
如果我有三个单选按钮,将它们绑定到具有相同选择的枚举的最佳方法是什么? 例如

[] Choice 1 [] Choice 2 [] Choice 3 public enum MyChoices { Choice1, Choice2, Choice3 } 

我知道这是一个老问题,但它是第一个出现在我的搜索结果中的问题。 我想出了将单选按钮绑定到枚举,甚至是字符串或数字等的通用方法。

  private void AddRadioCheckedBinding(RadioButton radio, object dataSource, string dataMember, T trueValue) { var binding = new Binding(nameof(RadioButton.Checked), dataSource, dataMember, true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged); binding.Parse += (s, a) => { if ((bool)a.Value) a.Value = trueValue; }; binding.Format += (s, a) => a.Value = ((T)a.Value).Equals(trueValue); radio.DataBindings.Add(binding); } 

然后在表单的构造函数或表单加载事件上,在每个RadioButton控件上调用它。 dataSource是包含enum属性的对象。 我确保dataSource实现了INotifyPropertyChanged接口,在枚举属性setter中触发了OnPropertyChanged事件。

 AddRadioCheckedBinding(Choice1RadioButton, dataSource, "MyChoice", MyChoices.Choice1); AddRadioCheckedBinding(Choice2RadioButton, dataSource, "MyChoice", MyChoices.Choice2); 


 private MyChoices myChoice; public bool MyChoice_Choice1 { get { return myChoice == MyChoices.Choice1; } set { if (value) myChoice = MyChoices.Choice1; myChoiceChanged(); } } // and so on for the other two private void myChoiceChanged() { OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("MyChoice_Choice1")); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("MyChoice_Choice2")); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("MyChoice_Choice3")); } 


我只是想加上我目前正在做的方式。 这样没有“约束力”,但希望它能做同样的工作。


 public enum MyChoices { Choice1, Choice2, Choice3 } public partial class Form1 : Form { private Dictionary radButtons; private MyChoices choices; public Form1() { this.InitializeComponent(); this.radButtons = new Dictionary(); this.radButtons.Add(0, this.radioButton1); this.radButtons.Add(1, this.radioButton2); this.radButtons.Add(2, this.radioButton3); foreach (var item in this.radButtons) { item.Value.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(RadioButton_CheckedChanged); } } private void RadioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { RadioButton button = sender as RadioButton; foreach (var item in this.radButtons) { if (item.Value == button) { this.choices = (MyChoices)item.Key; } } } public MyChoices Choices { get { return this.choices; } set { this.choices = value; this.SelectRadioButton(value); this.OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Choices")); } } private void SelectRadioButton(MyChoices choiceID) { RadioButton button; this.radButtons.TryGetValue((int)choiceID, out button); button.Checked = true; } }