C# – LinkedList – 如何删除指定节点后的所有节点?

我正在实现一个带有通用LinkedList的undo / redo缓冲区。

state2 < – 当前状态


我当前的旁路是while (currentState != list.last), list.removeLast(); 但它很糟糕

LinkedList只支持Remove,RemoveFirst和removeLast ……

我想要像RemoveAllNodesAfter(LinkedListNode …)这样的东西?

如何在不迭代所有节点的情况下很好地编码? 也许有扩展?…

我在标准LinkedList中看不到任何可以让你这样做的东西。 如果需要,您可以查看PowerCollections和C5集合 – 或者只是滚动您自己的LinkedList类型。 它是要实现的更简单的集合之一,特别是如果您可以“及时”方式添加function。


而不是.RemoveAllNodesAfter(node)方法,我会选择创建一个.SplitAfter(node)方法,该方法从节点后的下一个节点开始返回一个新的链表。 这将成为一种更方便的工具,而不仅仅是能够切断尾部。 如果你想要你的RemoveAllNodesAfter方法,它只需要在内部调用SplitAfter方法并丢弃结果。


 public LinkedList SplitAfter(Node node) { Node nextNode = node.Next; // break the chain node.Next = null; nextNode.Previous = null; return new LinkedList(nextNode); } public void RemoveAllNodesAfter(Node node) { SplitAfter(node); } 

链表(特别是单链表)是最基本的基本收集结构之一。 我确信您可以轻松实现它(并添加您需要的行为)。

实际上,您实际上并不需要集合类来管理列表。 您可以在没有集合类的情况下管理节点。

 public class SingleLinkedListNode { private readonly T value; private SingleLinkedListNode next; public SingleLinkedListNode(T value, SingleLinkedListNode next) { this.value = value; } public SingleLinkedListNode(T value, SingleLinkedListNode next) : this(value) { this.next = next; } public SingleLinkedListNode Next { get { return next; } set { next = value; } } public T Value { get { return value; } } } 


 public class SingleLinkedList { private SingleLinkedListNode head; private SingleLinkedListNode tail; public SingleLinkedListNode Head { get { return head; } set { head = value; } } public IEnumerable> Nodes { get { SingleLinkedListNode current = head; while (current != null) { yield return current; current = current.Next; } } } public SingleLinkedListNode AddToTail(T value) { if (head == null) return createNewHead(value); if (tail == null) tail = findTail(); SingleLinkedListNode newNode = new SingleLinkedListNode(value, null); tail.Next = newNode; return newNode; } public SingleLinkedListNode InsertAtHead(T value) { if (head == null) return createNewHead(value); SingleLinkedListNode oldHead = Head; SingleLinkedListNode newNode = new SingleLinkedListNode(value, oldHead); head = newNode; return newNode; } public SingleLinkedListNode InsertBefore(T value, SingleLinkedListNode toInsertBefore) { if (head == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("you cannot insert on an empty list."); if (head == toInsertBefore) return InsertAtHead(value); SingleLinkedListNode nodeBefore = findNodeBefore(toInsertBefore); SingleLinkedListNode toInsert = new SingleLinkedListNode(value, toInsertBefore); nodeBefore.Next = toInsert; return toInsert; } public SingleLinkedListNode AppendAfter(T value, SingleLinkedListNode toAppendAfter) { SingleLinkedListNode newNode = new SingleLinkedListNode(value, toAppendAfter.Next); toAppendAfter.Next = newNode; return newNode; } public void TruncateBefore(SingleLinkedListNode toTruncateBefore) { if (head == toTruncateBefore) { head = null; tail = null; return; } SingleLinkedListNode nodeBefore = findNodeBefore(toTruncateBefore); if (nodeBefore != null) nodeBefore.Next = null; } public void TruncateAfter(SingleLinkedListNode toTruncateAfter) { toTruncateAfter.Next = null; } private SingleLinkedListNode createNewHead(T value) { SingleLinkedListNode newNode = new SingleLinkedListNode(value, null); head = newNode; tail = newNode; return newNode; } private SingleLinkedListNode findTail() { if (head == null) return null; SingleLinkedListNode current = head; while (current.Next != null) { current = current.Next; } return current; } private SingleLinkedListNode findNodeBefore(SingleLinkedListNode nodeToFindNodeBefore) { SingleLinkedListNode current = head; while (current != null) { if (current.Next != null && current.Next == nodeToFindNodeBefore) return current; current = current.Next; } return null; } } 


