C# – 实时控制台输出重定向

我正在开发一个C#应用程序,我需要启动一个外部控制台程序来执行一些任务(提取文件)。 我需要做的是重定向控制台程序的输出。 像这样的代码不起作用,因为它仅在控制台程序中写入新行时引发事件,但是我使用的那个“更新”控制台窗口中显示的内容,而不写任何新行。 每次更新控制台中的文本时,如何引发事件? 或者每隔X秒获取一次控制台程序的输出? 提前致谢!


  1. 我需要将控制台更新异步传递给我。
  2. 无论是否输入了换行符,我都需要检测更新。


  1. 启动一个调用StandardOutput.BaseStream.BeginRead的“无限”循环。
  2. BeginRead的回调中,检查EndRead的返回值是否为0 ; 这意味着控制台进程已关闭其输出流(即永远不会再向标准输出写入任何内容)。
  3. 由于BeginRead强制您使用常量长度缓冲区,因此请检查EndRead的返回值是否等于缓冲区大小。 这意味着可能有更多的输出等待读取,并且可能希望(或甚至必要)将该输出全部处理成一个整体。 我所做的是保持一个StringBuilder并附加到目前为止的输出读取。 每当读取输出但其长度为<缓冲区长度时,请通知自己(我用事件做)有输出,将StringBuilder的内容发送给订阅者,然后清除它。

但是 ,就我而言,我只是在控制台的标准输出上写了更多内容。 我不确定在你的情况下“更新”输出意味着什么。

更新:我刚刚意识到(并没有解释你在做什么,这是一次很好的学习经历?)上面列出的逻辑有一个错误的错误:如果BeginRead读取的输出长度恰好等于长度你的缓冲区,然后这个逻辑将输出存储在StringBuilder并阻塞,同时试图查看是否有更多的输出要追加。 只有当有更多输出可用时,“当前”输出才会发回给您,作为较大字符串的一部分。



免责声明:此代码不适合生产。 这是我快速将概念validation解决方案拼凑在一起以完成需要完成的工作的结果。 请不要在生产应用程序中使用它。 如果这段代码会让你发生可怕的事情,我会假装其他人写了它。

 public class ConsoleInputReadEventArgs : EventArgs { public ConsoleInputReadEventArgs(string input) { this.Input = input; } public string Input { get; private set; } } public interface IConsoleAutomator { StreamWriter StandardInput { get; } event EventHandler StandardInputRead; } public abstract class ConsoleAutomatorBase : IConsoleAutomator { protected readonly StringBuilder inputAccumulator = new StringBuilder(); protected readonly byte[] buffer = new byte[256]; protected volatile bool stopAutomation; public StreamWriter StandardInput { get; protected set; } protected StreamReader StandardOutput { get; set; } protected StreamReader StandardError { get; set; } public event EventHandler StandardInputRead; protected void BeginReadAsync() { if (!this.stopAutomation) { this.StandardOutput.BaseStream.BeginRead(this.buffer, 0, this.buffer.Length, this.ReadHappened, null); } } protected virtual void OnAutomationStopped() { this.stopAutomation = true; this.StandardOutput.DiscardBufferedData(); } private void ReadHappened(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { var bytesRead = this.StandardOutput.BaseStream.EndRead(asyncResult); if (bytesRead == 0) { this.OnAutomationStopped(); return; } var input = this.StandardOutput.CurrentEncoding.GetString(this.buffer, 0, bytesRead); this.inputAccumulator.Append(input); if (bytesRead < this.buffer.Length) { this.OnInputRead(this.inputAccumulator.ToString()); } this.BeginReadAsync(); } private void OnInputRead(string input) { var handler = this.StandardInputRead; if (handler == null) { return; } handler(this, new ConsoleInputReadEventArgs(input)); this.inputAccumulator.Clear(); } } public class ConsoleAutomator : ConsoleAutomatorBase, IConsoleAutomator { public ConsoleAutomator(StreamWriter standardInput, StreamReader standardOutput) { this.StandardInput = standardInput; this.StandardOutput = standardOutput; } public void StartAutomate() { this.stopAutomation = false; this.BeginReadAsync(); } public void StopAutomation() { this.OnAutomationStopped(); } } 


