
我正在编写项目并使用NHibernate 3.1


Forum forum = Session.CreateCriteria().Add(Restrictions.Eq("UrlName", "reportabug")).UniqueResult(); forum.TopicsCount++; IForumRepository forumRepository = new ForumRepository(SessionFactory); forumRepository.Update(forum); public virtual void Update(TEntity entity) { if (!session.Transaction.IsActive) { TResult result; using (var tx = session.BeginTransaction()) { session.SaveOrUpdate(entity) tx.Commit(); } return result; } session.SaveOrUpdate(entity) } 


 StaleObjectStateException was unhandled by user code: Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect) 


 UPDATE Forums SET Name = 'Forums Issues (not product support)' /* @p0 */, UrlName = 'reportabug' /* @p1 */, Description = 'Use this forum to report issues with the online forums application. When reporting an issue please include relevant details such as repro steps, error messages and browser version.' /* @p2 */, CategoryId = 'b2cc232c-0d5c-4f35-bb6f-29c67d7d40c2' /* @p3 */, TopicsCount = 1 /* @p4 */ WHERE ForumId = '864046b7-ca57-48c4-8a81-082103223527' /* @p5 */ 

ForumId是对的。 也许这是并发? 有什么想法吗?

StaleObjectStateException是一种hibernate方式,可确保数据一致性在此处读取API。 Hibernate维护它更新的对象version ,如果DB和内存中版本不匹配 ,则会抛出错误 在此处阅读有关乐观锁定机制的更多信息。

因此,使用此信息调试应用程序。 我不熟悉C#语法,但我认为第二次保存应该处于else状态。