带有C#驱动程序2.0的MongoDB(服务器v 2.6.7):如何从InsertOneAsync获取结果

我正在使用C#驱动程序2.0测试MongoDB(服务器v 2.6.7)。

当我使用插入函数InsertOneAsync存在一个存在_id的文档时,我期待一个像你从Mongo shell获得的错误:

 WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 0, "writeError" : { "code" : 11000, "errmsg" : "insertDocument :: caused by :: 11000 E11000 duplicate key error index: mydb.Commands.$_id_ dup key: { : 0.0 }" }}) 

但问题是带有C#驱动程序的插入不会抛出exception,我找不到插入的WriteResult 。 当我查看数据库时,似乎什么都没发生。


Visual Studio中的代码:

 IMongoCollection commandsCollection = db.GetCollection("Commands"); var bson = new BsonDocument { {"_id", i.Value}, {"label", i.Key} }; commandsCollection.InsertOneAsync(bson); 



如果插入因重复键而失败,则Wait()将抛出包含MongoWriteExceptionAggregateException ,该MongoWriteException包含重复的键详细信息。

 try { commandsCollection.InsertOneAsync(doc).Wait(); } catch(AggregateException aggEx) { aggEx.Handle(x => { var mwx = x as MongoWriteException; if (mwx != null && mwx.WriteError.Category == ServerErrorCategory.DuplicateKey) { // mwx.WriteError.Message contains the duplicate key error message return true; } return false; }); } 

同样,如果你正在使用await ,那么也会抛出AggregateException


 try { commandsCollection.InsertOneAsync(doc).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } catch(MongoWriteException mwx) { if (mwx.WriteError.Category == ServerErrorCategory.DuplicateKey) { // mwx.WriteError.Message contains the duplicate key error message } } 


 await commandsCollection.InsertOneAsync(bson); 



 collection.InsertManyAsync(doc, new InsertManyOptions { IsOrdered = false }).Wait(); 

将包装在try / catch中;

 try { collection.InsertManyAsync(doc, new InsertManyOptions { IsOrdered = false }).Wait(); } catch (AggregateException aggEx) { aggEx.Handle(x => { var mwx = x as MongoBulkWriteException; return mwx != null && mwx.WriteErrors.All(e => e.Category == ServerErrorCategory.DuplicateKey); }); } 

我正在使用VS 2015并尝试使用InsertOne / InsertOneAsync添加数据,但都没有工作。

代码在这里://使用连接字符串_client = new MongoClient()创建一个MongoClient对象;

  //Use the MongoClient to access the server _database = _client.GetDatabase("ratednext"); //get mongodb collection var Collec = _database.GetCollection("computers"); var documnt = new BsonDocument { {"Brand","Dell"}, {"Price","400"}, {"Ram","8GB"}, {"HardDisk","1TB"}, {"Screen","16inch"} }; try { Collec.InsertOneAsync(documnt).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } catch (AggregateException aggEx) { aggEx.Handle(x => { var mwx = x as MongoWriteException; if (mwx != null && mwx.WriteError.Category == ServerErrorCategory.DuplicateKey) { // mwx.WriteError.Message contains the duplicate key error message return true; } return false; }); }