 var processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "myprocess.exe", RedirectStandardInput = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, UseShellExecute = false, }; var process = Process.Start(processStartInfo); var automator = new ConsoleAutomator(process.StandardInput, process.StandardOutput); // AutomatorStandardInputRead is your event handler automator.StandardInputRead += AutomatorStandardInputRead; automator.StartAutomate(); // do whatever you want while that process is running process.WaitForExit(); automator.StandardInputRead -= AutomatorStandardInputRead; process.Close(); 


 var startinfo = new ProcessStartInfo(@".\consoleapp.exe") { CreateNoWindow = true, UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true, }; var process = new Process { StartInfo = startinfo }; process.Start(); var reader = process.StandardOutput; while (!reader.EndOfStream) { // the point is that the stream does not end until the process has // finished all of its output. var nextLine = reader.ReadLine(); } process.WaitForExit(); 



  private delegate void DataRead(string data); private static event DataRead OnDataRead; static void Main(string[] args) { OnDataRead += data => Console.WriteLine(data != null ? data : "Program finished"); Thread readingThread = new Thread(Read); ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0], Arguments = "/arg1 arg2", RedirectStandardOutput = true, UseShellExecute = false, }; using (Process process = Process.Start(info)) { readingThread.Start(process); process.WaitForExit(); } readingThread.Join(); } private static void Read(object parameter) { Process process = parameter as Process; char[] buffer = new char[Console.BufferWidth]; int read = 1; while (read > 0) { read = process.StandardOutput.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); string data = read > 0 ? new string(buffer, 0, read) : null; if (OnDataRead != null) OnDataRead(data); } } 


  • 改变读缓冲区大小
  • 做一个好class级
  • 做出更好的事件
  • 在另一个线程中启动进程(这样ui线程不会被Process.WaitForExit阻塞)



MS在这里承认锁定问题: system.io.stream.beginread


此类接受StreamReader的引用,但捕获StreamReader.BaseStream的控制台输出。 DataReceived事件将在到达时永久提供流数据。 在外国控制台应用程序上测试时不阻塞。

  ///  /// Stream reader for StandardOutput and StandardError stream readers /// Runs an eternal BeginRead loop on the underlaying stream bypassing the stream reader. /// /// The TextReceived sends data received on the stream in non delimited chunks. Event subscriber can /// then split on newline characters etc as desired. ///  class AsyncStreamReader { public delegate void EventHandler(object sender, string Data); public event EventHandler DataReceived; protected readonly byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; private StreamReader reader; ///  /// If AsyncStreamReader is active ///  public bool Active { get; private set; } public void Start() { if (!Active) { Active = true; BeginReadAsync(); } } public void Stop() { Active=false; } public AsyncStreamReader(StreamReader readerToBypass) { this.reader = readerToBypass; this.Active = false; } protected void BeginReadAsync() { if (this.Active) { reader.BaseStream.BeginRead(this.buffer, 0, this.buffer.Length, new AsyncCallback(ReadCallback), null); } } private void ReadCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { var bytesRead = reader.BaseStream.EndRead(asyncResult); string data = null; //Terminate async processing if callback has no bytes if (bytesRead > 0) { data = reader.CurrentEncoding.GetString(this.buffer, 0, bytesRead); } else { //callback without data - stop async this.Active = false; } //Send data to event subscriber - null if no longer active if (this.DataReceived != null) { this.DataReceived.Invoke(this, data); } //Wait for more data from stream this.BeginReadAsync(); } } 


4096大小的缓冲区可能更小。 回调将循环,直到所有数据都被提供。


  standardOutput = new AsyncStreamReader(process.StandardOutput); standardError = new AsyncStreamReader(process.StandardError); standardOutput.DataReceived += (sender, data) => { //Code here }; standardError.DataReceived += (sender, data) => { //Code here }; StandardOutput.Start(); StandardError.Start();