WCF FaultException



  1. 在WCF测试客户端中,合同名称旁边有一个红色的“X” (CreateFaultMessage)

  2. 当我创建WCF服务引用时, 并非所有成员都包含在Reference.cs文件中。



[OperationContract] [FaultContractAttribute(typeof(LogEventArgs), ProtectionLevel = ProtectionLevel.None)] Exception CreateFaultMessage(Exception ex, string method); 

下面是实现接口的类中的方法。 注意在PostTransmissionRecord方法的catch块中调用CreateFaultMessage方法。

 public bool PostTransmissionRecord(TransmissionRecord transmissionRecord) { bool blnUpdated = false; try { blnUpdated = TransmissionRecordGateway.InsertData(transmissionRecord); LogMessage.WriteEventLog("Transmission records updated successfully", "Ryder.ShopProcessService.SOA", 3, null); return blnUpdated; } catch (Exception ex) { LogMessage.WriteEventLog("Class: ShopProcessService" + CrLf + "Method: PostTransmissionRecord" + CrLf + "Error: " + ex.Message + CrLf + "InnerException: " + ex.InnerException + CrLf + "Source: " + ex.Source + CrLf + "StackTrace: " + ex.StackTrace, "Ryder.ShopProcessService.SOA", 1, null); IssueRemedyTicket("Class: ShopProcessService" + CrLf + "Method: PostTransmissionRecord" + CrLf + "Error: " + ex.Message + CrLf + "InnerException: " + ex.InnerException + CrLf + "Source: " + ex.Source + CrLf + "StackTrace: " + ex.StackTrace); CreateFaultMessage(ex, "UpdateSearchInventory"); return blnUpdated; } } public Exception CreateFaultMessage(Exception ex, string method) { LogEventArgs detail = new LogEventArgs(); detail.ApplicationID = "ShopProcessService"; detail.ExceptionMessage = ex.Message; detail.LogEventType = LogEventTypeEnum.Error; detail.Method = method; detail.Source = ex.Source; detail.StackTrace = ex.StackTrace; if (ex.InnerException != null) detail.InnerExceptionMessage = ex.InnerException.ToString(); else detail.InnerExceptionMessage = null; throw new FaultException(detail); } 



 namespace Ryder.Enterprise.DataTransferObjects { [Serializable, DataContract(Name = "LogEventArgs", Namespace = "http://www.Ryder.com/SOA/DataContracts/2014/02/17")] public class LogEventArgs { private string applicationID; private string method; private LogEventTypeEnum logEventType; private string exceptionMessage; private string innerExceptionMessage; private string stackTrace; private string source; [DataMember(Name = "ApplicationID")] public string ApplicationID { get { return applicationID; } set { applicationID = value; } } . . . 


 public bool UpdateSpotCheckInventory(SpotCheck transferObject) { bool blnUpdated = false; try { blnUpdated = SpotCheckCollectionGateway.UpdateData(transferObject); LogMessage.WriteEventLog("SpotCheck records updated successfully", "Ryder.ShopProcessService.SOA", 3, null); return blnUpdated; } catch (Exception ex) { //throw fault exception here on service return blnUpdated; } } 


 catch (FaultException ex) { ex.Detail.ApplicationID = "ShopProcessService"; ex.Detail.LogEventType = LogEventTypeEnum.Error; serviceClient.Abort(); } 



 public bool UpdateSpotCheckInventory(SpotCheck transferObject) { bool blnUpdated = false; try { blnUpdated = SpotCheckCollectionGateway.UpdateData(transferObject); LogMessage.WriteEventLog("SpotCheck records updated successfully", "Ryder.ShopProcessService.SOA", 3, null); return blnUpdated; } catch (Exception ex) { //throw fault exception here on service throw new FaultException("A fatal exception occurred while processing your request", new FaultCode("1000")) } } 


 catch (FaultException ex) { ex.Detail.ApplicationID = "ShopProcessService"; ex.Detail.LogEventType = LogEventTypeEnum.Error; serviceClient.Abort(); // You can also access the custom message and error code sent from the service... String customErrorCode = ex.Code.Name; String customErrorMessage = ex.Reason; } 

我相信这会解决你的问题。 🙂


 [DataContract] public class MathFault { //... } 


 static void Main(string[] args) { ServiceReference1.Service1Client client = new ServiceReference1.Service1Client(); try { int value1 = 22; int value2 = 0; int result = client.Divide(value1, value2); Console.WriteLine("Divide({0},{1}) = {2}", value1, value2, result); client.Close(); } catch (FaultException e) { Console.WriteLine("FaultException: Math fault while doing " + e.Detail.Operation + ". Problem: " + e.Detail.ProblemType); client.Abort(); Console.ReadLine(); } } 

查看更多: 故障合同