如何关闭Word文档的运行实例? (C#)


从我的winforms应用程序,我需要关闭word文档的运行实例(从应用程序本身打开)。 当我从应用程序中打开word文档时,我会在列表中跟踪它。 现在我该如何关闭同一个doc?


private bool CloseWord(string osPath) //here I pass the fully qualified path of the file { try { Word.Application app = (Word.Application)Marshal.GetActiveObject("Word.Application"); if (app == null) return true; foreach (Word.Document d in app.Documents) { if (d.FullName.ToLower() == osPath.ToLower()) { d.What? //How to close here? return true; } } return true; } catch { return true; } } 

我得到了很多文档对象的方法,但只有一个.Close()关闭,其中有这样的参数: ref object SaveChanges, ref object OriginalFormat, ref object RouteDocument ,我不明白。

什么是理想的方式? 谢谢..


  1. 我无法关闭整个Word应用程序(WinWord),因为用户可能打开了其他word文件。

  2. 我需要终止word实例(类似于Process.Kill() )而不提示用户保存或不保存等。


 Word.Application app = (Word.Application)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject("Word.Application"); if (app == null) return true; foreach (Word.Document d in app.Documents) { if (d.FullName.ToLower() == osPath.ToLower()) { object saveOption = Word.WdSaveOptions.wdDoNotSaveChanges; object originalFormat = Word.WdOriginalFormat.wdOriginalDocumentFormat; object routeDocument = false; d.Close(ref saveOption, ref originalFormat, ref routeDocument); return true; } } return true; 


修改自: http : //www.dreamincode.net/code/snippet1541.htm

 public static bool KillProcess(string name) { //here we're going to get a list of all running processes on //the computer foreach (Process clsProcess in Process.GetProcesses()) { if (Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id == clsProcess.Id) continue; //now we're going to see if any of the running processes //match the currently running processes. Be sure to not //add the .exe to the name you provide, ie: NOTEPAD, //not NOTEPAD.EXE or false is always returned even if //notepad is running. //Remember, if you have the process running more than once, //say IE open 4 times the loop thr way it is now will close all 4, //if you want it to just close the first one it finds //then add a return; after the Kill if (clsProcess.ProcessName.Contains(name)) { clsProcess.Kill(); return true; } } //otherwise we return a false return false; } 





我的代码在c#中创建Word.Application对象之前/之后检查进程,并在List写入WINWORD进程的ID,然后比较List的值。 如果在List找不到processID则会使用此ID终止进程。

 public List getRunningProcesses() { List ProcessIDs = new List(); //here we're going to get a list of all running processes on //the computer foreach (Process clsProcess in Process.GetProcesses()) { if (Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id == clsProcess.Id) continue; if (clsProcess.ProcessName.Contains("WINWORD")) { ProcessIDs.Add(clsProcess.Id); } } return ProcessIDs; } 


  List processesbeforegen = getRunningProcesses(); // APP CREATION/ DOCUMENT CREATION HERE... List processesaftergen = getRunningProcesses(); 

然后运行killProcesses(processesbeforegen, processesaftergen);

  private void killProcesses(List processesbeforegen, List processesaftergen) { foreach (int pidafter in processesaftergen) { bool processfound = false; foreach (int pidbefore in processesbeforegen) { if (pidafter == pidbefore) { processfound = true; } } if (processfound == false) { Process clsProcess = Process.GetProcessById(pidafter); clsProcess.Kill(); } } } 


 Word.Application app = (Word.Application)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject("Word.Application"); if (app == null) return true; app.Quit(false);