我可以使用mongodb c#驱动程序进行文本查询

有没有办法将shell查询语法中表达的查询提交给mongo c#驱动程序


Coll.find { "myrecs","$query : { x : 3, y : "abc" }, $orderby : { x : 1 } } "); 




 var jsonQuery = "{ x : 3, y : 'abc' }"; BsonDocument doc = MongoDB.Bson.Serialization .BsonSerializer.Deserialize(jsonQuery); 


 var query = new QueryComplete(doc); // or probably Query.Wrap(doc); 


 var jsonOrder = "{ x : 1 }"; BsonDocument orderDoc = BsonSerializer.Deserialize(jsonQuery); var sortExpr = new SortByWrapper(orderDoc); 


 public static List GetItems(this MongoCollection collection, string queryString, string orderString) where T : class { var queryDoc = BsonSerializer.Deserialize(queryString); var orderDoc = BsonSerializer.Deserialize(orderString); //as of version 1.8 you should use MongoDB.Driver.QueryDocument instead (thanks to @Erik Hunter) var query = new QueryComplete(queryDoc); var order = new SortByWrapper(orderDoc); var cursor = collection.FindAs(query); cursor.SetSortOrder(order); return cursor.ToList(); } 

我没有测试上面的代码。 如果需要,会在以后做。




 var server = MongoServer.Create("mongodb://localhost:27020"); var collection= server.GetDatabase("examples").GetCollection("SO"); var items = collection.GetItems("{ x : 3, y : 'abc' }", "{ x : 1 }"); 

QueryComplete类似乎已被弃用。 请改用MongoDB.Driver.QueryDocument 。 如下:

 BsonDocument document = MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.BsonSerializer.Deserialize("{ name : value }"); QueryDocument queryDoc = new QueryDocument(document); MongoCursor toReturn = collection.Find(queryDoc); 

这是我写的一个Web服务函数,您可以通过筛选查询,限制和跳过分页以及您想要的任何集合的排序查询! 它通用且快速。

  ///  /// This method returns data from a collection specified by data type ///  ///  /// filter is a json specified filter. one or more separated by commas. example: { "value":"23" } example: { "enabled":true, "startdate":"2015-10-10"} /// limit and skip are for pagination, limit is the number of results per page /// skip is is the page size * page. so limit of 100 should use skip 0,100,200,300,400, etc. which represent page 1,2,3,4,5, etc /// specify which fields to sort and direction example: { "value":1 } for ascending, {"value:-1} for descending ///  [WebMethod] public string GetData(string dataType, string filter, int limit, int skip, string sort) { //example: limit of 100 and skip of 0 returns the first 100 records //get bsondocument from a collection dynamically identified by datatype try { MongoCollection col = MongoDb.GetConnection("qis").GetCollection(dataType); if (col == null) { return "Error: Collection Not Found"; } MongoCursor cursor = null; SortByWrapper sortExpr = null; //calc sort order try { BsonDocument orderDoc = BsonSerializer.Deserialize(sort); sortExpr = new SortByWrapper(orderDoc); } catch { } //create a query from the filter if one is specified try { if (filter != "") { //sample filter: "{tags:'dog'},{enabled:true}" BsonDocument query = BsonSerializer.Deserialize(filter); QueryDocument queryDoc = new QueryDocument(query); cursor = col.Find(queryDoc).SetSkip(skip).SetLimit(limit); if (sortExpr != null) { cursor.SetSortOrder(sortExpr); } return cursor.ToJson(); } } catch{} //if no filter specified or the filter failed just return all cursor = col.FindAll().SetSkip(skip).SetLimit(limit); if (sortExpr != null) { cursor.SetSortOrder(sortExpr); } return cursor.ToJson(); } catch(Exception ex) { return "Exception: " + ex.Message; } } 


 [{ "_id" : ObjectId("54ff7b1e5cc61604f0bc3016"), "timestamp" : "2015-01-10 10:10:10", "value" : "23" }, { "_id" : ObjectId("54ff7b415cc61604f0bc3017"), "timestamp" : "2015-01-10 10:10:11", "value" : "24" }, { "_id" : ObjectId("54ff7b485cc61604f0bc3018"), "timestamp" : "2015-01-10 10:10:12", "value" : "25" }, { "_id" : ObjectId("54ff7b4f5cc61604f0bc3019"), "timestamp" : "2015-01-10 10:10:13", "value" : "26" }] 

我可以使用以下参数进行Web服务调用,以第一页开始返回100条记录,其中值> = 23,值<= 26,按降序排列

 dataType: mytest2 filter: { value: {$gte: 23}, value: {$lte: 26} } limit: 100 skip: 0 sort: { "value": -1 } 



  public QueryDocument GetQueryFromString(string jsonQuery) { return new QueryDocument(BsonSerializer.Deserialize(jsonQuery)); } public IEnumerable QueryFromString(string jsonQuery, string collectionName = null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(collectionName)) collectionName = this.CollectionName; var query = GetQueryFromString(jsonQuery); var items = Database.GetCollection(collectionName).Find(query); return items as IEnumerable; } public IEnumerable QueryFromObject(object queryObject, string collectionName = null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(collectionName)) collectionName = this.CollectionName; var query = new QueryDocument(queryObject.ToBsonDocument()); var items = Database.GetCollection(collectionName).Find(query); return items as IEnumerable; } 


 var questionBus = new busQuestion(); var json = "{ QuestionText: /elimination/, GroupName: \"Elimination\" }"; var questions = questionBus.QueryFromString(json); foreach(var question in questions) { ... } 


 var questionBus = new busQuestion(); var query = new {QuestionText = new BsonRegularExpression("/elimination/"), GroupName = "Elimination"}; var questions = questionBus.QueryFromObject(query); foreach(var question in questions) { ... } 


使用官方C#驱动程序 ,你会做这样的事情:

 var server = MongoServer.Create("mongodb://localhost:27017"); var db = server.GetDatabase("mydb"); var col = db.GetCollection("col"); var query = Query.And(Query.EQ("x", 3), Query.EQ("y", "abc")); var resultsCursor = col.Find(query).SetSortOrder("x"); var results = resultsCursor.ToList(); 


 col.find({ x: 3, y: "abc" }).sort({ x: 1 })