s*[T\-]\s*)(?'hour'\d{1,2})\s*:\s*(?'minute'\d{2})\s*(?::\s*(?'second'\d{2}))?(?:\s*(?'ampm'AM|am|PM|pm))?" + time_zone_r + @"(?=$|[^\d\w])", RegexOptions.Compiled); if (!m.Success) //look for [h]h:mm:ss [PM/AM] [UTC/GMT]  m = Regex.Match(str.Substring(0, parsed_date.IndexOfDate), @"(?<=^|[^\d])(?'hour'\d{1,2})\s*:\s*(?'minute'\d{2})\s*(?::\s*(?'second'\d{2}))?(?:\s*(?'ampm'AM|am|PM|pm))?" + time_zone_r + @"(?=$|[\s,]+)", RegexOptions.Compiled); if (!m.Success) //look for [h]h:mm:ss [PM/AM] [UTC/GMT] within  m = Regex.Match(str.Substring(parsed_date.IndexOfDate, parsed_date.LengthOfDate), @"(?<=^|[^\d])(?'hour'\d{1,2})\s*:\s*(?'minute'\d{2})\s*(?::\s*(?'second'\d{2}))?(?:\s*(?'ampm'AM|am|PM|pm))?" + time_zone_r + @"(?=$|[\s,]+)", RegexOptions.Compiled); } else//look anywhere within string { //look for hh:mm:ss  m = Regex.Match(str, @"(?<=^|\s+|\s*T\s*)(?'hour'\d{2})\s*:\s*(?'minute'\d{2})\s*:\s*(?'second'\d{2})\s+(?'offset_sign'[\+\-])(?'offset_hh'\d{2}):?(?'offset_mm'\d{2})?(?=$|[^\d\w])", RegexOptions.Compiled); if (!m.Success) //look for [h]h:mm[:ss] [PM/AM] [UTC/GMT] m = Regex.Match(str, @"(?<=^|\s+|\s*T\s*)(?'hour'\d{1,2})\s*:\s*(?'minute'\d{2})\s*(?::\s*(?'second'\d{2}))?(?:\s*(?'ampm'AM|am|PM|pm))?" + time_zone_r + @"(?=$|[^\d\w])", RegexOptions.Compiled); } if (!m.Success) return false; //try //{ int hour = int.Parse(m.Groups["hour"].Value); if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) return false; int minute = int.Parse(m.Groups["minute"].Value); if (minute < 0 || minute > 59) return false; int second = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups["second"].Value)) { second = int.Parse(m.Groups["second"].Value); if (second < 0 || second > 59) return false; } if (string.Compare(m.Groups["ampm"].Value, "PM", true) == 0 && hour < 12) hour += 12; else if (string.Compare(m.Groups["ampm"].Value, "AM", true) == 0 && hour == 12) hour -= 12; DateTime date_time = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, hour, minute, second); if (m.Groups["offset_hh"].Success) { int offset_hh = int.Parse(m.Groups["offset_hh"].Value); int offset_mm = 0; if (m.Groups["offset_mm"].Success) offset_mm = int.Parse(m.Groups["offset_mm"].Value); TimeSpan utc_offset = new TimeSpan(offset_hh, offset_mm, 0); if (m.Groups["offset_sign"].Value == "-") utc_offset = -utc_offset; parsed_time = new ParsedDateTime(-1, -1, m.Index, m.Length, date_time, utc_offset); return true; } if (m.Groups["time_zone"].Success) { TimeSpan utc_offset; switch (m.Groups["time_zone"].Value) { case "UTC": case "GMT": utc_offset = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0); break; case "CST": utc_offset = new TimeSpan(-6, 0, 0); break; case "EST": utc_offset = new TimeSpan(-5, 0, 0); break; default: throw new Exception("Time zone: " + m.Groups["time_zone"].Value + " is not defined."); } parsed_time = new ParsedDateTime(-1, -1, m.Index, m.Length, date_time, utc_offset); return true; } parsed_time = new ParsedDateTime(-1, -1, m.Index, m.Length, date_time); //} //catch(Exception e) //{ // return false; //} return true; } ///  /// Tries to find date within the passed string and return it as ParsedDateTime object. /// It recognizes only date while ignoring time, so time in the returned ParsedDateTime is always 0:0:0. /// If year of the date was not found then it accepts the current year. ///  /// string that contains date /// format to be used preferably in ambivalent instances /// parsed date output /// true if date was found, else false static public bool TryParseDate(this string str, DateTimeFormat default_format, out ParsedDateTime parsed_date) { parsed_date = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) return false; //look for dd/mm/yy Match m = Regex.Match(str, @"(?<=^|[^\d])(?'day'\d{1,2})\s*(?'separator'[\\/\.])+\s*(?'month'\d{1,2})\s*\'separator'+\s*(?'year'\d{2}|\d{4})(?