

public string[] GetCountryAndManufacturerForUser(int userId) { var array = (from xx in _er.UserRoles join xy in _er.Countries on xx.CountryId equals xy.Id join xz in _er.Manufacturers on xx.ManufacturerId equals xz.Id where xx.UserId == userId select new { xy.Name, xz.Description }).ToArray(); return?? } 



需要返回以下字段 – xy.Name,xz.Description


  { "1", "aaa" }, { "2", "bbb" } 


我已经尝试了下面的例子,他们还没有到达我需要的地方 – 我认为以下内容应该有效:

  ///  /// ///  ///  ///  public string[,] GetCountryAndManufacturerForUser(int userId) { var array = (from xx in _er.UserRoles join xy in _er.Countries on xx.CountryId equals xy.Id join xz in _er.Manufacturers on xx.ManufacturerId equals xz.Id where xx.UserId == userId select new { xy.Name, xz.Description }).ToArray(); return array; } 




 ///  /// ///  ///  ///  public string[][] GetCountryAndManufacturerForUser(int userId) { //var array = (from xx in _er.UserRoles // join xy in _er.Countries on xx.CountryId equals xy.Id // join xz in _er.Manufacturers on xx.ManufacturerId equals xz.Id // where xx.UserId == userId // select new { xy.Name, xz.Description }).ToArray(); var countryArray = (from xx in _er.UserRoles join xy in _er.Countries on xx.CountryId equals xy.Id join xz in _er.Manufacturers on xx.ManufacturerId equals xz.Id where xx.UserId == userId select xy.Name).ToArray(); var manufacturerArray = (from xx in _er.UserRoles join xy in _er.Countries on xx.CountryId equals xy.Id join xz in _er.Manufacturers on xx.ManufacturerId equals xz.Id where xx.UserId == userId select xz.Description).ToArray(); // return array; return new string[][] { countryArray, manufacturerArray }; } 


  var userManuCountry = _userRoleRepository.GetCountryAndManufacturerForUser(u.Id); userManuCountry {string[2][]} string[][] [0] {string[6]} string[] [0] "Germany" string [1] "France" string [2] "United Kingdom" string [3] "Netherlands" string [4] "United States" string [5] "United Kingdom" string - [1] {string[6]} string[] [0] "Dove" string [1] "Dove" string [2] "Dove" string [3] "Dove" string [4] "Dove" string [5] "Sure" string 


 public string[][] GetCountryAndManufacturerForUser(int userId) { return (from xx in _er.UserRoles join xy in _er.Countries on xx.CountryId equals xy.Id join xz in _er.Manufacturers on xx.ManufacturerId equals xz.Id where xx.UserId == userId select new string[]{ xy.Name, xz.Description }).ToArray(); } 


 public string[,] GetCountryAndManufacturerForUser(int userId) { var array =(from xx in _er.UserRoles join xy in _er.Countries on xx.CountryId equals xy.Id join xz in _er.Manufacturers on xx.ManufacturerId equals xz.Id where xx.UserId == userId select new List{ xy.Name, xz.Description }).ToArray(); return CreateRectangularArray(array); } static T[,] CreateRectangularArray(IList[] arrays) { // TODO: Validation and special-casing for arrays.Count == 0 int minorLength = arrays[0].Count(); T[,] ret = new T[arrays.Length, minorLength]; for (int i = 0; i < arrays.Length; i++) { var array = arrays[i]; if (array.Count != minorLength) { throw new ArgumentException ("All arrays must be the same length"); } for (int j = 0; j < minorLength; j++) { ret[i, j] = array[j]; } } return ret; } 


最佳实践是使用具有已定义成员的List <>

 public class Results { public string name {get; set;} public string description {get; set;} } 


  public class UserData { public string Name; public string Description; } public UserData[] GetCountryAndManufacturerForUser(int userId) { var array = (from xx in _er.UserRoles join xy in _er.Countries on xx.CountryId equals xy.Id join xz in _er.Manufacturers on xx.ManufacturerId equals xz.Id where xx.UserId == userId select new UserData() { xy.Name, xz.Description }).ToArray(); return array; } 

原因是,如果您添加第三个字段(或更多),使用字符串[] []的代码将会中断。

  public class UserData { public string Name; public string Description; } public List GetCountryAndManufacturerForUser(int userId) { List userdatas = new List; userdatas = (from xx in _er.UserRoles join xy in _er.Countries on xx.CountryId equals xy.Id join xz in _er.Manufacturers on xx.ManufacturerId equals xz.Id where xx.UserId == userId select new { Name = xy.Name, Description = xz.Description }).ToList(); return userdatas ; }