
您将如何构造XML并将其作为参数传递给MS SQL 2005服务器上的存储过程? 您将如何将XML插入表中?


 [ 0: [key, value], 1: [key, value], 2: [key, value] ] 


 /* Create the stored procedure */ create procedure ParseXML (@InputXML xml) as begin declare @MyTable table ( id int, value int ) insert into @MyTable (id, value) select Row.id.value('@id','int'), Row.id.value('@value','int') from @InputXML.nodes('/Rows/Row') as Row(id) select id, value from @MyTable end go /* Create the XML Parameter */ declare @XMLParam xml set @XMLParam = '    ' /* Call the stored procedure with the XML Parameter */ exec ParseXML @InputXML = @XMLParam /* Clean up - Drop the procedure */ drop procedure ParseXML go