在LINQ to SQL中查找或创建对象的通用方法?

在我的LINQ to SQL代码中,我经常需要“查找或创建”一个实体:

var invoiceDb = ctx.Invoices.FirstOrDefault(a => a.InvoicerId == InvoicerId && a.Number == invoiceNumber); if (invoiceDb == null) { invoiceDb = new Invoice(); invoiceDb.Number = invoiceNumber; ctx.Invoices.InsertOnSubmit(invoiceDb); } 



  public static T FindOrCreate(this Table table, Func find, Action create) where T : class, new() { T val = table.FirstOrDefault(find); if (val == null) { val = new T(); create(val); table.InsertOnSubmit(val); } return val; } public static T FindOrCreate(this Table table, Func find) where T : class, new() { return FindOrCreate(table, find, a => { }); } 


  var invoiceDb = ctx.Invoices.FindOrCreate(a => a.InvoicerId == InvoicerId && a.Number == invoiceNumber); invoiceDb.Number = invoiceNumber; 


  var invoiceDb = ctx.Invoices.FindOrCreate(a => a.InvoicerId == InvoicerId && a.Number == invoiceNumber, a => a.Number = invoiceNumber); 


 Module dbi  _ Public Function FindOrCreate( _ Of T As {Class, New})(ByVal table As Data.Linq.Table(Of T), _ ByVal find As Func(Of T, Boolean), _ ByVal create As Action(Of T)) _ As T Dim val As T = table.FirstOrDefault(find) If val Is Nothing Then val = New T() create(val) table.InsertOnSubmit(val) End If Return val End Function  _ Public Function FindOrCreate( _ Of T As {Class, New})(ByVal table As Data.Linq.Table(Of T), _ ByVal find As Func(Of T, Boolean)) _ As T Return FindOrCreate(table, find, Function(a)) End Function End Module 


 public static T FirstOrCreate(this IEnumerable source) where T : class, new() { var result = source.FirstOrDefault(); return result != null ? result : new T(); } 


 public static T FirstOrCreate(this IQueryable source, Expression> predicate) where T : class, new() { var result = source.FirstOrDefault(predicate); return result != null ? result : new T(); } 


 Invoice selectedInvoice = (from i in Invoices where i.ID == invoiceID select i).FirstOrCreate(); 


 Invoice selectedInvoice = db.Invoices.FirstOrCreate(i => i.ID == invoiceID); 



 public static T FirstOrCreate(this IEnumerable source, DataClassesDataContext db) where T : class, new() { var result = source.FirstOrDefault(); if (result == null) { result = new T(); db.GetTable().InsertOnSubmit(result); } return result; } 


 Customer selectedCustomer = (from c in db.Customers where c.CustomerId == selectedCustomerId select c).FirstOrCreate(db); 

肯定有一个upvote在那里? 🙂


 var invoice = ctx.Invoices.SingleOrDefault(a => a.InvoicerId == InvoicerId && a.Number == invoiceNumber) ?? new Invoice(); 


 if(invoiceDb == null) ctx.Invoices.InsertOnSubmit(invoiceDB = new Invoice() {Number = invoiceNumber});