使用ac #Func作为IQueryable的一部分,而不执行内存调用





有没有办法可以将此查询作为IQueryable执行? 否则我将不得不用计算方差将此查询写入20次以上

Func<IGrouping, double?> calculateTotal= (group) => @group.Sum(x => x.PassengerTotal); Dictionary weekValues = queryable.GroupBy(o => new { Year = SqlFunctions.DatePart("yyyy", o.DateCreated), Week = SqlFunctions.DatePart("ww", o.DateCreated), Source = o.SourceId, }) .ToList() //NEED TO REMOVE THIS CALL .Select(ac => new WeeklyGraphGroup() { Year = ac.Key.Year, Week = ac.Key.Week, SourceId = ac.Key.Source, Total = calculateTotal(ac) }) .ToDictionary(dict => new { Year = dict.Year, Week = dict.Week, Source = dict.SourceId }, grp => grp.Total); 


 public partial class WeeklyGraphGroup { public int ? Year { get; set; } public int ? Week { get; set; } public int Source { get; set; } } public partial class WeeklyGraphGroup { private int ? _Total; public int ? Total { get { this._Total = CalculateTotal(this.Year, this.Week, this.Source); return this._Total; } } public int ? CalculateTotal(int ? Year, int ? Week, int Source) { // do your calculation and return the value of total // use whatever formula you want here. I guess you are calculating // total based on any of the parameters(year, week or source); return value; } } 


 var list = db.Stores.GroupBy(o => new WeeklyGraphGroup { Year = SqlFunctions.DatePart("yyyy", o.DateCreated), Week = SqlFunctions.DatePart("ww", o.DateCreated), Source = o.SourceId, }) .Select ( u => new WeeklyGraphGroup { Year = u.Key.Year, Week = u.Key.Week, Source = u.Key.Source } ).ToList(); 
