使用LINQ to MySQL(DbLinq)和Dynamic LINQ的可排序JqGrid – Orderby不起作用

我在JqGrid中排序条目时遇到问题。 Orderby似乎不起作用。 我在代码中设置了断点,我注意到,orderby不会改变元素的顺序。 知道什么可能是错的吗?

我正在使用LINQ to SQL with MySQL(DbLinq项目)。


public ActionResult All(string sidx, string sord, int page, int rows) { var tickets = ZTRepository.GetAllTickets().OrderBy(sidx + " " + sord).ToList(); var rowdata = ( from ticket in tickets select new { i = ticket.ID, cell = new String[] { ticket.ID.ToString(), ticket.Hardware, ticket.Issue, ticket.IssueDetails, ticket.RequestedBy, ticket.AssignedTo, ticket.Priority.ToString(), ticket.State } }).ToArray(); var jsonData = new { total = 1, // we'll implement later page = page, records = tickets.Count(), rows = rowdata }; return Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } 


 public ActionResult All(string sidx, string sord, int page, int rows) { IQueryable repository = ZTRepository.GetAllTickets(); int totalRecords = repository.Count(); // first sorting the data as IQueryable without converting ToList() IQueryable orderdData = repository; System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propertyInfo = typeof(Ticket).GetProperty (sidx); if (propertyInfo != null) { orderdData = String.Compare(sord,"desc",StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0 ? (from x in repository orderby propertyInfo.GetValue (x, null) descending select x) : (from x in repository orderby propertyInfo.GetValue (x, null) select x); } // if you use fields instead of properties, then one can modify the code above // to the following // System.Reflection.FieldInfo fieldInfo = // typeof(Ticket).GetField (sidx); // if (fieldInfo != null) { // orderdData = String.Compare(sord,"desc",StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0 ? // (from x in repository // orderby fieldInfo.GetValue (x, null) descending // select x) : // (from x in repository // orderby fieldInfo.GetValue (x, null) // select x); //} // paging of the results IQueryable pagedData = orderdData .Skip ((page > 0? page - 1: 0) * rows) .Take (rows); // now the select statement with both sorting and paging is prepared // and we can get the data var rowdata = ( from ticket in tickets select new { id = ticket.ID, cell = new String[] { ticket.ID.ToString(), ticket.Hardware, ticket.Issue, ticket.IssueDetails, ticket.RequestedBy, ticket.AssignedTo, ticket.Priority.ToString(), ticket.State } }).ToList(); var jsonData = new { total = page, records = totalRecords, total = (totalRecords + rows - 1) / rows, rows = pagedData }; return Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } 


tickets变量是有序的,但是您将其用作另一个未订购的查询的源,因此它的订单未确定。 你想在第二个LINQ查询上使用orderby。