
我正在接收数据源中的数据,我需要先将数据透视,然后才能将信息发送到UI进行显示。 I am new to concept of pivoting & I am not sure how to go about it.


  1. 形成标题
  2. 透视数据以匹配标题


  1. 我有一些我不想转动的专栏。 我把它们称为static columns.

  2. 我需要转动某些列以形成多级头信息。 我把它们称为dynamic columns

  3. 某些列需要旋转,其中包含实际值。 我称它们为value columns

  4. 可以拥有的dynamic, static and value columns没有限制

  5. 假设,当数据到来时,我们将首先获得静态列的数据,然后是动态列,然后是值列。




 class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var _staticColumnCount = 2; //Columns that should not be pivoted var _dynamicColumnCount = 2; // Columns which needs to be pivoted to form header var _valueColumnCount = 1; //Columns that represent Actual value var valueColumnIndex = 4; //Assuming index starts with 0; List<List> headerInfo = new List<List>(); headerInfo.Add(new List {"Product Three", "Item Ten"}); headerInfo.Add(new List {"Product Two", "Item Five"}); headerInfo.Add(new List {"Product Two", "Item Seven"}); headerInfo.Add(new List {"Product Two", "Item Nine"}); headerInfo.Add(new List {"Product One", "Item One"}); headerInfo.Add(new List {"Product One", "Item Two"}); headerInfo.Add(new List {"Product One", "Item Four"}); headerInfo.Add(new List {"Product One", "Item Six"}); headerInfo.Add(new List {"Product One", "Item Eight"}); headerInfo.Add(new List {"Product One", "Item Eleven"}); List<List> data = new List<List>(); data.Add(new List {"Global", "Europe", "Product One", "Item One", "579984.59"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "North America", "Product One", "Item Two", "314586.73"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "Asia", "Product One", "Item One", "62735.13"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "Asia", "Product Two", "Item Five", "12619234.69"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "North America", "Product Two", "Item Five", "8953713.39"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "Europe", "Product One", "Item Two", "124267.4"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "Asia", "Product One", "Item Four", "482338.49"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "North America", "Product One", "Item Four", "809185.13"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "Europe", "Product One", "Item Four", "233101"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "Asia", "Product One", "Item Two", "120561.65"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "North America", "Product One", "Item Six", "1517359.37"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "Europe", "Product One", "Item Six", "382590.45"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "North America", "Product One", "Item Eight", "661835.64"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "Europe", "Product Three", "Item Three", "0"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "Europe", "Product One", "Item Eight", "0"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "Europe", "Product Two", "Item Five", "3478145.38"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "Asia", "Product One", "Item Six", "0"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "North America", "Product Two", "Item Seven", "4247059.97"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "Asia", "Product Two", "Item Seven", "2163718.01"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "Europe", "Product Two", "Item Seven", "2158782.48"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "North America", "Product Two", "Item Nine", "72634.46"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "Europe", "Product Two", "Item Nine", "127500"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "North America", "Product One", "Item One", "110964.44"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "Asia", "Product Three", "Item Ten", "2064.99"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "Europe", "Product One", "Item Eleven", "0"}); data.Add(new List {"Global", "Asia", "Product Two", "Item Nine", "1250"}); } } 

您所谓的static columns通常称为行组dynamic columns列组value columns值聚合或简单


 public class PivotData { public IReadOnlyList Columns { get; set; } public IReadOnlyList Rows { get; set; } } public class PivotDataRow { public PivotValues Data { get; set; } public IReadOnlyList Values { get; set; } } 

