
我有一个带有GridViewListView WPF控件。 当列的内容发生变化时,我想调整GridView列的大小。

我有几个不同的数据集,但当我从一个更改为另一个时,每列的大小适合以前的数据。 我想动态更新。 我怎样才能做到这一点?

最后,对此有一些结果。 我找到了一种方法来执行相同的自动调整,这是在最初完成时以及双击列标题上的抓手时。

 public void AutoSizeColumns() { GridView gv = listView1.View as GridView; if (gv != null) { foreach (var c in gv.Columns) { // Code below was found in GridViewColumnHeader.OnGripperDoubleClicked() event handler (using Reflector) // ie it is the same code that is executed when the gripper is double clicked if (double.IsNaN(c.Width)) { c.Width = c.ActualWidth; } c.Width = double.NaN; } } } 


  ///  /// A  implementation which will automatically resize the automatic columns of a ListViews  to the new content. ///  public class GridViewColumnResizeBehaviour : Behavior { ///  /// Listens for when the  collection changes. ///  protected override void OnAttached() { base.OnAttached(); var listView = AssociatedObject; if (listView == null) return; AddHandler(listView.Items); } private void AddHandler(INotifyCollectionChanged sourceCollection) { Contract.Requires(sourceCollection != null); sourceCollection.CollectionChanged += OnListViewItemsCollectionChanged; } private void RemoveHandler(INotifyCollectionChanged sourceCollection) { Contract.Requires(sourceCollection != null); sourceCollection.CollectionChanged -= OnListViewItemsCollectionChanged; } private void OnListViewItemsCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs notifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) { var listView = AssociatedObject; if (listView == null) return; var gridView = listView.View as GridView; if (gridView == null) return; // If the column is automatically sized, change the column width to re-apply automatic width foreach (var column in gridView.Columns.Where(column => Double.IsNaN(column.Width))) { Contract.Assume(column != null); column.Width = column.ActualWidth; column.Width = Double.NaN; } } ///  /// Stops listening for when the  collection changes. ///  protected override void OnDetaching() { var listView = AssociatedObject; if (listView != null) RemoveHandler(listView.Items); base.OnDetaching(); } } 


 Public Sub AutoSizeColumns() Dim gv As GridView = TryCast(Me.listview1.View, GridView) If gv IsNot Nothing Then For Each c As GridViewColumn In gv.Columns If Double.IsNaN(c.Width) Then c.Width = c.ActualWidth End If c.Width = Double.NaN Next End If End Sub 

这在WPF中很有用,最后有人已经解决了这个问题。 谢谢奥斯卡。

有没有办法绑定到列的ActualWidth ? 就像是 :


我试过这个,它似乎只是第一次起作用。 没有绑定错误。


 Graphics graphics = this.CreateGraphics(); SizeF textSize = graphics.MeasureString("How long am I?", this.Font); 
