
我正在尝试浏览网站并使用Windows窗体中的WebBrowser控件以编程方式在页面上进行一些工作。 我在寻找阻止我的线程的方法时找到了这个 ,直到触发了WebBrowser的DocumentCompleted事件。 鉴于此,这是我目前的代码:

public partial class Form1 : Form { private AutoResetEvent autoResetEvent; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Thread workerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.DoWork)); workerThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); workerThread.Start(); } private void DoWork() { WebBrowser browser = new WebBrowser(); browser.DocumentCompleted += new WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(browser_DocumentCompleted); browser.Navigate(login_page); autoResetEvent.WaitOne(); // log in browser.Navigate(page_to_process); autoResetEvent.WaitOne(); // process the page } private void browser_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) { autoResetEvent.Set(); } } 

该线程看起来并不必要,但是当我扩展此代码以接受网络上的请求时(线程将侦听连接,然后处理请求)。 此外,我不能只将处理代码放在DocumentCompleted处理程序中,因为我必须导航到几个不同的页面并在每个页面上执行不同的操作。


有趣的是,如果我从工具箱中添加一个WebBrowser控件(拖放),然后使用它进行导航,这段代码可以正常工作(除了在Invoke调用中调用Navigate之外没有任何更改 – 见下文)。 但是,如果我手动将WebBrowser控件添加到Designer文件中,则它不起作用。 我真的不想在我的表单上看到可见的WebBrowser,我只想报告结果。

 public delegate void NavigateDelegate(string address); browser.Invoke(new NavigateDelegate(this.browser.Navigate), new string[] { login_page }); 



我在这里通过了一个解决问题的可能实现,但是请看一下这里的评论,我必须面对并修复所有工作,因为我期待。 这里是一个在webBrowser中对页面执行某些活动的方法的示例(请注意,webBrowser是我的表单中的表单的一部分):

  internal ActionResponse CheckMessages() //Action Response is a custom class of mine to store some data coming from pages { //go to messages HtmlDocument doc = WbLink.Document; //wbLink is a referring link to a webBrowser istance HtmlElement ele = doc.GetElementById("message_alert_box"); if (ele == null) return new ActionResponse(false); object obj = ele.DomElement; System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi = obj.GetType().GetMethod("click"); mi.Invoke(obj, new object[0]); semaphoreForDocCompletedEvent = WaitForDocumentCompleted(); //This is a simil-waitOne statement (1) if (!semaphoreForDocCompletedEvent) throw new Exception("sequencing of Document Completed events is failed."); //get the list doc = WbLink.Document; ele = doc.GetElementById("mailz"); if (!ele.WaitForAvailability("mailz", Program.BrowsingSystem.Document, 10000)) //This is a simil-waitOne statement (2) ele = doc.GetElementById("mailz"); ele = doc.GetElementById("mailz"); //this contains a tbody HtmlElement tbody = ele.FirstChild; //count how many elemetns are espionage reports, these elements are inline then counting double with their wrappers on top of them. int spioCases = 0; foreach (HtmlElement trs in tbody.Children) { if (trs.GetAttribute("id").ToLower().Contains("spio")) spioCases++; } int nMessages = tbody.Children.Count - 2 - spioCases; //create an array of messages to store data GameMessage[] archive = new GameMessage[nMessages]; for (int counterOfOpenMessages = 0; counterOfOpenMessages < nMessages; counterOfOpenMessages++) { //open first element WbLink.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true; ele = doc.GetElementById("mailz"); //this contains a tbody tbody = ele.FirstChild; HtmlElement mess1 = tbody.Children[1]; int idMess1 = int.Parse(mess1.GetAttribute("id").Substring(0, mess1.GetAttribute("id").Length - 2)); //check if subsequent element is not a spio report, in case it is then the element has not to be opened. HtmlElement mess1Sibling = mess1.NextSibling; if (mess1Sibling.GetAttribute("id").ToLower().Contains("spio")) { //this is a wrapper for spio report ReadSpioEntry(archive, counterOfOpenMessages, mess1, mess1Sibling); //delete first in line DeleteFirstMessageItem(doc, ref ele, ref obj, ref mi, ref tbody); semaphoreForDocCompletedEvent = WaitForDocumentCompleted(6); //This is a simil-waitOne statement (3) } else { //It' s anormal message OpenMessageEntry(ref obj, ref mi, tbody, idMess1); //This opens a modal dialog over the page, and it is not generating a DocumentCompleted Event in the webBrowser //actually opening a message generates 2 documetn completed events without any navigating event issued //Application.DoEvents(); semaphoreForDocCompletedEvent = WaitForDocumentCompleted(6); //read element ReadMessageEntry(archive, counterOfOpenMessages); //close current message CloseMessageEntry(ref ele, ref obj, ref mi); //this closes a modal dialog therefore is not generating a documentCompleted after! semaphoreForDocCompletedEvent = WaitForDocumentCompleted(6); //delete first in line DeleteFirstMessageItem(doc, ref ele, ref obj, ref mi, ref tbody); //this closes a modal dialog therefore is not generating a documentCompleted after! semaphoreForDocCompletedEvent = WaitForDocumentCompleted(6); } } return new ActionResponse(true, archive); } 