PivotDataColumns成员将表示您所谓的标题 ,而Row成员 – 具有包含行组值和Values Data成员的PivotDataRow对象列表 – 相应Columns索引值( PivotDataRow.Values将始终具有相同的Count作为PivotData.Columns.Count )。



 public class PivotValues : IReadOnlyList, IEquatable, IComparable { readonly IReadOnlyList source; readonly int offset, count; public PivotValues(IReadOnlyList source) : this(source, 0, source.Count) { } public PivotValues(IReadOnlyList source, int offset, int count) { this.source = source; this.offset = offset; this.count = count; } public string this[int index] => source[offset + index]; public int Count => count; public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) yield return this[i]; } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator(); public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var comparer = EqualityComparer.Default; int hash = 17; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) hash = hash * 31 + comparer.GetHashCode(this[i]); return hash; } } public override bool Equals(object obj) => Equals(obj as PivotValues); public bool Equals(PivotValues other) { if (this == other) return true; if (other == null) return false; var comparer = EqualityComparer.Default; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) if (!comparer.Equals(this[i], other[i])) return false; return true; } public int CompareTo(PivotValues other) { if (this == other) return 0; if (other == null) return 1; var comparer = Comparer.Default; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var compare = comparer.Compare(this[i], other[i]); if (compare != 0) return compare; } return 0; } public override string ToString() => string.Join(", ", this); // For debugging } 

基本上它表示具有相等和顺序比较语义的string列表的范围(切片)。 前者允许在数据透视转换期间使用基于哈希的高效LINQ运算符,而后者允许可选的排序。 此外,此数据结构允许有效转换,无需分配新列表,同时在从JSON反序列化时保留实际列表。

(通过实现IEquatable接口 – GetHashCodeEquals方法提供相等比较。通过这样做,它允许根据输入List>List元素内指定范围内的值将两个PivotValues类实例视为相等List> 。类似,通过实现IComparable接口提供排序 – CompareTo方法))


 public static PivotData ToPivot(this List> data, int rowDataCount, int columnDataCount, int valueDataCount) { int rowDataStart = 0; int columnDataStart = rowDataStart + rowDataCount; int valueDataStart = columnDataStart + columnDataCount; var columns = data .Select(r => new PivotValues(r, columnDataStart, columnDataCount)) .Distinct() .OrderBy(c => c) // Optional .ToList(); var emptyValues = new PivotValues(new string[valueDataCount]); // For missing (row, column) intersection var rows = data .GroupBy(r => new PivotValues(r, rowDataStart, rowDataCount)) .Select(rg => new PivotDataRow { Data = rg.Key, Values = columns.GroupJoin(rg, c => c, r => new PivotValues(r, columnDataStart, columnDataCount), (c, vg) => vg.Any() ? new PivotValues(vg.First(), valueDataStart, valueDataCount) : emptyValues ).ToList() }) .OrderBy(r => r.Data) // Optional .ToList(); return new PivotData { Columns = columns, Rows = rows }; } 

首先使用简单的LINQ Distinct运算符确定列(标题)。 然后通过按行列对源集进行分组来确定行。 每个行分组中的值由外部连接Columns与分组内容确定。

由于我们的数据结构实现,LINQ转换非常有效(空间和时间)。 列和行排序是可选的,如果您不需要,可以将其删除。


 var pivotData = data.ToPivot(2, 2, 1); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pivotData); var pivotData2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json); 


 var working = data .Select(d => new { Region_L1 = d[0], Region_L2 = d[1], Product_L1 = d[2], Product_L2 = d[3], Value = double.Parse(d[4]), }); var output = working .GroupBy(x => new { x.Region_L1, x.Region_L2 }, x => new { x.Product_L1, x.Product_L2, x.Value }) .Select(x => new { x.Key, Lookup = x.ToLookup(y => new { y.Product_L1, y.Product_L2 }, y => y.Value) }) .Select(x => new { x.Key.Region_L1, x.Key.Region_L2, P_One_One = x.Lookup[new { Product_L1 = "Product One", Product_L2 = "Item One" }].Sum(), P_One_Two = x.Lookup[new { Product_L1 = "Product One", Product_L2 = "Item Two" }].Sum(), P_One_Four = x.Lookup[new { Product_L1 = "Product One", Product_L2 = "Item Four" }].Sum(), P_One_Six = x.Lookup[new { Product_L1 = "Product One", Product_L2 = "Item Six" }].Sum(), P_One_Eight = x.Lookup[new { Product_L1 = "Product One", Product_L2 = "Item Eight" }].Sum(), P_One_Eleven = x.Lookup[new { Product_L1 = "Product One", Product_L2 = "Item Eleven" }].Sum(), P_Two_Five = x.Lookup[new { Product_L1 = "Product Two", Product_L2 = "Item Five" }].Sum(), P_Two_Seven = x.Lookup[new { Product_L1 = "Product Two", Product_L2 = "Item Seven" }].Sum(), P_Two_Nine = x.Lookup[new { Product_L1 = "Product Two", Product_L2 = "Item Nine" }].Sum(), P_Three_Three = x.Lookup[new { Product_L1 = "Product Three", Product_L2 = "Item Three" }].Sum(), P_Three_Ten = x.Lookup[new { Product_L1 = "Product Three", Product_L2 = "Item Ten" }].Sum(), }); 




