下载电子邮件附件时,请在C#中使用Microsoft Security Essentials

我正在制作一个简单的程序,使用VS2010从pop3服务器获取电子邮件。 其中一些可能会使用开源OpenPOP。 然后它应该将电子邮件和附件保存在MS SQL数据库中。

但问题是,虽然附件很容易从邮件服务器上下载,有没有办法扫描附件? 我工作的小公司只使用Microsoft安全必需品。



 "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Security Client\MpCmdRun.exe" -Scan -ScanType 3 -File "" 



 -Scan [-ScanType value] 0 Default, according to your configuration 1 Quick scan 2 Full system scan 3 File and directory custom scan [-File ] Indicates the file or directory to be scanned, only valid for custom scan. [-DisableRemediation] This option is valid only for custom scan. When specified: - File exclusions are ignored. - Archive files are scanned. - Actions are not applied after detection. - Event log entries are not written after detection. - Detections from the custom scan are not displayed in the user interface. Return code is 0 if no malware is found or malware is successfully remediated and no additional user action is required 2 if malware is found and not remediated or additional user action is required to complete remediation or there is error in scanning. Please check History for more information.