


bool DoesTableExist(string tableName) { DbCommand command = this.dbConnection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = "SELECT 1 FROM " + tableName; try { using (DbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { return true; } } catch (DbException) { return false; } } 



这将返回一个DataTable ,它将包含数据库中所有表的行。 从这里你可以检查这个,看看表是否存在。


  private static bool DoesTableExist(string TableName) { using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=DBServer;Initial Catalog=InitialDB;User Id=uname;Password=pword;")) { conn.Open(); DataTable dTable = conn.GetSchema("TABLES", new string[] { null, null, "MyTableName" }); return dTable.Rows.Count > 0; } } 

如果您使用的是.NET 3.5,那么您也可以将其作为扩展方法。

对Kyle回答的一个小小的改进,因为不同的数据库(例如oracle vs ms-sql-server)将table-name列放在“Tables”表中的不同索引中:

  public static bool CheckIfTableExists(this DbConnection connection, string tableName) //connection = ((DbContext) _context).Database.Connection; { if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(connection)); if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed) connection.Open(); var tableInfoOnTables = connection //0 .GetSchema("Tables") .Columns .Cast() .Select(x => x.ColumnName?.ToLowerInvariant() ?? "") .ToList(); var tableNameColumnIndex = tableInfoOnTables.FindIndex(x => x.Contains("table".ToLowerInvariant()) && x.Contains("name".ToLowerInvariant())); //order tableNameColumnIndex = tableNameColumnIndex == -1 ? tableInfoOnTables.FindIndex(x => x.Contains("table".ToLowerInvariant())) : tableNameColumnIndex; //order tableNameColumnIndex = tableNameColumnIndex == -1 ? tableInfoOnTables.FindIndex(x => x.Contains("name".ToLowerInvariant())) : tableNameColumnIndex; //order if (tableNameColumnIndex == -1) throw new ApplicationException("Failed to spot which column holds the names of the tables in the dictionary-table of the DB"); var constraints = new string[tableNameColumnIndex + 1]; constraints[tableNameColumnIndex] = tableName; return connection.GetSchema("Tables", constraints)?.Rows.Count > 0; } //0 different databases have different number of columns and different names assigned to them // // SCHEMA,TABLENAME,TYPE -> oracle // table_catalog,table_schema,table_name,table_type -> mssqlserver // // we thus need to figure out which column represents the tablename and target that one