如果列数不知道,但你有一个方便的headerInfo List>那么你可以这样做:

 var output = working .GroupBy(x => new { x.Region_L1, x.Region_L2 }, x => new { x.Product_L1, x.Product_L2, x.Value }) .Select(x => new { x.Key, Lookup = x.ToLookup(y => new { y.Product_L1, y.Product_L2 }, y => y.Value) }) .Select(x => new { x.Key.Region_L1, x.Key.Region_L2, Headers = headerInfo .Select(y => new { Product_L1 = y[0], Product_L2 = y[1] }) .Select(y => new { y.Product_L1, y.Product_L2, Value = x.Lookup[y].Sum() }) .ToArray(), }); 



您可以使用NReco PivotData库以下列方式按任意数量的列创建数据透视表(不要忘记安装“NReco.PivotData”nuget包):

 // rows in dataset are represented as 'arrays' // lets define 'field name' -> 'field index' mapping var fieldToIndex = new Dictionary() { {"Region L1", 0}, {"Region L2", 1}, {"Product L1", 2}, {"Product L2", 3}, {"Val", 4} }; // create multidimensional dataset var pvtData = new PivotData( // group by 4 dimensions new[]{"Region L1", "Region L2", "Product L1", "Product L2"}, // value (use CompositeAggregatorFactory for multiple values) new SumAggregatorFactory("Val") ); pvtData.ProcessData(data, (row, field) => ((IList)row)[fieldToIndex[field]] ); // create pivot table data model by the grouped data var pvtTbl = new PivotTable( // dimensions for rows new[] {"Region L1", "Region L2"}, // dimensions for columns new[] {"Product L1", "Product L2"}, pvtData); // now you can iterate through 'pvtTbl.RowKeys' and 'pvtTbl.ColumnKeys' // to get row\column header labels and use 'pvtTbl.GetValue()' // or 'pvtTbl[]' to pivot table get values // you can easily render pivot table to HTML (or Excel, CSV) with // components from PivotData Toolkit (NReco.PivotData.Extensions assembly): var htmlResult = new StringWriter(); var pvtHtmlWr = new PivotTableHtmlWriter(htmlResult); pvtHtmlWr.Write(pvtTbl); var pvtTblHtml = htmlResult.ToString(); 

默认情况下,数据透视表行/列按标题(AZ)排序。 您可以根据需要更改订单 。

PivotData OLAP库(PivotData,PivotTable类)可以在单部署项目中免费使用。 高级组件(如PivotTableHtmlWriter)需要商业许可证密钥。