 public static void Main(string[] args) { SingleLinkedList list = new SingleLinkedList(); list.InsertAtHead("state4"); list.AddToTail("state3"); list.AddToTail("state2"); list.AddToTail("state1"); SingleLinkedListNode current = null; foreach (SingleLinkedListNode node in list.Nodes) { if (node.Value != "state2") continue; current = node; break; } if (current != null) list.TruncateAfter(current); } 


 public static void Main(string[] args) { SingleLinkedListNode first = new SingleLinkedListNode("state4"); first.Next = new SingleLinkedListNode("state3"); SingleLinkedListNode current = first.Next; current.Next = new SingleLinkedListNode("state2"); current = current.Next; current.Next = new SingleLinkedListNode("state1"); current = first; while (current != null) { if (current.Value != "state2") continue; current.Next = null; current = current.Next; break; } } 



 while (currentNode.Next != null) list.Remove(currentNode.Next); 


这是我支持的一个支持足够的function(读取: YAGNI )来支持你的撤销/重做操作:

 public class LinkedListNode { public LinkedList Parent { get; set; } public T Value { get; set; } public LinkedListNode Next { get; set; } public LinkedListNode Previous { get; set; } } public class LinkedList : IEnumerable { public LinkedListNode Last { get; private set; } public LinkedListNode AddLast(T value) { Last = (Last == null) ? new LinkedListNode { Previous = null } : Last.Next = new LinkedListNode { Previous = Last }; Last.Parent = this; Last.Value = value; Last.Next = null; return Last; } public void SevereAt(LinkedListNode node) { if (node.Parent != this) throw new ArgumentException("Can't severe node that isn't from the same parent list."); node.Next.Previous = null; node.Next = null; Last = node; } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return ((IEnumerable)this).GetEnumerator(); } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { var walk = Last; while (walk != null) { yield return walk.Value; walk = walk.Previous; } } } 


想到的第一个想法是设置Node.Next.Previous = null (如果它是一个双向链表),然后Node.Next = null

不幸的是,因为LinkedListNode.NextLinkedListNode.Previous是Linked List的.NET实现中的只读属性,我认为您可能必须实现自己的结构才能实现此function。

但正如其他人所说,这应该很容易。 如果您只是谷歌的链接列表C# ,您可以使用大量资源作为起点。

 if(this.ptr != null && this.ObjectName != null) { LinkedListNode it = ObjectName.Last; for (; it != this.ptr; it = it.Previous) { this.m_ObjectName.Remove(it); } } 



不要制作你的结构的新副本,这是有史以来最糟糕的想法。 这是一个完整的记忆猪,结构可能非常大。 除非绝对必要,否则复制Object并不是一种好的编程习惯。 尝试进行就地操作。

我已经为“删除特定节点之前的所有节点”和“删除特定节点之后的所有节点”制作了两种扩展方法。 但是,这些扩展方法是LinkedListNode的扩展,而不是LinkedList本身,只是为了方便起见:

 public static class Extensions { public static void RemoveAllBefore(this LinkedListNode node) { while (node.Previous != null) node.List.Remove(node.Previous); } public static void RemoveAllAfter(this LinkedListNode node) { while (node.Next != null) node.List.Remove(node.Previous); } } 


 void Main() { //create linked list and fill it up with some values LinkedList list = new LinkedList(); for(int i=0;i<10;i++) list.AddLast(i); //pick some node from the list (here it is node with value 3) LinkedListNode node = list.First.Next.Next.Next; //now for the trick node.RemoveAllBefore(); //or node.RemoveAllAfter(); } 
