Linq to SQL使用group By,并按count计数


SELECT count(PVersion), PVersion FROM [Products].[dbo].[Active_Details] group by PVersion order by count(PVersion); 

它的LINQ to SQL是什么。


 var product = from p in yourContext.Active_Details group p by p.PVersion into pgroup let count = pgroup.Count() orderby count select new { Count = count, PVersion = pgroup.Key }; SELECT count(ProductVersion), ProductVersion , ProductID , SubProductID FROM [do-not-delete-accounts].[dbo].[Activation_Details] group by ProductVersion,ProductID,SubProductID order by count(ProductVersion); var query = from p in yourContext.Activation_Details group p by new { ProductVersion = p.ProductVersion, ProductID = p.ProductID, SubProductID = p.SubProductID } into pgroup let count = pgroup.Count() orderby count select new { Count = count, ProductVersion = pgroup.Key.ProductVersion, ProductID = pgroup.Key.ProductID, SubProductID = pgroup.Key.SubProductID }; 


 var product = ( from p in yourContext.Active_Details group p by p.PVersion into pgroup select new { VersionCount= pgroup.Count(), pgroup.Key } ).OrderBy(x=>x.VersionCount); 
