UriTemplate WCF


[WebGet(UriTemplate = "{id}")] 

例如,我想要/ API / {id}和/ API / {id} /来调用相同的东西。 如果有/不在最后我不想要它。


 public class StackOverflow_6073581_751090 { [ServiceContract] public interface ITest { [WebGet(UriTemplate = "/API/{id}")] string Get(string id); } public class Service : ITest { public string Get(string id) { return id; } } public class MyBehavior : WebHttpBehavior { protected override WebHttpDispatchOperationSelector GetOperationSelector(ServiceEndpoint endpoint) { return new MySelector(endpoint); } class MySelector : WebHttpDispatchOperationSelector { public MySelector(ServiceEndpoint endpoint) : base(endpoint) { } protected override string SelectOperation(ref Message message, out bool uriMatched) { string result = base.SelectOperation(ref message, out uriMatched); if (!uriMatched) { string address = message.Headers.To.AbsoluteUri; if (address.EndsWith("/")) { message.Headers.To = new Uri(address.Substring(0, address.Length - 1)); } result = base.SelectOperation(ref message, out uriMatched); } return result; } } } public static void Test() { string baseAddress = "http://" + Environment.MachineName + ":8000/Service"; ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(Service), new Uri(baseAddress)); host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(ITest), new WebHttpBinding(), "").Behaviors.Add(new MyBehavior()); host.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Host opened"); WebClient c = new WebClient(); Console.WriteLine(c.DownloadString(baseAddress + "/API/2")); Console.WriteLine(c.DownloadString(baseAddress + "/API/2/")); Console.Write("Press ENTER to close the host"); Console.ReadLine(); host.Close(); } } 

这只是部分有用,但新的WCF Web API库在HttpBehavior上有一个名为TrailingSlashMode的属性,可以将其设置为Ignore或Redirect。

我发现这样做的最简单方法是重载函数,如此处所述 。