检查Adobe Reader是否已安装(C#)?

如何检查系统中是否安装了Adobe Reader或acrobat? 还有如何获得版本? (在C#代码中)

using System; using Microsoft.Win32; namespace MyApp { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { RegistryKey adobe = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software").OpenSubKey("Adobe"); if(null == adobe) { var policies = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software").OpenSubKey("Policies"); if (null == policies) return; adobe = policies.OpenSubKey("Adobe"); } if (adobe != null) { RegistryKey acroRead = adobe.OpenSubKey("Acrobat Reader"); if (acroRead != null) { string[] acroReadVersions = acroRead.GetSubKeyNames(); Console.WriteLine("The following version(s) of Acrobat Reader are installed: "); foreach (string versionNumber in acroReadVersions) { Console.WriteLine(versionNumber); } } } } } } 

还请考虑运行64位操作系统且可能运行32位或64位版本的adobe reader的人。

以下代码是Abmv发布的解决方案的修改版本,但是在检查32位版本之前,这将检查是否先安装了64位版本的adobe reader。

希望这是有道理的! 🙂

 using System; using Microsoft.Win32; namespace MyApp { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { RegistryKey software = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software"); if (software != null) { RegistryKey adobe; // Try to get 64bit versions of adobe if (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem) { RegistryKey software64 = software.OpenSubKey("Wow6432Node"); if (software64 != null) adobe = software64.OpenSubKey("Adobe"); } // If a 64bit version is not installed, try to get a 32bit version if (adobe == null) adobe = software.OpenSubKey("Adobe"); // If no 64bit or 32bit version can be found, chances are adobe reader is not installed. if (adobe != null) { RegistryKey acroRead = adobe.OpenSubKey("Acrobat Reader"); if (acroRead != null) { string[] acroReadVersions = acroRead.GetSubKeyNames(); Console.WriteLine("The following version(s) of Acrobat Reader are installed: "); foreach (string versionNumber in acroReadVersions) { Console.WriteLine(versionNumber); } } else Console.WriteLine("Adobe reader is not installed!"); } else Console.WriteLine("Adobe reader is not installed!"); } } } } 


  var adobePath = Registry.GetValue( @"HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Software\Adobe\Acrobat\Exe", string.Empty, string.Empty); 

然后我检查adobePath != null是否安装了Adobe Reader。

这样我将获得acrobat reader可执行文件的路径。