在wpf c#中重新排列wrappanel内的CustomControl

我在一个wrappanel中动态创建一个customcontrol。 现在我需要重新排序wrappanel内的自定义控件。 是否可以使用拖放重新排列wrappanel内的自定义控件?



我已经尝试将包装面板放在列表中,因为它是由给定答案(Ilan的答案)建议的,现在我的面板无法在后面的代码中访问。 我做错了什么?



在这里我演示了Buttons ,您可以根据需要进行修改。



 Button btn_to_drag; private void Button_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { btn_to_drag = (Button)e.Source; DragDrop.DoDragDrop(btn_to_drag, btn_to_drag, DragDropEffects.Move); } private void Button_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { Button btn = (Button)e.Source; int where_to_drop = Pnl.Children.IndexOf(btn); Pnl.Children.Remove(btn_to_drag); Pnl.Children.Insert(where_to_drop, btn_to_drag); } 


 private void Button_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) {  DataObject data = new DataObject(DataFormats.Serializable, (Button)e.Source );  DragDrop.DoDragDrop((DependencyObject)e.Source, data, DragDropEffects.Move); } private void Button_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e) {  Button btn_to_move = (Button) e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.Serializable);        int where_to_move = Pnl.Children.IndexOf((UIElement)e.Source);  int what_to_move = Pnl.Children.IndexOf(btn_to_move);  Pnl.Children.RemoveAt(what_to_move);  Pnl.Children.Insert(where_to_move, btn_to_move); } 

尝试将项目放入ItemsControl并将wrappanel设置为控件的ItemsPanel,然后只更改items控件内控件的顺序。 这是一个简单的例子(将您的控件放入InputCollection)。

更新#2 – DragAndDrop


 Window x:Class="WpfCSItemsControlWithWrappanelSoHelpAttempt.MainWindow" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">           


 public partial class MainWindow : Window { private readonly ObservableCollection _observableCollection; private int _coordinator = -1; private ListBox _dragSource; private Shape _dragedData; private Shape _targetData; private bool _isInDrag; public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); _observableCollection = new ObservableCollection { new Ellipse{Name = "C", Width = 50, Height = 50, Fill = Brushes.Tomato}, new Ellipse{Name = "A", Width = 50, Height = 75, Fill = Brushes.Yellow}, new Rectangle{Name = "Z", Width = 50, Height = 75, Fill = Brushes.Aqua}, new Rectangle{Name = "D", Width = 50, Height = 75, Fill = Brushes.Blue}, new Rectangle{Name = "B", Width = 50, Height = 75, Fill = Brushes.CadetBlue}, new Ellipse{Name = "X", Width = 75, Height = 25, Fill = Brushes.Aqua}, }; ListBowWithWrapPanel.ItemsSource = _observableCollection; Style itemContainerStyle = new Style(typeof(ListBoxItem)); itemContainerStyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(AllowDropProperty, true)); //we have this to handle a possible dragging element itemContainerStyle.Setters.Add(new EventSetter(PreviewMouseLeftButtonDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(ListBowWithWrapPanel_OnPreviewMouseDown))); //we have this to start the dragging process itemContainerStyle.Setters.Add(new EventSetter(MouseMoveEvent, new MouseEventHandler(MouseMoveHandler))); //we have this to stop the where there is no a dragging process itemContainerStyle.Setters.Add(new EventSetter(MouseLeftButtonUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(LeftButtonUp))); //we have this to perform the drop(insert the element into a new position) itemContainerStyle.Setters.Add(new EventSetter(DropEvent, new DragEventHandler(ListBowWithWrapPanel_OnDrop))); //we have this to handle the possible target position itemContainerStyle.Setters.Add(new EventSetter(DragOverEvent, new DragEventHandler(OnDragOver))); ListBowWithWrapPanel.ItemContainerStyle = itemContainerStyle; } ///  /// sort when button click ///  ///  ///  private void ButtonBase_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var list = _observableCollection.ToList(); _observableCollection.Clear(); _coordinator *= -1; list.Sort((shape, shape1) => { var name1 = shape.Name; var name2 = shape1.Name; return string.Compare(name1, name2, StringComparison.Ordinal) * _coordinator; }); list.ForEach(shape => { _observableCollection.Add(shape); }); } ///  /// we have this to handle a possible dragging element ///  ///  ///  private void ListBowWithWrapPanel_OnPreviewMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { var listBoxItem = sender as ListBoxItem; if (listBoxItem == null) return; _dragSource = listBoxItem.FindParent(); _dragedData = listBoxItem.DataContext as Shape; } ///  /// we have this to start the dragging process ///  ///  ///  private void MouseMoveHandler(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (_dragedData != null && _isInDrag == false) { _isInDrag = true; DragDrop.DoDragDrop(_dragSource, _dragedData, DragDropEffects.Move); } } ///  /// we have this to handle the possible target position ///  ///  ///  private void OnDragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs dragEventArgs) { var targetPlaceHolder = sender as ListBoxItem; if (targetPlaceHolder == null) return; _targetData = targetPlaceHolder.DataContext as Shape; } ///  /// we have this to stop where there is no a dragging process ///  ///  ///  private void LeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { ResumeDragging(); } ///  /// we have this to perform the drop(insert the element into a new position) ///  ///  ///  private void ListBowWithWrapPanel_OnDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { if (Equals(_dragedData, _targetData)) return; var targetPlaceHolder = sender as ListBoxItem; if (targetPlaceHolder == null) return; var removedIdx = _observableCollection.IndexOf(_dragedData); var targetIdx = _observableCollection.IndexOf(_targetData); if (removedIdx < targetIdx) { _observableCollection.Insert(targetIdx + 1, _dragedData); _observableCollection.RemoveAt(removedIdx); } else { int remIdx = removedIdx + 1; if (_observableCollection.Count + 1 > remIdx) { _observableCollection.Insert(targetIdx, _dragedData); _observableCollection.RemoveAt(remIdx); } } ResumeDragging(); } private void ResumeDragging() { _isInDrag = false; _dragedData = null; } } 
