
TL; DR; 如何创建一个将另一个测试调用为第一步的specflow测试?

Given I already have one specflow test And I want to run another test that goes deeper than the first test Then I create a second test that runs the first test as its first step And I add additional steps to test the deeper functionality 



 Given I want to create a sales order And I open the sales order page And I click the add new order button Then a new sales order is created 





所有这些测试都将从与简单测试相同的前四个步骤开始,这将打破DRY原则。 那么我怎么能这样做,以便第二次测试的第一步只运行第一次测试? 例如:

 Given I have run the create sales order test // right here it just runs the first test And I add a sales order line Then the order total is updated 


编辑:请注意,这也应该能够跨function。 例如,上面的简单测试在销售function中定义。 但我也有一个学分function,这需要每次创建一个销售,以便能够归功于它:

 Given I want to credit a sale And I run the create sales order test And I complete the the sale And I click the credit button Then the sale is credited 


 [Binding] public class MySteps: Steps //Inheriting this base class is vital or the methods used below won't be available { [Given("I have created an order")] public void CreateOrder() { Given("I want to create a sales order"); Given("I open the sales order page"); Given("I click the add new order button"); Then("a new sales order is created"); } } 


 Scenario: I add another sale Given I have created an order When I add a sales order line Then the order total is updated 

这具有以下优点:该复合步骤可以在场景中的任何地方使用,而不仅仅作为起点。 如果需要,可以在多个function中重复使用此步骤


 Background: Given I want to create a sales order And I open the sales order page And I click the add new order button Then a new sales order is created Scenario: I add another sale When I add a sales order line Then the order total is updated Scenario: I add cancel a sale When I cancel a sale Then the order total is updated to 0 etc. 

您无需运行实际步骤来创建销售订单。 只需实现一个步骤定义,为您做一个单行。


 public class SalesOrder { public double Amount { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } } 


 using TechTalk.SpecFlow; using TechTalk.SpecFlow.Assist; [Binding] public class SalesOrderSteps { [Given("I have already created a Sales Order")] public void GivenIHaveAlreadyCreatedASalesOrder() { var order = new SalesOrder() { // .. set default properties }; // Save to scenario context so subsequent steps can access it ScenarioContext.Current.Set(order); using (var db = new DatabaseContext()) { db.SalesOrders.Add(order); db.SaveChanges(); } } [Given("I have already created a Sales Order with the following attributes:")] public void GivenIHaveAlreadyCreatedASalesOrderWithTheFollowingAttributes(Table table) { var order = table.CreateInstance(); // Save to scenario context so subsequent steps can access it ScenarioContext.Current.Set(order); using (var db = new DatabaseContext()) { db.SalesOrders.Add(order); db.SaveChanges(); } } } 


 Scenario: Something Given I have already created a Sales Order Scenario: Something else Given I have already created a Sales Order with the following attributes: | Field | Value | | Amount | 25.99 | | Description | Just a test order | 



  1. 您可以通过创建一个调用场景中的步骤(基本上是嵌套的步骤,如上面接受的答案)来处理这个问题。
  2. 将创建的步骤添加到背景中


  1. 创建一个函数,该函数将调用场景中的步骤。
  2. 将标记@create_sale_order添加到需要销售订单作为前提条件的方案中。
  3. 为标记@create_sale_order实现before方案挂钩,并调用在步骤1中创建的函数。