如何确定哪些IIS Express实例正在使用端口?


netstat.exe只显示进程正在使用PID 4,但那是系统进程。 “netsh http show urlacl”根本不显示占用的端口。

IIS Express Tray程序以某种方式知道这一点。 当我尝试在端口被占用时启动另一个IIS Express实例时,我收到以下错误:
“端口’40000’已被进程’IIS Express’使用(进程ID’10632’)。



我查看了iisexpresstray.exe用于提供所有正在运行的IISExpress应用程序的列表。 值得庆幸的是,它的托管.NET代码(全部在iisexpresstray.dll中)很容易被反编译。


  1. 从命令行参数读取/port (我们知道不可靠)
  2. 运行netsh http show servicestate view=requestq并解析输出
  3. 调用Microsoft.Web.RuntimeStatusClient.GetWorkerProcess(pid)并解析站点URL

不幸的是,iisexpresstray.dll中的大多数有用的东西都像IisExpressHelper类一样被声明为internal (尽管我认为有工具可以生成包装器或复制程序集并公开所有内容)。

我选择使用Microsoft.Web.dll。 它在我的GAC中,虽然由于某种原因没有出现在Visual Studio中作为参考添加的程序集列表中,所以我只是从我的GAC复制了该文件。 有了Microsoft.Web.dll,只需要使用这段代码:

  using (var runtimeStatusClient = new RuntimeStatusClient()) { var workerProcess = runtimeStatusClient.GetWorkerProcess(process.Id); // Apparently an IISExpress process can run multiple sites/applications? var apps = workerProcess.RegisteredUrlsInfo.Select(r => r.Split('|')).Select(u => new { SiteName = u[0], PhysicalPath = u[1], Url = u[2] }); // If we just assume one app return new Uri(apps.FirstOrDefault().Url).Port; } 


我也查看了RegisteredUrlsInfo (在Microsoft.Web.dll中),发现它使用了两个COM接口,

  1. IRsca2_CoreF90F62AB-EE00-4E4F-8EA6-3805B6B25CDD
  2. IRsca2_WorkerProcessB1341209-7F09-4ECD-AE5F-3EE40D921870




 static public bool TryGetCurrentProcessRegisteredHttpPort(out List ports, out Exception ex) { NetshInvoker netsh = new NetshInvoker(); return netsh.TryGetHttpPortUseByProcessId(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id, out ports, out ex); } 


 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; namespace YourCompanyName.Server.ServerCommon.Utility { ///  /// Invoke netsh.exe and extract information from its output. /// Source: @crokusek, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32196188 /// @GETah, https://stackoverflow.com/a/8274758/538763 ///  public class NetshInvoker { const string NetshHttpShowServiceStateViewRequestqArgs = "http show servicestate view=requestq"; public NetshInvoker() { } ///  /// Call netsh.exe to determine the http port number used by a given windowsPid (eg an IIS Express process) ///  /// For example an IIS Express process ///  ///  ///  public bool TryGetHttpPortUseByProcessId(Int32 windowsPid, out List ports, out Exception ex) { ports = null; try { if (!TryQueryProcessIdRegisteredUrls(out Dictionary> pidToUrlMap, out ex)) return false; if (!pidToUrlMap.TryGetValue(windowsPid, out List urls)) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Unable to locate windowsPid {0} in '{1}' output.", windowsPid, "netsh " + NetshHttpShowServiceStateViewRequestqArgs)); } if (!urls.Any()) { throw new Exception(String.Format("WindowsPid {0} did not reference any URLs in '{1}' output.", windowsPid, "netsh " + NetshHttpShowServiceStateViewRequestqArgs)); } ports = urls .Select(u => new Uri(u).Port) .ToList(); return true; } catch (Exception ex_) { ex = ex_; return false; } } private bool TryQueryProcessIdRegisteredUrls(out Dictionary> pidToUrlMap, out Exception ex) { if (!TryExecNetsh(NetshHttpShowServiceStateViewRequestqArgs, out string output, out ex)) { pidToUrlMap = null; return false; } bool gotRequestQueueName = false; bool gotPidStart = false; int currentPid = 0; bool gotUrlStart = false; pidToUrlMap = new Dictionary>(); foreach (string line in output.Split('\n').Select(s => s.Trim())) { if (!gotRequestQueueName) { gotRequestQueueName = line.StartsWith("Request queue name:"); } else if (!gotPidStart) { gotPidStart = line.StartsWith("Process IDs:"); } else if (currentPid == 0) { Int32.TryParse(line, out currentPid); // just get the first Pid, ignore others. } else if (!gotUrlStart) { gotUrlStart = line.StartsWith("Registered URLs:"); } else if (line.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("http")) { if (!pidToUrlMap.TryGetValue(currentPid, out List urls)) pidToUrlMap[currentPid] = urls = new List(); urls.Add(line); } else // reset { gotRequestQueueName = false; gotPidStart = false; currentPid = 0; gotUrlStart = false; } } return true; } private bool TryExecNetsh(string args, out string output, out Exception exception) { output = null; exception = null; try { // From @GETah, https://stackoverflow.com/a/8274758/538763 Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo.FileName = "netsh.exe"; p.StartInfo.Arguments = args; p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.Start(); output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { exception = ex; return false; } } } } 


 netstat -a -n -o -b | find "iisexpress.exe"