
我有一个很大的解决方案,并且有许多* .cs文件实际上不属于我的解决方案(不包括在csproj文件中)。 有没有办法找到所有这些并删除?

此PowerShell脚本应该可以满足您的需求。 它解析项目文件以获取包含的代码文件。 然后它将该列表与磁盘上的实际文件进行比较。 其余文件是未使用/过时的文件。


<# .SYNOPSIS Find and process files in a project folder that are not included in the project. .DESCRIPTION Find and process files in a project folder that are not included in the project. Options to delete the files or to add them as pending deletes for TFS. Use TF.exe to pend the deletes and start the check-in process for the files. This is necessary when trying to delete files that are not currently included in a Visual Studio project. .PARAMETER Project The path/name for the project file. .PARAMETER VsVersion The Visual Studio version (10, 11, 12). Used to locate the tf.exe file. .PARAMETER DeleteFromDisk Just delete the files from disk. No interaction with any source control. .PARAMETER TfsCheckin After pending the deletes, open the check-in dialog. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Project, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateRange(10,12)] [int] $VsVersion = 12, [switch]$DeleteFromDisk, [switch]$TfsCheckin ) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $tfPath = "${env:ProgramFiles(X86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio $VsVersion.0\Common7\IDE\TF.exe" $projectPath = Split-Path $project if($Project.EndsWith("csproj")) { $fileType = "*.cs" } else { $fileType = "*.vb" } $fileType $projectFiles = Select-String -Path $project -Pattern '|["">])", ""} | % { "{0}\{1}" -f $projectPath, $_ } Write-Host "Project files:" $projectFiles.Count $diskFiles = gci -Path $path -Recurse -Filter $fileType | % { $_.FullName} Write-Host "Disk files:" $diskFiles.Count $diff = (compare-object $diskFiles $projectFiles -PassThru) Write-Host "Excluded Files:" $diff.Count #create a text file for log purposes $diffFilePath = Join-Path $projectPath "DiffFileList.txt" $diff | Out-File $diffFilePath -Encoding UTF8 notepad $diffFilePath #just remove the files from disk if($DeleteFileOnly) { $diff | % { Remove-Item -Path $_ -Force -Verbose} } else #TFS options { #this will add the files as pending deletes in TFS (awaiting check-in) $diff | % { [Array]$arguments = @("delete", "`"$_`"") & "$tfPath" $arguments } if($Checkin) { #start the check-in process for the pending deletes [Array]$arguments = "checkin", "/recursive", "$projectPath" & $tfPath $arguments } } 

在解决方案资源管理器中选择项目时,单击解决方案资源管理器工具栏中的“显示所有文件”按钮。 这将显示项目目录中的文件和文件夹,但不包含在项目中。 这允许您删除它们或将它们读取到项目中。


使用visual studio将所有文件添加到源代码管理中。 它只会添加属于项目一部分的文件,因此不会添加非项目文件。 然后,您可以简单地提交所有文件并在其他地方检查项目。 只会在目标位置签出相关文件。
