
计算简单移动平均值的最快库/算法是什么? 我写了自己的,但是在33万项十进制数据集上需要太长时间。

  • 期间/时间(ms)
  • 20/300;
  • 60/1500;
  • 120/3500。


public decimal MA_Simple(int period, int ii) { if (period != 0 && ii > period) { //stp.Start(); decimal summ = 0; for (int i = ii; i > ii - period; i--) { summ = summ + Data.Close[i]; } summ = summ / period; //stp.Stop(); //if (ii == 1500) System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show((stp.ElapsedTicks * 1000.0) / Stopwatch.Frequency + " ms"); return summ; } else return -1; } 

Data.Close[]是固定大小(1 000 000)十进制数组。

您的主要问题是每次迭代都会丢失太多信息。 如果要快速运行,则需要保留与帧长度相同大小的缓冲区。



 decimal buffer[] = new decimal[period]; decimal output[] = new decimal[data.Length]; current_index = 0; for (int i=0; i 


  public class MovingAverage { private Queue samples = new Queue(); private int windowSize = 16; private Decimal sampleAccumulator; public Decimal Average { get; private set; } ///  /// Computes a new windowed average each time a new sample arrives ///  ///  public void ComputeAverage(Decimal newSample) { sampleAccumulator += newSample; samples.Enqueue(newSample); if (samples.Count > windowSize) { sampleAccumulator -= samples.Dequeue(); } Average = sampleAccumulator / samples.Count; } } 


 decimal[] GetCSum(decimal[] data) { decimal csum[] = new decimal[data.Length]; decimal cursum = 0; for(int i=0; i 


 decimal CSumMovingAverage(decimal[] csum, int period, int ii) { if(period == 0 || ii <= period) return -1; return csum[ii] - csum[ii - period]; } 

当前(接受的)解决方案包含内部循环。 删除它也会更有效。 你可以在这里看到这是如何实现的:


目前, Math DotNet库有一个名为RunningStatistics的类,它将为您完成此任务。 如果您只想在最后的“X”项目上执行此操作,请改用MovingStatistics


 // simple moving average int moving_average(double *values, double *&averages, int size, int periods) { double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i ++) if (i < periods) { sum += values[i]; averages[i] = (i == periods - 1) ? sum / (double)periods : 0; } else { sum = sum - values[i - periods] + values[i]; averages[i] = sum / (double)periods; } return (size - periods + 1 > 0) ? size - periods + 1 : 0; } 

一个Cfunction,13行代码,简单移动平均。 用法示例:

 double *values = new double[10]; // the input double *averages = new double[10]; // the output values[0] = 55; values[1] = 113; values[2] = 92.6; ... values[9] = 23; moving_average(values, averages, 10, 5); // 5-day moving average 


 double[] MovingAverage(int period, double[] source) { var ma = new double[source.Length]; double sum = 0; for (int bar = 0; bar < period; bar++) sum += source[bar]; ma[period - 1] = sum/period; for (int bar = period; bar < source.Length; bar++) ma[bar] = ma[bar - 1] + source[bar]/period - source[bar - period]/period; return ma; } 


这是我尝试的方式。 但警告我是一个完全的业余爱好者所以这可能是完全错误的。

 List MovingAverage(int period, decimal[] Data) { decimal[] interval = new decimal[period]; List MAs = new List(); for (int i=0, i < Data.length, i++) { interval[i % period] = Data[i]; if (i > period - 1) { MAs.Add(interval.Average()); } } return MAs; } 



 using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; public class MovingAverage { private readonly Queue _queue; private readonly int _period; public MovingAverage(int period) { _period = period; _queue = new Queue(period); } public double Compute(decimal x) { if (_queue.Count >= _period) { _queue.Dequeue(); } _queue.Enqueue(x); return _queue.Average(); } } 


 MovingAverage ma = new MovingAverage(3); foreach(var val in new decimal[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]) { Console.WriteLine(ma.Compute(val)); } 
 ///  /// Fast low CPU usage moving average based on floating point math /// Note: This algorithm algorithm compensates for floating point error by re-summing the buffer for every 1000 values ///  public class FastMovingAverageDouble { ///  /// Adjust this as you see fit to suit the scenario ///  const int MaximumWindowSize = 100; ///  /// Adjust this as you see fit ///  const int RecalculateEveryXValues = 1000; ///  /// Initializes moving average for specified window size ///  /// Size of moving average window between 2 and MaximumWindowSize /// Note: this value should not be too large and also bear in mind the possibility of overflow and floating point error as this class internally keeps a sum of the values within the window public FastMovingAverageDouble(int _WindowSize) { if (_WindowSize < 2) { _WindowSize = 2; } else if (_WindowSize > MaximumWindowSize) { _WindowSize = MaximumWindowSize; } m_WindowSize = _WindowSize; } private object SyncRoot = new object(); private Queue Buffer = new Queue(); private int m_WindowSize; private double m_MovingAverage = 0d; private double MovingSum = 0d; private bool BufferFull; private int Counter = 0; ///  /// Calculated moving average ///  public double MovingAverage { get { lock (SyncRoot) { return m_MovingAverage; } } } ///  /// Size of moving average window set by constructor during intialization ///  public int WindowSize { get { return m_WindowSize; } } ///  /// Add new value to sequence and recalculate moving average seee  ///  /// New value to be added public void AddValue(int NewValue) { lock (SyncRoot) { Buffer.Enqueue(NewValue); MovingSum += NewValue; if (!BufferFull) { int BufferSize = Buffer.Count; BufferFull = BufferSize == WindowSize; m_MovingAverage = MovingSum / BufferSize; } else { Counter += 1; if (Counter > RecalculateEveryXValues) { MovingSum = 0; foreach (double BufferValue in Buffer) { MovingSum += BufferValue; } Counter = 0; } MovingSum -= Buffer.Dequeue(); m_MovingAverage = MovingSum / WindowSize; } } } } 

您不需要保持正在运行的队列。 只需选择窗口中的最新新条目,然后删除旧条目。 请注意,这只使用一个循环,除了总和之外没有额外的存储空间。

  // n is the window for your Simple Moving Average public List GetMovingAverages(List prices, int n) { var movingAverages = new double[prices.Count]; var runningTotal = 0.0d; for (int i = 0; i < prices.Count; ++i) { runningTotal += prices[i].Value; if( i - n >= 0) { var lost = prices[i - n].Value; runningTotal -= lost; movingAverages[i] = runningTotal / n; } } return movingAverages.ToList(); }