 string[][] data = { new [] { "Global", "Europe" , "Product One" , "Item One" , "579984.59" }, new [] { "Global", "North America", "Product One" , "Item Two" , "314586.73" }, new [] { "Global", "Asia" , "Product One" , "Item One" , "62735.13" }, new [] { "Global", "Asia" , "Product Two" , "Item Five" , "12619234.69" }, new [] { "Global", "North America", "Product Two" , "Item Five" , "8953713.39" }, new [] { "Global", "Europe" , "Product One" , "Item Two" , "124267.4" }, new [] { "Global", "Asia" , "Product One" , "Item Four" , "482338.49" }, new [] { "Global", "North America", "Product One" , "Item Four" , "809185.13" }, new [] { "Global", "Europe" , "Product One" , "Item Four" , "233101" }, new [] { "Global", "Asia" , "Product One" , "Item Two" , "120561.65" }, new [] { "Global", "North America", "Product One" , "Item Six" , "1517359.37" }, new [] { "Global", "Europe" , "Product One" , "Item Six" , "382590.45" }, new [] { "Global", "North America", "Product One" , "Item Eight" , "661835.64" }, new [] { "Global", "Europe" , "Product Three", "Item Three" , "0" }, new [] { "Global", "Europe" , "Product One" , "Item Eight" , "0" }, new [] { "Global", "Europe" , "Product Two" , "Item Five" , "3478145.38" }, new [] { "Global", "Asia" , "Product One" , "Item Six" , "0" }, new [] { "Global", "North America", "Product Two" , "Item Seven" , "4247059.97" }, new [] { "Global", "Asia" , "Product Two" , "Item Seven" , "2163718.01" }, new [] { "Global", "Europe" , "Product Two" , "Item Seven" , "2158782.48" }, new [] { "Global", "North America", "Product Two" , "Item Nine" , "72634.46" }, new [] { "Global", "Europe" , "Product Two" , "Item Nine" , "127500" }, new [] { "Global", "North America", "Product One" , "Item One" , "110964.44" }, new [] { "Global", "Asia" , "Product Three", "Item Ten" , "2064.99" }, new [] { "Global", "Europe" , "Product One" , "Item Eleven", "0" }, new [] { "Global", "Asia" , "Product Two" , "Item Nine" , "1250" } }; string[][] headerInfo = { new [] { "Product One" , "Item One" }, new [] { "Product One" , "Item Two" }, new [] { "Product One" , "Item Four" }, new [] { "Product One" , "Item Six" }, new [] { "Product One" , "Item Eight" }, new [] { "Product One" , "Item Eleven" }, new [] { "Product Two" , "Item Five" }, new [] { "Product Two" , "Item Seven" }, new [] { "Product Two" , "Item Nine" }, new [] { "Product Three", "Item Three" }, new [] { "Product Three", "Item Ten" } }; 


