
我想要一个消息框显示,程序只是继续,而不是等我在这个消息框上单击确定。 可以吗?

else { // Debug or messagebox the line that fails MessageBox.Show("Cols:" + _columns.Length.ToString() + " Line: " + lines[i]); } 

首先,正确的解决方案是使用普通窗口(或表单,如果您使用winforms)替换消息框。 那很简单。 示例(WPF)

       ... class MyWindow : Window { public MyWindow(string message) { this.DataContext = message; } void SelfClose(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.Close(); } } ... new MyWindow("Cols:" + _columns.Length.ToString() + " Line: " + lines[i]).Show(); 


 Thread t = new Thread(() => MessageBox("lalalalala")); t.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); t.Start(); 


 //You need to add this if you don't already have it using System.Threading.Tasks; 


 Task.Factory.StartNew( () => { MessageBox.Show("This is a message"); }); 


 this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { MessageBox.Show(this, "text"); })); 


 using System.Threading; static void MessageThread() { MessageBox.Show("Cols:" + _columns.Length.ToString() + " Line: " + lines[i]); } static void MyProgram() { Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(MessageThread)); t.Start(); } 



你想要的是无模式forms。 以下是一些信息和样品供您使用。



以下snippits来自我刚刚完成的事情: –

 namespace YourApp { public partial class frmMain : Form { // Declare delegate for summary box, frees main thread from dreaded OK click private delegate void ShowSummaryDelegate(); ShowSummaryDelegate ShowSummary; ///  /// Your message box, edit as needed ///  private void fxnShowSummary() { string msg; msg = "TEST SEQUENCE COMPLETE\r\n\r\n"; msg += "Number of tests performed: " + lblTestCount.Text + Environment.NewLine; msg += "Number of false positives: " + lblFalsePve.Text + Environment.NewLine; msg += "Number of false negatives: " + lblFalseNve.Text + Environment.NewLine; MessageBox.Show(msg); } ///  /// This callback is used to cleanup the invokation of the summary delegate. ///  private void fxnShowSummaryCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { try { ShowSummary.EndInvoke(ar); } catch { } } ///  /// Your bit of code that wants to call a message box ///  private void tmrAction_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowSummary = new ShowSummaryDelegate(fxnShowSummary); AsyncCallback SummaryCallback = new AsyncCallback(fxnShowSummaryCallback); IAsyncResult SummaryResult = ShowSummary.BeginInvoke(SummaryCallback, null); } // End of Main Class } }