除了真正依赖于案例(并且对你没用)的代码的实现和逻辑之外,很少有一些有趣的元素可能很适合你。 我在代码中加了一些注释,并突出了3个重点[带符号(1)(2)(3) ]




3)找到要点击的元素到达消息页面[完成: HtmlElement ele = doc.GetElementById("message_alert_box"); ]


5)等待完成的文档被调用,然后继续[完成: semaphoreForDocCompletedEvent = WaitForDocumentCompleted(); 在点(1)]



8)确保页面中存在这样的TAG(因为可能有一些AJAX延迟了我想要读取的内容)[完成: ele.WaitForAvailability("mailz", Program.BrowsingSystem.Document, 10000)点(2)]

9)执行整个循环以读取每条消息,这意味着打开一个位于同一页面上的modal dialog,因此不生成DocumentCompleted,准备好后读取它,然后关闭它,然后重新循环。 对于这种特殊情况,我使用了一个名为semaphoreForDocCompletedEvent = WaitForDocumentCompleted(6);的重载(1 semaphoreForDocCompletedEvent = WaitForDocumentCompleted(6); 在点(3)



 private bool WaitForDocumentCompleted() { Thread.SpinWait(1000); //This is dirty but working while (Program.BrowsingSystem.IsBusy) //BrowsingSystem is another link to Browser that is made public in my Form and IsBusy is just a bool put to TRUE when Navigating event is raised and but to False when the DocumentCOmpleted is fired. { Application.DoEvents(); Thread.SpinWait(1000); } if (Program.BrowsingSystem.IsInfoAvailable) //IsInfoAvailable is just a get property to cover webBroweser.Document inside a lock statement to protect from concurrent accesses. { return true; } else return false; } 


 public static bool WaitForAvailability(this HtmlElement tag, string id, HtmlDocument documentToExtractFrom, long maxCycles) { bool cond = true; long counter = 0; while (cond) { Application.DoEvents(); //VERIFY trovare un modo per rimuovere questa porcheria tag = documentToExtractFrom.GetElementById(id); if (tag != null) cond = false; Thread.Yield(); Thread.SpinWait(100000); counter++; if (counter > maxCycles) return false; } return true; } 


 private bool WaitForDocumentCompleted(int seconds) { int counter = 0; while (Program.BrowsingSystem.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); Thread.Sleep(1000); if (counter == seconds) { return true; } counter++; } return true; } 

我还通过了DocumentCompleted Methods和Navigating来为您提供有关我如何使用它们的全貌。

 private void webBrowser_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) { if (Program.BrowsingSystem.BrowserLink.ReadyState == WebBrowserReadyState.Complete) { lock (Program.BrowsingSystem.BrowserLocker) { Program.BrowsingSystem.ActualPosition = Program.BrowsingSystem.UpdatePosition(Program.BrowsingSystem.Document); Program.BrowsingSystem.CheckContentAvailability(); Program.BrowsingSystem.IsBusy = false; } } } private void webBrowser_Navigating(object sender, WebBrowserNavigatingEventArgs e) { lock (Program.BrowsingSystem.BrowserLocker) { Program.BrowsingSystem.ActualPosition.PageName = OgamePages.OnChange; Program.BrowsingSystem.IsBusy = true; } } 

如果您现在知道这里介绍的实现背后的细节(请希望从S.Overflow链接其他站点不是问题),请在这里查看 DoEvents()背后的混乱。


此外,如果WB是某种Form容器的子代,它还需要实例化它的线程与Form创建相同,并且为了传递性,需要调用需要在WB上工作的所有方法在Form线程上(在你的情况下,调用在Form本机线程上重定位你的调用)。 我希望这对你有用(我只是在我的母语代码中留下了// VERIFY注释,让你知道我对Application.DoEvents()的看法)。


哈! 我有同样的问题。 您可以通过事件处理来完成此操作。 如果你在页面中间停止一个线程,它将需要等到页面完成。 您可以通过附加轻松完成此操作

  Page.LoadComplete += new EventHandler(triggerFunction); 


 triggerFunction(object sender, EventArgs e) { autoResetEvent.reset(); } 

让我知道这个是否奏效。 我最终没有使用我的线程,而只是把东西放入triggerFunction。 有些语法可能不是100%正确,因为我正在回答我的问题



 WebBrowser browser = new WebBrowser(); WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser_DocumentCompleted); 


 void webBrowser_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) { if (browser.ReadyState == WebBrowserReadyState.Complete) { } }