让我们选择一个函数式方法并将结果视为累加器 ,因此我们只需编写一个reducer (用于Linq Aggregate方法)。


假设你有一个经过validation的 header_info ,所以 – 首先 – 我必须修复第一个与最后一个重复的条目。

与其他解决方案相比,以下解决方案非常有效 (我的笔记本电脑只需要1毫秒,比接受的答案快4倍)。

 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; namespace pivot { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var _staticColumnCount = 2; //Columns that should not be pivoted var _dynamicColumnCount = 2; // Columns which needs to be pivoted to form header var _valueColumnCount = 1; //Columns that represent Actual value var valueColumnIndex = 4; //Assuming index starts with 0; List> headerInfo = new List>(); headerInfo.Add(new List { "Product Three", "Item Three" }); headerInfo.Add(new List { "Product Two", "Item Five" }); headerInfo.Add(new List { "Product Two", "Item Seven" }); headerInfo.Add(new List { "Product Two", "Item Nine" }); headerInfo.Add(new List { "Product One", "Item One" }); headerInfo.Add(new List { "Product One", "Item Two" }); headerInfo.Add(new List { "Product One", "Item Four" }); headerInfo.Add(new List { "Product One", "Item Six" }); headerInfo.Add(new List { "Product One", "Item Eight" }); headerInfo.Add(new List { "Product One", "Item Eleven" }); headerInfo.Add(new List { "Product Three", "Item Ten" }); List> data = new List>(); data.Add(new List { "Global", "Europe", "Product One", "Item One", "579984.59" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "North America", "Product One", "Item Two", "314586.73" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "Asia", "Product One", "Item One", "62735.13" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "Asia", "Product Two", "Item Five", "12619234.69" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "North America", "Product Two", "Item Five", "8953713.39" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "Europe", "Product One", "Item Two", "124267.4" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "Asia", "Product One", "Item Four", "482338.49" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "North America", "Product One", "Item Four", "809185.13" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "Europe", "Product One", "Item Four", "233101" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "Asia", "Product One", "Item Two", "120561.65" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "North America", "Product One", "Item Six", "1517359.37" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "Europe", "Product One", "Item Six", "382590.45" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "North America", "Product One", "Item Eight", "661835.64" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "Europe", "Product Three", "Item Three", "0" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "Europe", "Product One", "Item Eight", "0" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "Europe", "Product Two", "Item Five", "3478145.38" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "Asia", "Product One", "Item Six", "0" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "North America", "Product Two", "Item Seven", "4247059.97" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "Asia", "Product Two", "Item Seven", "2163718.01" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "Europe", "Product Two", "Item Seven", "2158782.48" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "North America", "Product Two", "Item Nine", "72634.46" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "Europe", "Product Two", "Item Nine", "127500" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "North America", "Product One", "Item One", "110964.44" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "Asia", "Product Three", "Item Ten", "2064.99" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "Europe", "Product One", "Item Eleven", "0" }); data.Add(new List { "Global", "Asia", "Product Two", "Item Nine", "1250" }); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); Reducer reducer = new Reducer(); reducer.headerCount = headerInfo.Count; reducer.headerCount = headerInfo.Count; var resultCount = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)data.Count / (double)reducer.headerCount); ValueArray[,] results = new ValueArray[resultCount, _staticColumnCount + reducer.headerCount]; reducer.headerDict = new Dictionary, int>(new MyComparer()); reducer.skipCols = _staticColumnCount; reducer.headerKeys = _dynamicColumnCount; reducer.rowDict = new Dictionary, int>(new MyComparer()); reducer.currentLine = 0; reducer.valueCount = _valueColumnCount; for (int i = 0; i < reducer.headerCount; i++) { reducer.headerDict.Add(headerInfo[i], i); } results = data.Aggregate(results, reducer.reduce); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("millisecs: " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); for (int i = 0; i < resultCount; i++) { var curr_header = new string[reducer.headerCount]; IEnumerable curr_key = null; for (int j = 0; j < reducer.headerCount; j++) { curr_header[j] = "[" + String.Join(",", (results[i, reducer.skipCols + j]?.values) ?? new string[0]) + "]"; curr_key = curr_key ?? (results[i, reducer.skipCols + j]?.row_keys); } Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", curr_key) + ": " + String.Join(",", curr_header) ); } Console.ReadKey(); // if you want to compare it to the accepted answer stopwatch.Reset(); stopwatch.Start(); var pivotData = data.ToPivot(2, 2, 1); // with all needed classes/methods stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("millisecs: " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); Console.ReadKey(); } internal class ValueArray { internal IEnumerable row_keys; internal string[] values; } internal class Reducer { internal int headerCount; internal int skipCols; internal int headerKeys; internal int valueCount; internal Dictionary, int> headerDict; internal Dictionary, int> rowDict; internal int currentLine; internal ValueArray[,] reduce(ValueArray[,] results, List line) { var header_col = headerDict[line.Skip(skipCols).Take(headerKeys)]; var row_keys = line.Take(skipCols); var curr_values = new string[valueCount]; for (int i = 0; i < valueCount; i++) { curr_values[i] = line[skipCols + headerKeys + i]; } if (rowDict.ContainsKey(row_keys)) { results[rowDict[row_keys], skipCols + header_col] = new ValueArray(); results[rowDict[row_keys], skipCols + header_col].row_keys = row_keys; results[rowDict[row_keys], skipCols + header_col].values = curr_values; } else { rowDict.Add(row_keys, currentLine); results[currentLine, skipCols + header_col] = new ValueArray(); results[currentLine, skipCols + header_col].row_keys = row_keys; results[currentLine, skipCols + header_col].values = curr_values; currentLine++; } return results; } } public class MyComparer : IEqualityComparer> { public bool Equals(IEnumerable x, IEnumerable y) { return x.SequenceEqual(y); } public int GetHashCode(IEnumerable obj) { return obj.First().GetHashCode(); } } } }