



插件加载器枚举应用程序目录以识别插件dll(实质上它此时搜索* .dll)。


插件加载器盲目地假设native.dll是.NET程序集dll,只是因为它只检查文件扩展名。 当它尝试加载本机dll时,抛出exception:




是否有一些.NET API调用,我可以用来确定二进制文件是否恰好是.NET程序集,以便我不会尝试加载本机DLL?



lubos hasko引用的答案很好,但它不适用于64位程序集。 这是一个更正版本(灵感来自http://apichange.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/76c98b8c7311#ApiChange.Api/src/Introspection/CorFlagsReader.cs )

public static bool IsManagedAssembly(string fileName) { using (Stream fileStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(fileStream)) { if (fileStream.Length < 64) { return false; } //PE Header starts @ 0x3C (60). Its a 4 byte header. fileStream.Position = 0x3C; uint peHeaderPointer = binaryReader.ReadUInt32(); if (peHeaderPointer == 0) { peHeaderPointer = 0x80; } // Ensure there is at least enough room for the following structures: // 24 byte PE Signature & Header // 28 byte Standard Fields (24 bytes for PE32+) // 68 byte NT Fields (88 bytes for PE32+) // >= 128 byte Data Dictionary Table if (peHeaderPointer > fileStream.Length - 256) { return false; } // Check the PE signature. Should equal 'PE\0\0'. fileStream.Position = peHeaderPointer; uint peHeaderSignature = binaryReader.ReadUInt32(); if (peHeaderSignature != 0x00004550) { return false; } // skip over the PEHeader fields fileStream.Position += 20; const ushort PE32 = 0x10b; const ushort PE32Plus = 0x20b; // Read PE magic number from Standard Fields to determine format. var peFormat = binaryReader.ReadUInt16(); if (peFormat != PE32 && peFormat != PE32Plus) { return false; } // Read the 15th Data Dictionary RVA field which contains the CLI header RVA. // When this is non-zero then the file contains CLI data otherwise not. ushort dataDictionaryStart = (ushort)(peHeaderPointer + (peFormat == PE32 ? 232 : 248)); fileStream.Position = dataDictionaryStart; uint cliHeaderRva = binaryReader.ReadUInt32(); if (cliHeaderRva == 0) { return false; } return true; } } 


  // Read PE magic number from Standard Fields to determine format. var peFormat = binaryReader.ReadUInt16(); if (peFormat != PE32 && peFormat != PE32Plus) { return false; } // Read the 15th Data Dictionary RVA field which contains the CLI header RVA. // When this is non-zero then the file contains CLI data otherwise not. ushort dataDictionaryStart = (ushort)(peHeaderPointer + (peFormat == PE32 ? 232 : 248)); 


 public static bool IsManagedAssembly(string fileName) { uint peHeader; uint peHeaderSignature; ushort machine; ushort sections; uint timestamp; uint pSymbolTable; uint noOfSymbol; ushort optionalHeaderSize; ushort characteristics; ushort dataDictionaryStart; uint[] dataDictionaryRVA = new uint[16]; uint[] dataDictionarySize = new uint[16]; Stream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(fs); //PE Header starts @ 0x3C (60). Its a 4 byte header. fs.Position = 0x3C; peHeader = reader.ReadUInt32(); //Moving to PE Header start location... fs.Position = peHeader; peHeaderSignature = reader.ReadUInt32(); //We can also show all these value, but we will be //limiting to the CLI header test. machine = reader.ReadUInt16(); sections = reader.ReadUInt16(); timestamp = reader.ReadUInt32(); pSymbolTable = reader.ReadUInt32(); noOfSymbol = reader.ReadUInt32(); optionalHeaderSize = reader.ReadUInt16(); characteristics = reader.ReadUInt16(); // Now we are at the end of the PE Header and from here, the PE Optional Headers starts... To go directly to the datadictionary, we'll increase the stream's current position to with 96 (0x60). 96 because, 28 for Standard fields 68 for NT-specific fields From here DataDictionary starts...and its of total 128 bytes. DataDictionay has 16 directories in total, doing simple maths 128/16 = 8. So each directory is of 8 bytes. In this 8 bytes, 4 bytes is of RVA and 4 bytes of Size. btw, the 15th directory consist of CLR header! if its 0, its not a CLR file :) dataDictionaryStart = Convert.ToUInt16(Convert.ToUInt16(fs.Position) + 0x60); fs.Position = dataDictionaryStart; for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { dataDictionaryRVA[i] = reader.ReadUInt32(); dataDictionarySize[i] = reader.ReadUInt32(); } fs.Close(); if (dataDictionaryRVA[14] == 0) return false; else return true; } 

我担心这样做的唯一真正方法是调用System.Reflection.AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName将完整路径传递给要检查的文件。 这将尝试从清单中提取名称而不将完整程序集加载到域中。 如果文件是托管程序集,那么它将返回程序集的名称作为字符串,否则它将抛出BadImageFormatException ,您可以在跳过程序集并移动到其他插件之前捕获并忽略它。

正如orip建议的那样,你需要将它包装在try {} catch {}块中 – 特别是,你想要注意BadImageFormatException

 foreach (string aDll in dllCollection) { try { Assembly anAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(aDll); } catch (BadImageFormatException ex) { //Handle this here } catch (Exception ex) { //Other exceptions (i/o, security etc.) } } 


使用BadImageFormatExceptionexception是一种不好的方法,例如。 如果您的应用程序以.NET 3.5为目标,它将无法识别让我们说针对.NET Core编译的程序集,尽管程序集是受管理的。


您总是可以使用try / except块包装DLL加载…

根据Kirill的回答,我将其翻译为VB,稍微调整了Boolean逻辑以提高可读性,并将其转换为System.IO.FileInfo的扩展方法。 希望它可以帮助某人。

 Public Module FileSystem  Public Function IsManagedAssembly(File As FileInfo) As Boolean Dim _ uHeaderSignature, uHeaderPointer As UInteger Dim _ uFormat, u64, u32 As UShort u64 = &H20B u32 = &H10B IsManagedAssembly = False If File.Exists AndAlso File.Length.IsAtLeast(64) Then Using oStream As New FileStream(File.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) Using oReader As New BinaryReader(oStream) 'PE Header starts @ 0x3C (60). Its a 4 byte header. oStream.Position = &H3C uHeaderPointer = oReader.ReadUInt32 If uHeaderPointer = 0 Then uHeaderPointer = &H80 End If ' Ensure there is at least enough room for the following structures: ' 24 byte PE Signature & Header ' 28 byte Standard Fields (24 bytes for PE32+) ' 68 byte NT Fields (88 bytes for PE32+) ' >= 128 byte Data Dictionary Table If uHeaderPointer < oStream.Length - 257 Then ' Check the PE signature. Should equal 'PE\0\0'. oStream.Position = uHeaderPointer uHeaderSignature = oReader.ReadUInt32 If uHeaderSignature = &H4550 Then ' skip over the PEHeader fields oStream.Position += 20 ' Read PE magic number from Standard Fields to determine format. uFormat = oReader.ReadUInt16 If uFormat = u32 OrElse uFormat = u64 Then ' Read the 15th Data Dictionary RVA field which contains the CLI header RVA. ' When this is non-zero then the file contains CLI data, otherwise not. Select Case uFormat Case u32 : oStream.Position = uHeaderPointer + &HE8 Case u64 : oStream.Position = uHeaderPointer + &HF8 End Select IsManagedAssembly = oReader.ReadUInt32 > 0 End If End If End If End Using End Using End If End Function End Module