=$|[^\d])", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (m.Success) { DateTime date; if ((default_format ^ DateTimeFormat.USA_DATE) == DateTimeFormat.USA_DATE) { if (!convert_to_date(int.Parse(m.Groups["year"].Value), int.Parse(m.Groups["day"].Value), int.Parse(m.Groups["month"].Value), out date)) return false; } else { if (!convert_to_date(int.Parse(m.Groups["year"].Value), int.Parse(m.Groups["month"].Value), int.Parse(m.Groups["day"].Value), out date)) return false; } parsed_date = new ParsedDateTime(m.Index, m.Length, -1, -1, date); return true; } //look for [yy]yy-mm-dd m = Regex.Match(str, @"(?<=^|[^\d])(?'year'\d{2}|\d{4})\s*(?'separator'[\-])\s*(?'month'\d{1,2})\s*\'separator'+\s*(?'day'\d{1,2})(?=$|[^\d])", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (m.Success) { DateTime date; if (!convert_to_date(int.Parse(m.Groups["year"].Value), int.Parse(m.Groups["month"].Value), int.Parse(m.Groups["day"].Value), out date)) return false; parsed_date = new ParsedDateTime(m.Index, m.Length, -1, -1, date); return true; } //look for month dd yyyy m = Regex.Match(str, @"(?:^|[^\d\w])(?'month'Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)[uarychilestmbro]*\s+(?'day'\d{1,2})(?:-?st|-?th|-?rd|-?nd)?\s*,?\s*(?'year'\d{4})(?=$|[^\d\w])", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (!m.Success) //look for dd month [yy]yy m = Regex.Match(str, @"(?:^|[^\d\w:])(?'day'\d{1,2})(?:-?st\s+|-?th\s+|-?rd\s+|-?nd\s+|-|\s+)(?'month'Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)[uarychilestmbro]*(?:\s*,?\s*|-)'?(?'year'\d{2}|\d{4})(?=$|[^\d\w])", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (!m.Success) //look for yyyy month dd m = Regex.Match(str, @"(?:^|[^\d\w])(?'year'\d{4})\s+(?'month'Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)[uarychilestmbro]*\s+(?'day'\d{1,2})(?:-?st|-?th|-?rd|-?nd)?(?=$|[^\d\w])", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (!m.Success) //look for month dd hh:mm:ss MDT|UTC yyyy m = Regex.Match(str, @"(?:^|[^\d\w])(?'month'Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)[uarychilestmbro]*\s+(?'day'\d{1,2})\s+\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}\s+(?:MDT|UTC)\s+(?'year'\d{4})(?=$|[^\d\w])", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (!m.Success) //look for month dd [yyyy] m = Regex.Match(str, @"(?:^|[^\d\w])(?'month'Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)[uarychilestmbro]*\s+(?'day'\d{1,2})(?:-?st|-?th|-?rd|-?nd)?(?:\s*,?\s*(?'year'\d{4}))?(?=$|[^\d\w])", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (m.Success) { int month = -1; int index_of_date = m.Index; int length_of_date = m.Length; switch (m.Groups["month"].Value) { case "Jan": case "JAN": month = 1; break; case "Feb": case "FEB": month = 2; break; case "Mar": case "MAR": month = 3; break; case "Apr": case "APR": month = 4; break; case "May": case "MAY": month = 5; break; case "Jun": case "JUN": month = 6; break; case "Jul": month = 7; break; case "Aug": case "AUG": month = 8; break; case "Sep": case "SEP": month = 9; break; case "Oct": case "OCT": month = 10; break; case "Nov": case "NOV": month = 11; break; case "Dec": case "DEC": month = 12; break; } int year; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups["year"].Value)) year = int.Parse(m.Groups["year"].Value); else year = DefaultDate.Year; DateTime date; if (!convert_to_date(year, month, int.Parse(m.Groups["day"].Value), out date)) return false; parsed_date = new ParsedDateTime(index_of_date, length_of_date, -1, -1, date); return true; } return false; } static bool convert_to_date(int year, int month, int day, out DateTime date) { if (year >= 100) { if (year < 1000) { date = new DateTime(1, 1, 1); return false; } } else if (year > 30) year += 1900; else year += 2000; try { date = new DateTime(year, month, day); } catch { date = new DateTime(1, 1, 1); return false; } return true; } #endregion } 


  • 首先,用基于英语的文化(如InvariantCulture )用MMM dd HH:mm格式解析你的字符串。
  • 其次,使用具有AMDesignator的文化生成yyyy-MM-dd tt HH:mm格式的字符串表示, PMDesignator属性不是空白空间。

 string s = "Jul 28 00:00"; DateTime dt; if(DateTime.TryParseExact(s, "MMM dd HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out dt)) { dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd tt 00:00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Dump(); } 

这将生成2015-07-28 AM 00:00字符串。

Here a demo.