MVC DropDownList选中的值不起作用

我正在使用MVC 5。


ViewBag.TitleList = new SelectList((new string[] { "Mr", "Miss", "Ms", "Mrs" }), contact.Title); //contact.Title has selected value. 

然后我尝试将数组转换为SelectListItem ( to no avail)


 @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Title, ViewBag.TitleList as SelectList, "Select") 


 @Html.DropDownList("Title", ViewBag.TitleList as SelectList, "Select") 

列表已成功加载,但未Selected Value is Not selected 。 如何解决这个问题?

更新罪魁祸首是ViewBag.Title匹配我的模型。标题。 将我的模型属性重命名为其他内容并且有效。 Arrgh!


 ViewBag.TitleList = new SelectList(new string[] { "Mr", "Miss", "Ms", "Mrs" }); viewModel.Title = "Miss"; // Miss will be selected by default 

另一个可能的原因(以及基于以下评论的正确原因)是ViewData["Title"]被另一个值覆盖。 将Title属性的Title更改为任何其他属性,一切都应该有效。

如果未指定值(即“Id”),DropDownListFor有时会表现不正常。 试试这个:

 public class FooModel { public int Id { get; set; } public string Text { get; set; } } var temp = new FooModel[] { new FooModel {Id = 1, Text = "Mr"}, new FooModel {Id = 2, Text = "Miss"}, new FooModel {Id = 3, Text = "Ms"}, new FooModel {Id = 4, Text = "Mrs"} }; ViewBag.TitleList = new SelectList(temp, "Id", "Text", 2); 


 var temp = new [] { new SelectListItem {Value = "Mr", Text = "Mr"}, new SelectListItem {Value = "Miss", Text = "Miss"}, new SelectListItem {Value = "Ms", Text = "Ms"}, new SelectListItem {Value = "Mrs", Text = "Mrs"} }; ViewBag.TitleList = new SelectList(temp, "Value", "Text", "Miss");