在C#中导入C dll,如何转换短**类型

我想在C#中导入一个用C语言编写的dll。 以下是我要调用的函数的格式。

/* *ReadAnswer *@param objectID The answer object ID *@param answerBuf The answer buffer.This buffer is automatically allocated by the function. It is automatically recycled with each call. A call to this function with an empty answer or a new request will automatically free the allocated buffer. *@param answerBufferSize The answer buffer size.This function return the size of the allocated buffer in this parameter. *@return 0 if error occurs 1 if success */ int ReadAnswer(unsigned short *objectID, unsigned short **answerBuf, unsighed short *answerBufferSize ) 

请帮帮我。 我被这个function所困扰。 先感谢您。


 [DllImport("my.dll")] private extern static int ReadAnswer(ref ushort objectID, out IntPtr answerBuf, out ushort answerBufferSize); 


 [DllImport(dllname)] private extern static int ReadAnswer( out ushort objectID, out IntPtr answerBuf, out ushort answerBufferSize ); 


 ushort objectID, answerBufSize; IntPtr answerBufPtr; int retval = ReadAnswer(out objectID, out answerBufPtr, out answerBufSize); if (retval == 0) // handle error ushort[] answerBuf = new ushort[answerBufSize/2]; Marshal.Copy(answerBufPtr, (Int16[])answerBuf, 0, answerBuf.Length); 



其次,为了声明指针,你需要在类型后写* ,例如: ushort*


 [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(requiredDll)] extern static int ReadAnswer(ushort* objectID, ushort** answerBuf, out ushort* answerBufferSize); 

此外,由于函数将缓冲区大小放在answerBufferSize中 ,因此该参数需要out