
我正在关注Microsoft测试DocumentDB的这篇博客文章 。

我创建了一个集合,并在我的应用程序中通过不同的POCO类插入了2个文档。 它创建了文档,但我无法将它们过滤回各自的POCO类。 我意识到我正在查询所有集合,因此它显然正在检索存储在该集合中的所有文档。


我可以在文档中添加一个类型字段,并且可以通过WHERE type="user"获取,但我不确定我不能用users是文档类型的SELECT * FROM users (如果在DocumentDB中有这样的东西),不是一个集合。


  var user1= new User() { UserTypeId = 0, UserName = "user1@hotmail.com", Password = "12345", PasswordSalt = "saltyPassword", UserStatusId = 1, ProfilePhotoKey = "KJSY" }; await DocumentDBRepository.CreateItemAsync(user1); var client = new Client() { ClientName = "client1", Secret = "rxPBsIVYya2Jg2ZHPNG8gL0P36TnutiBehvEFgk938M=", Title = "Administration Front End Application", ApplicationTypeId = 0, Active = false, RefreshTokenLifeTime = 60, AllowedOrigin = "http://localhost:8080", AllowedRoles = "admin" }; await DocumentDBRepository.CreateItemAsync(client); 


 public static class DocumentDBRepository { //Use the Database if it exists, if not create a new Database private static Database ReadOrCreateDatabase() { var db = Client.CreateDatabaseQuery() .Where(d => d.Id == DatabaseId) .AsEnumerable() .FirstOrDefault(); if (db == null) { db = Client.CreateDatabaseAsync(new Database { Id = DatabaseId }).Result; } return db; } //Use the DocumentCollection if it exists, if not create a new Collection private static DocumentCollection ReadOrCreateCollection(string databaseLink) { var col = Client.CreateDocumentCollectionQuery(databaseLink) .Where(c => c.Id == CollectionId) .AsEnumerable() .FirstOrDefault(); if (col == null) { var collectionSpec = new DocumentCollection { Id = CollectionId }; var requestOptions = new RequestOptions { OfferType = "S1" }; col = Client.CreateDocumentCollectionAsync(databaseLink, collectionSpec, requestOptions).Result; } return col; } //Expose the "database" value from configuration as a property for internal use private static string databaseId; private static String DatabaseId { get { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(databaseId)) { databaseId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["database"]; } return databaseId; } } //Expose the "collection" value from configuration as a property for internal use private static string collectionId; private static String CollectionId { get { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(collectionId)) { collectionId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["collection"]; } return collectionId; } } //Use the ReadOrCreateDatabase function to get a reference to the database. private static Database database; private static Database Database { get { if (database == null) { database = ReadOrCreateDatabase(); } return database; } } //Use the ReadOrCreateCollection function to get a reference to the collection. private static DocumentCollection collection; private static DocumentCollection Collection { get { if (collection == null) { collection = ReadOrCreateCollection(Database.SelfLink); } return collection; } } //This property establishes a new connection to DocumentDB the first time it is used, //and then reuses this instance for the duration of the application avoiding the //overhead of instantiating a new instance of DocumentClient with each request private static DocumentClient client; private static DocumentClient Client { get { // change policy to ConnectionMode: Direct and ConnectionProtocol: TCP on publishing to AZURE if (client == null) { string endpoint = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["endpoint"]; string authKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["authKey"]; Uri endpointUri = new Uri(endpoint); client = new DocumentClient(endpointUri, authKey); } return client; } } /* QUERY HELPERS */ public static IEnumerable GetAllItems() { return Client.CreateDocumentQuery(Collection.DocumentsLink) .AsEnumerable(); } public static IEnumerable GetItems(Expression<Func> predicate) { return Client.CreateDocumentQuery(Collection.DocumentsLink) .Where(predicate) .AsEnumerable(); } public static async Task CreateItemAsync(T item) { return await Client.CreateDocumentAsync(Collection.SelfLink, item); } public static T GetItem(Expression<Func> predicate) { return Client.CreateDocumentQuery(Collection.DocumentsLink) .Where(predicate) .AsEnumerable() .FirstOrDefault(); } public static async Task UpdateItemAsync(string id, T item) { Document doc = GetDocument(id); return await Client.ReplaceDocumentAsync(doc.SelfLink, item); } private static Document GetDocument(string id) { return Client.CreateDocumentQuery(Collection.DocumentsLink) .Where(d => d.Id == id) .AsEnumerable() .FirstOrDefault(); } } 


  var q = DocumentDBRepository.GetAllItems().ToList(); var t = DocumentDBRepository.GetAllItems().ToList(); 


 await DocumentDBRepository.CreateItemAsync(user1); 


 await DocumentDBRepository.CreateItemAsync(client1); 

由于DocumentDB没有每个文档的任何内置type元数据,因此在将异构文档存储在同一个集合中时,您需要添加一个(例如您建议的type属性或任何其他区别属性)并使用它在WHERE子句中。 您为此属性命名的内容以及您在其中存储的值与您的集合名称无关。

关于SELECT * from users WHERE type='user'SELECT * from users WHERE type='user'具体示例, SELECT * from users WHERE type='user'可以工作,但SELECT * from users将返回所有文档,无论类型如何。





然而,我们很快转而使用类型值作为每个实体类型的分区键的后缀(“pkey”再次从Entityinheritance – 因为我们通过将所有内容存储在一个集合中而不得不使用一个分区键来节省$所有文档类型的属性名称)

如果类型名称是“Thing”并且只有一个那么“id”是“Thing”而pkey是“-identifier- | Thing”



id和pkey也很好地作为一个独特的索引 – 当你发现自己缺少关系SQL时,这是一个受欢迎的function:-)

关于POCO – 我正在认真考虑放弃直接的POCO操作,因为我们在使用camelcase json序列化和sql查询时遇到了很多麻烦。 我们最终无法信任全局camelcase设置 – 而是在所有字段上详尽地设置json名称。

我正在考虑使用内部POCO,它持续存在于文档中。 POCO getter和setter通过getAttributeValue()和setAttributeValue()引用Document实例。 然后,我们可以通过DI将持久层交换为其他内容


